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Last active November 6, 2018 08:20
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R function to download all non-folder files in a google drive folder
#' Download all the files in a google drive folder.
#' \code{dribble_data} should be obtained using \code{\link[googledrive]{drive_ls}}.
#' @param dribble_data Data frame of class \code{dribble}.
#' @param folder Path to local folder to download data.
#' @param pattern Optional grep pattern; only file names matching this pattern
#' will be included.
#' @param negate Logical; should only file names that don't match the pattern
#' be included instead?
#' @param overwrite Logical; should existing files be overwritten?
#' @return Data frame of class dribble including the files that were downloaded
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(tidyverse)
#' library(googledrive)
#' # Make a temporary drive folder
#' folder <- drive_mkdir("temp")
#' # Upload example data
#' files <- map(c(drive_example("chicken.csv"), drive_example("chicken.txt")),
#' drive_upload, path = folder)
#' # Download all files in the folder
#' folder_contents <- drive_ls("temp")
#' download_all_files_in_folder(folder_contents, tempdir(), overwrite = TRUE)
#' }
download_all_files_in_folder <- function (dribble_data, folder, pattern = NULL,
negate = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE) {
# Error-checking
assertthat::assert_that(any(grepl("dribble", class(dribble_data))),
msg = "dribble must of class dribble")
# Filter out folders
dribble_data <- dplyr::mutate(
mimeType = purrr::map_chr(drive_resource, "mimeType")
dribble_data <- dplyr::filter(
mimeType != "application/"
# Filter files to download based on pattern
if(!is.null(pattern)) assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::is.string(pattern))
if (!is.null(pattern) & !isTRUE(negate)) {
dribble_data <- dplyr::filter(
grepl(pattern, dribble_data$name)
if (!is.null(pattern) & isTRUE(negate)) {
dribble_data <- dplyr::filter(
!grepl(pattern, dribble_data$name)
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(dribble_data) > 0,
msg = "No data to download under these arguments")
# Download non-folders and anything passing filter
purrr::map(dribble_data$id, googledrive::as_id),
fs::path(folder, dribble_data$name),
overwrite = overwrite
# Return the filtered data that was downloaded
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