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Created November 2, 2015 21:07
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CodeIgniter - blogmodel.php kodsnutt
class BlogModel extends Model {
var $permission_table;
function BlogModel()
function get_url_prefix()
return str_replace("model","",strtolower(get_class($this)));
function list_latest_items($limit=0,$page=0)
$count_items_query=$this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items");
foreach ($count_items_query->result() as $row)
if($limit==0) //If argument limit is zero then there is no limited query.
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date");
} else {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ".$this->db->escape($limit)." ");
$pages=(int) $total_items/$limit;
} else {
if($limit==0) //If argument limit is zero then there is no limited query.
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date");
} else {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ".$this->db->escape($limit).",".$page." ");
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$comments = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_comments WHERE blogid LIKE '$row->id'")->num_rows();
$text.="<br /><br /><p><strong>".$row->preamble."</strong></p><a href=\"./show_item/".$row->id."\">Läs vidare (<span title=\"Antalet kommentarer.\"> $comments </span>)</a><br /><br /><hr /><br />";
$text.="<br /><br />";
//$text.="<a href=\"/blog/page/$i/\">$i</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
//$text.="SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ".$this->db->escape($limit).",".$page." ";
return $text;
function create_edit_item_links()
$text="<h1>Blogg</h1><br />";
$text.="<p><a href=\"".get_class($this)."/create\">Skapa nytt inlägg</a></p><br />";
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date");
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$text.="".$row->title."<br /><a href=\"".get_class($this)."/edit/".$row->id."\">Redigera</a> | <a href=\"".get_class($this)."/delete/".$row->id."\">Ta bort</a> | <a href=\"".get_class($this)."/move/".$row->id."\">Flytta</a> | <a href=\"".get_class($this)."/comments/".$row->id."\">Moderera kommentarer</a><br /><br />";
return $text;
function from_twitter($q)
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_file,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$result = $xml->xpath("/rss/channel/item");
foreach($result[$a] as $key => $attribute) {
$text.="<br /><div class=\"comment\"><div class=\"space\"><p><strong>Från twitter <span class=\"u\"></span></strong>:</p><p>".$attribute."</p></div></div>";
return $text;
function microblog() //For the moment static hack...needs to make it depend on options from admin ui.
$text="<h3>Twitter</h3><hr /><br />";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_file,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$result["content"] = $xml->xpath("/rss/channel/item/title");
foreach($result as $key => $attribute) {
foreach($attribute as $element) {
$text.="<p>".$element."</p><br />";
return $text;
function generate_links_to_blog($limit)
$text="<h3>Bloggen</h3><hr /><br />";
// $permissions=$this->auth->get_session_permissions();
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT ".$this->db->escape($limit)."");
if($query->num_rows() > 0)
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$comments = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_comments WHERE blogid LIKE '$row->id'")->num_rows();
$text.="<p><a href=\"/blog/show_item/".$row->id."\">".$row->title."(<span title=\"Antalet kommentarer.\"> $comments </span>)</a></p>";
} else {
return $text;
function title($id=0)
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT title FROM blog_items WHERE id LIKE ".$this->db->escape($id)."");
return $text;
function description()
$text="Joel Mandells personliga sida, portfolio, projekt samt blogg om öppen källkod, programmering och annat i livet.";
return $text;
function preamble($id=0)
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT preamble FROM blog_items WHERE id LIKE ".$this->db->escape($id)."");
return $text;
function body($id=0)
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT body FROM blog_items WHERE id LIKE ".$this->db->escape($id)."");
return $text;
function list_comments($id=0)
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_comments WHERE blogid LIKE ".$this->db->escape($id)." ORDER BY date");
if($query->num_rows() > 0)
$text.="<br /><hr /><br /><h2>Kommentarer</h2>";
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$text.="<br /><div class=\"comment\"><div class=\"space\"><p><strong>".$row->publisher."&nbsp;skrev&nbsp;<span class=\"u\">".$row->date."</span></strong>:</p>";
} else {
} else {
$text .="<br /><hr /><br /><h2>Kommentarer</h2><br /><p>Hitills inga kommentarer, bli först med att kommentera!</p>";
return $text;
function write_comment($id)
// create the captcha-config
$aCaptchaCfg = array(
//'word' => 'myrandomword', //default: random()
'length' => 6, //default: 5
'img_path' => 'captcha/', //no default !
'img_url' => '../../../captcha/', // no default!
