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Last active December 17, 2023 09:22
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  • Save joelpalmer/7f92a5a337097f25f6dc8eaeb831028b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joelpalmer/7f92a5a337097f25f6dc8eaeb831028b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zsh functions that change lives
#look up synonym - (word)
# slow and buggy
syn() {
curl -s "$1" | jq '.[].meanings[].definitions[].synonyms[]'
# zd - use zoxide & FZF to find and go to directory
# Not sure why zoxide query -i with FZF doesn't CD
zd() {
local dir
dir=$(zoxide query -l | fzf )
cde $dir
# CD into {dir} and then exag
cde() {
cd $1
# create new rust bin proj, move in to it then open src/ & toml
cn() {
cargo new $1
cd $1
nvim src/ Cargo.toml
# create new rust lib proj, move in to it then open src/ & toml
cnl() {
cargo new $1 --lib
cd $1
nvim src/ Cargo.toml
# rust std docs find: rustup doc get result or search
rds() {
local query
rustup doc --std $1 || (echo "Searching..." && open "$query")
# rust core doc find: rustup doc get result or search
rdc() {
local query
rustup doc --core $1 || (echo "Searching..." && open "$query")
# search the cargo docs
cargodocs() {
open "$1"
# set Active Browser Tab: @titleText → finds tab with title that contains the text
abt() {
osascript ~/dotfiles/osascripts/tabact.scpt $1
# screenshot
sc() {
screencapture -x ~/Screenshots/$1
# --- Github CLI goodness ---
# select and go to gh issue on web
ghi() {
local item
item=$(gh issue list | fzf | awk '{print $1}')
gh issue view $item --web
# select and go to gh pull on web
ghp() {
local item
item=$(gh pr list | fzf | awk '{print $1}')
gh pr view $item --web
# Rerun a Github workflow
ghrr() {
local runid
runid=$(gh run list | fzf | cut -f7)
if [[ -n $runid ]]
gh run rerun $runid
# select a PR and approve it after a short sleep
ghprsa() {
local prid
prid=$(gh pr list -L100 | fzf | cut -f1)
if [[ -n $prid ]]
sleep 635 && gh pr review $prid --approve
# select from all PRs and view in vim
ghprl() {
local prid
prid=$(gh pr list -L100 | fzf | cut -f1)
if [[ -n $prid ]]
gh pr view $prid | nvim -R -c 'set ft=markdown' -c 'norm! zt' -
# select from all PRs and comment (mainly used for dependabot)
ghprc() {
local prid
prid=$(gh pr list -L100 | fzf | cut -f1)
if [[ -n $prid ]]
gh pr comment $prid -e
# select from PRs needing my review and create a todoist task
# proj and label ids are hardcoded - change to yours
# @TODO: allow for todoist options
ghprt() {
local pr
local prid
local title
pr=$(gh pr list -L100 --search "is:open is:pr review-requested:@me" | fzf)
prid=$(echo "$pr" | cut -f1)
title=$(echo "$pr" | cut -f2)
if [[ -n $prid ]]
todoist add "PR Review: $title #$prid" -P 2236720344 -d today -L 2158924977,2159700119 -p 2
echo "Todoist task created for PR $prid"
# view GH issue in Vim
ghiv() {
gh issue view $1 | nvim -R -c 'set ft=markdown' -c 'norm! 8jzt' -
# view GH issue in browser
ghib() {
gh issue view --web $1
# end gh cli goodness --
# create file, add to repo and open
tgav() {
touch $1
git add $1
nvim $1
# node PBT: pull, build, test
npbt() {
git pull
npm ci
npm test
# take, npm init and git init and ignore node_modules
tng() {
take $1 && npm init -y && git init && echo "node_modules" >> .gitignore
# see environment variables
envs() {
# ps eww -o command | tr ' ' '\n'
printenv | fzf
# see node processes
nodes() {
# ps -aef | Rg 'node' --colors 'match:fg:magenta'
ps wup $(pgrep -x node)
# get 12 newest or hottest posts from @subreddit & open selection in browser
# ex: > reddit neovim new
# @subreddit - Required (should default to `neovim` )
# @filter - new(default) | hot | or any listing filter: - Optional
reddit() {
local filter=${2:-new}
local json
local url
# TODO: get a preview with `selftext`-->`\t\(.data.selftext[:30])`
# TODO: make `limit` a variable
# Note: Using SauceCodePro reddit icon in list items. Remove or replace as needed.
json=$(curl -s -A 'Reddit Post Picker' "$1/$filter.json?limit=12" | jq -r '.data.children| .[] | " \(.data.title)\t\(.data.permalink)"')
url=$(echo "$json" | fzf --delimiter='\t' --with-nth=1 | cut -f2)
if [[ -n $url ]]; then
open "$url"
# Shorten Github URL with vanity (url, vanity code) - saves to clipboard! - MacOS - use `pbcopy` equiv for your OS
ghurl() {
curl -i -s -F "url=$1" -F "code=$2" | rg "Location" | cut -f 2 -d " " | pbcopy
# get JSON response from route and make it pretty
csjq() {
curl -s $1 | jq
# changing dirs conditionally
# cdf - cd into the directory of the selected file
cdf() {
local file
local dir
file=$(fzf +m -q "$1") && dir=$(dirname "$file") && cd "$dir"
# find all git repos, select one and CD to its parent dir
cdg() {
local file
local dir
file=$(fd -H -g .git | fzf) && dir=$(dirname "$file") && cd "$dir"
# look up Git worktrees and CD to selected! This was the best idea ever - 
td() {
local wtdir
wtdir=$(git worktree list | fzf | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ -n $wtdir ]]; then
cd "$wtdir"
export LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE=~/.lazygit/newdir
lazygit "$@"
