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Created November 2, 2015 21:06
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CodeIgniter - usermodel.php kodsnutt
class UserModel extends Model {
function UserModel()
function content()
$text="<h1>Användargränsnitt.</h1><br /><p>Välj modul att jobba med på höger sida.</p>";
return $text;
function form()
$text="<h1>Logga in</h1><br /><form method=\"post\" action=\"/".$this->get_url_prefix()."/login/\">
<p>Användarnamn:<br /><input type=\"text\" name=\"user\"/></p><p>Lösenord:<br /><input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" /><br /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Logga in\" /></p></form>";
return $text;
function not_active()
$text="<h1>Ej aktivt konto</h1><br /><p>Antingen har du inte bekräftat ett skapat konto, eller så har du blivit inaktiverad av sidans Administratör för olämpligt uppförande.</p>";
return $text;
function links()
$text="Hej <strong>".$this->auth->get_user_name()."</strong>!<br />Du tillhör grupperna:<br /><br />";
foreach($this->auth->get_group_names() as $group)
$text.="<br /><h3>Alternativ</h3><a href=\"/".$this->get_url_prefix()."/logout/\">Logga ut</a><br /><a href=\"/".$this->get_url_prefix()."/account_settings/\">Användarinställningar</a><br /><br /><h3>Hantera modul:</h3>";
return $text;
function get_url_prefix()
return str_replace("model","",strtolower(get_class($this)));
function list_modules()
$text="<form method=\"post\" action=\"/".$this->get_url_prefix()."/choose_module/\"><select id=\"Modul\" name=\"Modul\"><option value=\"Blog\">Blog</option><option value=\"News\">News</option></select><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Ok\" /></form>";
return $text;
function update_account_settings()
$query = $this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM web36829_portfolio.userInformation");
$columns = $query->result_array();
$allowFields[] = array(); //We want to have this. Cause we will just allow post changes for columns that exists.
unset($columns[0]); //Remove the first column. We dont need it!
unset($columns[1]); //And the second one as well...cause they are the id and the userId field.
foreach($columns as $column)
$allowFields[] = $column["Field"]; //Grab the field name.
$text.="<h2>Uppdaterade följande fält:</h2><br />";
$keys = array_keys($_POST); //Get the keys, or in more simplified words, the array field name. In this case the $_POST field names.
foreach($keys as $key)
if(in_array($key,$allowFields) && ($_POST[$key]!="")) //If the column actually is in the table, then we can allow changes to it. And just update if the value is not null.
$this->db->query("update userInformation set ".$key." = ".$this->db->escape($_POST[$key])."");
$text.="<p>".$this->nameui->convert($key).": ".$_POST[$key]."</p>";
return $text;
function account_settings()
$text="<h1>Användarinställningar</h1><br />";
$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
$account_settings_query="select "; //Holds sql query for settings.
/*First we need to get the columns from the userInformation table that hosts the user settings. And then select on userid basis.*/
$query_for_columns=$this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM web36829_portfolio.userInformation");
$columns = $query_for_columns->result_array();
$cols = array();
unset($columns[0]); //Remove the first column. We dont need it!
unset($columns[1]); //And the second one as well...cause they are the id and the userId field.
/*Continue to build the sqlquery for querying settings later on..*/
foreach($columns as $column)
$cols[] = $column["Field"]; //Get values from the field key..
//Format, select column_name,column-name etc.
if($i!=sizeof($columns)-1) $account_settings_query.=",";
//The final building of the query.
$account_settings_query.=" from userInformation where userId like ".$this->session->userdata('userid')."";
$attributes = array('id' => 'update_account_settings'); //Attributes for the form.
$text.=form_open("/../".$this->get_url_prefix()."/account_settings/update",$attributes); //Create the form
//Bring it ON. Query it baby!!
foreach($cols as $col)
$text.="".$this->nameui->convert($col).":<br /><input name=\"".$col."\" type=\"text\" value=\"".$query->row()->$col."\" /><br />";
$text.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Uppdatera\" />";
} else {
return $text;
function activation_finished()
$text="<h2>Slutfört registreringen!</h2><p>Kontot är aktiverat, du kan logga in.</p>";
return $text;
function activation_already_done()
$text="<h2>Stop!</h2><p>Detta kontot är redan aktiverat!</p>";
return $text;
function activation_pending()
$text="<h2>Första steget slutfört</h2><p>Nu behöver du kolla din email för att bekräfta ditt konto!</p>";
return $text;
function register()
// throw the captcha-array to your view and load the view
$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
$attributes = array('id' => '/user');
// create the captcha-config
$aCaptchaCfg = array(
//'word' => 'myrandomword', //default: random()
'length' => 6, //default: 5
'img_path' => 'captcha/', //no default !
'img_url' => '../../../captcha/', // no default!
'font_path' => '/Libraries/sys1.7.1/fonts/', // default: ./system/fonts/
'fonts' => array('texb.ttf'), // default: texb.ttf
'font_size' => 15, // default: 18
'img_width' => '180', // default: 170
'img_height' => '60', // default: 60
'expiration' => 7200 // default: 7200
// get captcha-stuff
$this->session->set_userdata(array('security_code' => strtolower($aCaptcha['word'])));
$text.="<div class=\"right_floating_info\"><div class=\"right_floating_box\"><h3>Eran email adress - viktigt!</h3><p>Efter registreringen skickas nämligen ett aktiverings-email!</p></div></div>
<br /><h2>Registrera</h2>
<p>Användarnamn:<br />
<input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" value=\"".set_value('user')."\" /><br /></p>
<p>Email:<br />
<input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" value=\"".set_value('email')."\"/><br /></p>
<p>Lösenord:<br />
<input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" /><br /><br />".$aCaptcha["image"]."<br /><br /><input type=\"text\" name=\"captcha\" /><br /></p>
<p><input type=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" value=\"Skicka!\" /><br /></p>
return $text;
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