'font_path' => '/Libraries/sys1.7.1/fonts/', // default: ./system/fonts/
'fonts' => array('texb.ttf'), // default: texb.ttf
'font_size' => 10, // default: 18
'img_width' => '180', // default: 170
'img_height' => '30', // default: 60
'expiration' => 7200 // default: 7200
// get captcha-stuff
$this->session->set_userdata(array('security_code' => md5($aCaptcha['word'])));
$text.="<br /><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"../create_comment/$id\"><fieldset><legend>&nbsp;Skriv kommentar&nbsp;</legend>";
$text.="<div class=\"space\">";
$text.="<p>Namn, nick: <br/><input type=\"text\" name=\"nick\" /><textarea class=\"ilu\" rows=\"13\" cols=\"42\" name=\"msg\">Skriv meddelande här..</textarea><br /></p>";
$text.="<p><br />".$aCaptcha['image']."<br />Säkerhets-kod<br /><input type=\"text\" name=\"cap\" /></p>";
$text.="<p><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Publicera!\" /></p></div></fieldset>";
return $text;
function list_item($id)
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items WHERE id LIKE ".$this->db->escape($id)."");
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$text.="<br /><br />Dela med dig av detta inlägget till: <a href=\"".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]."&amp;t=".$row->title."\">Facebook</a> eller ";
$text.="<a href=\"".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]." - ".$row->title."\">Twitter</a>.";
$text.="<br /><br />".$row->preamble."";
$text.="<br />".$row->body."<br />";
return $text;
function admin_functions()
$text="<a href=\"./edit_item_form\">Ändra blogg-post</a>";
return $text;
function create_form_editor()
$text="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/ckeditor/ckeditor.js\"></script>";
return $text;
function create_form($id)
$function_name="create"; //This variable is crucial in all model calls that we are using.
(int) $data=0; //Initialize this with zero.
/*If there is a permission that is set to true for the group(s) that the current user belongs to then
the $data
$text="<h1>Skapa post:</h1><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"/../../blog/create_item/\"><p>Rubrik :<input type=\"\" name=\"title\" value=\"\"/></p><br />";
$text.="<label for=\"preamble\">
<textarea cols=\"30\" id=\"preamble\" name=\"preamble\" rows=\"10\"></textarea>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'preamble',
* Style sheet for the contents
contentsCss : '/assets/output_xhtml.css',
* Core styles.
coreStyles_bold : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Bold'} },
coreStyles_italic : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Italic'}},
coreStyles_underline : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Underline'}},
coreStyles_strike : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'StrikeThrough'}, overrides : 'strike' },
coreStyles_subscript : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Subscript'}, overrides : 'sub' },
coreStyles_superscript : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Superscript'}, overrides : 'sup' },
* Font face
// List of fonts available in the toolbar combo. Each font definition is
// separated by a semi-colon (;). We are using class names here, so each font
// is defined by {Combo Label}/{Class Name}.
font_names : 'Comic Sans MS/FontComic;Courier New/FontCourier;Times New Roman/FontTimes/Trebuchet MS/Tahoma',
// Define the way font elements will be applied to the document. The \"span\"
// element will be used. When a font is selected, the font name defined in the
// above list is passed to this definition with the name \"Font\", being it
// injected in the \"class\" attribute.
// We must also instruct the editor to replace span elements that are used to
// set the font (Overrides).
font_style :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(family)' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^Font(?:Comic|Courier|Times)$/ } } ]
* Font sizes.
fontSize_sizes : 'Smaller/FontSmaller;Larger/FontLarger;8pt/FontSmall;14pt/FontBig;Double Size/FontDouble',
fontSize_style :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(size)' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^Font(?:Smaller|Larger|Small|Big|Double)$/ } } ]
} ,
* Font colors.
colorButton_enableMore : false,
colorButton_colors : 'FontColor1/FF9900,FontColor2/0066CC,FontColor3/F00',
colorButton_foreStyle :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(color)' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^FontColor(?:1|2|3)$/ } } ]
colorButton_backStyle :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(color)BG' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^FontColor(?:1|2|3)BG$/ } } ]
* Indentation.
indentClasses : ['Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'],
* Paragraph justification.
justifyClasses : [ 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyFull' ],
* Styles combo.
stylesSet :
{ name : 'Strong Emphasis', element : 'strong' },
{ name : 'Emphasis', element : 'em' },
{ name : 'Computer Code', element : 'code' },
{ name : 'Keyboard Phrase', element : 'kbd' },
{ name : 'Sample Text', element : 'samp' },
{ name : 'Variable', element : 'var' },
{ name : 'Deleted Text', element : 'del' },
{ name : 'Inserted Text', element : 'ins' },
{ name : 'Cited Work', element : 'cite' },
{ name : 'Inline Quotation', element : 'q' }
<br />";
$text.="<label for=\"body\">
<textarea cols=\"70\" id=\"body\" name=\"body\" rows=\"10\"></textarea>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'body',
* Style sheet for the contents
contentsCss : '/assets/output_xhtml.css',
* Core styles.
