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Created April 8, 2020 22:22
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Extract latex package names from tlmgr log
# Find the names of latex packages installed by tlmgr
# (
# The main reason to do this is so they can be pre-installed to a docker image.
# The latex package install output from tlmgr tends to look like this:
# ```
# tlmgr search --file --global '/multirow.sty'
# TeX Live 2016 is frozen forever and will no
# longer be updated. This happens in preparation for a new release.
# If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
# pretests are available), please read
# Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
# Trying to automatically install missing LaTeX packages...
# tlmgr install multirow
# TeX Live 2016 is frozen forever and will no
# longer be updated. This happens in preparation for a new release.
# ```
# This script identifies the package names from such output
# Change path as needed
latex_log_path <- "temp/latex_package_install_log.txt"
read_lines(latex_log_path) %>%
magrittr::extract(str_detect(., "tlmgr install")) %>%
unique %>%
magrittr::extract(!str_detect(., "package already present")) %>%
map_chr(~str_remove_all(., "tlmgr install ")) %>%
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