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Created February 1, 2021 16:25
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This is a quick little script that converts pelican metadata syntax into pandoc metadata syntax. This is simply as you just need to fence it in with 3-dashes. This adds this to all files in current dir with .md extension.
"""This is a quick little script that converts pelican metadata syntax into
pandoc metadata syntax. This is simply as you just need to fence it in with 3-dashes.
This adds this to all files in current dir with .md extension
from os import walk
def list_files(directory, extension):
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(directory):
return (f for f in filenames if f.endswith('.' + extension))
def add_yaml(files):
for f in files:
# pull file contents into a temp var
f_read = open(directory + f, 'r')
buff =
# add a string to the beginning
new = '---\n' + buff
# find the first double break, which indicates end of title block
new = new.replace('\n\n', '\n---\n\n',1)
f_write = open(directory + f, 'w')
print("Updating file: %s" % f)
if __name__ == "__main__":
directory = '/content/'
files = list_files(directory, "md")
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