coreStyles_bold : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Bold'} },
coreStyles_italic : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Italic'}},
coreStyles_underline : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Underline'}},
coreStyles_strike : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'StrikeThrough'}, overrides : 'strike' },
coreStyles_subscript : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Subscript'}, overrides : 'sub' },
coreStyles_superscript : { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Superscript'}, overrides : 'sup' },
* Font face
// List of fonts available in the toolbar combo. Each font definition is
// separated by a semi-colon (;). We are using class names here, so each font
// is defined by {Combo Label}/{Class Name}.
font_names : 'Comic Sans MS/FontComic;Courier New/FontCourier;Times New Roman/FontTimes/Trebuchet MS/Tahoma',
// Define the way font elements will be applied to the document. The \"span\"
// element will be used. When a font is selected, the font name defined in the
// above list is passed to this definition with the name \"Font\", being it
// injected in the \"class\" attribute.
// We must also instruct the editor to replace span elements that are used to
// set the font (Overrides).
font_style :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(family)' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^Font(?:Comic|Courier|Times)$/ } } ]
* Font sizes.
fontSize_sizes : 'Smaller/FontSmaller;Larger/FontLarger;8pt/FontSmall;14pt/FontBig;Double Size/FontDouble',
fontSize_style :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(size)' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^Font(?:Smaller|Larger|Small|Big|Double)$/ } } ]
} ,
* Font colors.
colorButton_enableMore : false,
colorButton_colors : 'FontColor1/FF9900,FontColor2/0066CC,FontColor3/F00',
colorButton_foreStyle :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(color)' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^FontColor(?:1|2|3)$/ } } ]
colorButton_backStyle :
element : 'span',
attributes : { 'class' : '#(color)BG' },
overrides : [ { element : 'span', attributes : { 'class' : /^FontColor(?:1|2|3)BG$/ } } ]
* Indentation.
indentClasses : ['Indent1', 'Indent2', 'Indent3'],
* Paragraph justification.
justifyClasses : [ 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyFull' ],
* Styles combo.
stylesSet :
{ name : 'Strong Emphasis', element : 'strong' },
{ name : 'Emphasis', element : 'em' },
{ name : 'Computer Code', element : 'code' },
{ name : 'Keyboard Phrase', element : 'kbd' },
{ name : 'Sample Text', element : 'samp' },
{ name : 'Variable', element : 'var' },
{ name : 'Deleted Text', element : 'del' },
{ name : 'Inserted Text', element : 'ins' },
{ name : 'Cited Work', element : 'cite' },
{ name : 'Inline Quotation', element : 'q' }
$text.="<br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Skapa!\" /></form>";
//$text="<h1>Skapa post:</h1><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"/../../blog/create_item/\"><p>Rubrik :<input type=\"\" name=\"title\" value=\"\"/></p>
//<br /><p>Brödtext:</p><textarea name=\"preamble\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"8\"></textarea><br /><br /><p>Sprödtext:</p><textarea name=\"body\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"8\"></textarea><br /><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Skapa!\" /></form>";
} else {
$text="Du har inte tillåtelse att skapa en blogg artikel.";
return $text;
function edit_form($id)
$function_name="edit"; //This variable is crucial in all model calls that we are using.
(int) $data=0; //Initialize this with zero.
/*If there is a permission that is set to true for the group(s) that the current user belongs to then
the $data
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM blog_items WHERE id LIKE ".$this->db->escape($id)."");
$text="<h1>Ändra post:</h1><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"\"><p>Rubrik :<input type=\"\" name=\"title\" value=\"".$query->row()->title."\"/></p>
<br /><p>Brödtext:</p><textarea name=\"preamble\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"8\">".$query->row()->preamble."</textarea><br /><br /><p>Sprödtext:</p><textarea name=\"body\" cols=\"70\" rows=\"8\">".$query->row()->body."</textarea></form>";
} else {
$text="Du har inte tillåtelse att använda editeringsfunktionen för blogg artiklar";
return $text;
function delete_form($id)
$function_name="delete"; //This variable is crucial in all model calls that we are using.
(int) $data=0; //Initialize this with zero.
{ //Granted permission
$text="Du får ta bort!";
} else {
//Dont have permission.
$text="Du har inte tillåtelse att använda raderings-funktionen för blogg artiklar";
return $text;
function move_form($id)
$function_name="move"; //This variable is crucial in all model calls that we are using.
{ //Granted permission
} else {
//Dont have permission.
$text="Du har inte tillåtelse att byta ordning på blogg inläggen.";
return $text;
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