if [ -f $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE ]; then
rm -f $LAZYGIT_NEW_DIR_FILE > /dev/null
# [WIP] find vim-related help. Works but context is not helping. The query is not shown in preview. Only returns path.
fvh() {
rg "$1" --ignore-case --files-with-matches --no-messages ~/notes/ ~/dotfiles/ ~/.vim/ ~/.config/nvim/ /usr/local/Caskroom/neovim-nightly/latest/nvim-osx64/share/nvim/runtime/doc/ ~/vim-dev/ | fzf --preview "highlight -O ansi -l {} 2> /dev/null | rg --colors 'match:bg:yellow' --ignore-case --pretty --context 6 '$1' || rg --ignore-case --pretty --context 6 '$1' {}" --preview-window=up:50% --multi --select-1 --exit-0
# for `vg` grep- find-in-file(s)
fif() {
if [ ! "$#" -gt 0 ]; then echo "Need a string to search for!"; return 1; fi
rg --ignore-case --files-with-matches --no-messages "$1" | fzf --preview "highlight -O ansi -l {} 2> /dev/null | rg --colors 'match:bg:yellow' --ignore-case --pretty --context 6 '$1' || rg --ignore-case --pretty --context 6 '$1' {}" --preview-window=right:60% --multi --select-1 --exit-0
# search for local Vim help using fvh
vh() {
local file
file=$(fvh $1)
if [[ -n $file ]]
nvim $file -c /$1 -c 'norm! n zz'
# find in files - open in Vim - go to 1st search result
# vim - grep - takes a query to grep
vg() {
local file
file=$(fif $1)
if [[ -n $file ]]
nvim $file -c /$1 -c 'norm! n zz'
# find a file and open it fzf → fd → Vim -- no args, looks in cwd - rg to highlight etc
vf() {
IFS=$'\n' files=($(fzf --preview "highlight -O ansi -l {} 2> /dev/null | rg --colors 'match:bg:yellow' --ignore-case --pretty --context 6 '$1' || rg --ignore-case --pretty --context 6 '$1' {}" --preview-window=right:60% --query="$1" --multi --select-1 --exit-0))
[[ -n "$files" ]] && ${EDITOR:-nvim} "${files[@]}"
# search notes and open it in nvim
vn() {
local note
note=$(fd . '/Users/joel/notes' | fzf)
if [[ -n $note ]]
nvim $note
# list vim sessions and select one to open
vs() {
local ses
ses=$(fd . '/Users/joel/vim-sessions' | fzf)
if [[ -n $ses ]]
nvim -S $ses
# todoist cli - list todos then show detail
todos() {
local todo
todo=$(todoist list | fzf | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ -n $todo ]]
todoist show $todo
# find rust crate and install
rc() {
local crate
crate=$(cargo search $1 | fzf | awk '{print $1}')
cargo install $crate
# find word by partial string and pbcopy
word() {
rg $1 /usr/share/dict/words | fzf | pbcopy
# fkill - kill processes - list only the ones you can kill.
fkill() {
local pid
if [ "$UID" != "0" ]; then
pid=$(ps -f -u $UID | sed 1d | fzf -m | awk '{print $2}')
pid=$(ps -ef | sed 1d | fzf -m | awk '{print $2}')
if [ "x$pid" != "x" ]
echo $pid | xargs kill -${1:-9}
# TEMP TRIAL of f() and fm() ---
# Use fd and fzf to get the args to a command.
# Works only with zsh
# Examples:
# f mv # To move files. You can write the destination after selecting the files.
# f 'echo Selected:'
# f 'echo Selected music:' --extention mp3
# fm rm # To rm files in current directory
# @TODO: I am not using this & I need to or remove
f() {
sels=( "${(@f)$(fd "${fd_default[@]}" "${@:2}"| fzf)}" )
test -n "$sels" && print -z -- "$1 ${sels[@]:q:q}"
# @TODO: See above. Kill it? Use it?
# Like f, but not recursive.
fm() f "$@" --max-depth 1
# Deps - may not need these
alias fz="fzf-noempty --bind 'tab:toggle,shift-tab:toggle+beginning-of-line+kill-line,ctrl-j:toggle+beginning-of-line+kill-line,ctrl-t:top' --color=light -1 -m"
fzf-noempty () {
local in="$(</dev/stdin)"
test -z "$in" && (
exit 130
) || {
ec "$in" | fzf "$@"
ec () {
if [[ -n $ZSH_VERSION ]]
print -r -- "$@"
echo -E -- "$@"
# --- end trial
# fgco - checkout git branch/tag, w/ preview showing commits between the tag/branch & HEAD
fgco() {
local tags branches target
git --no-pager branch --all \
--format="%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)%(else)%(if:equals=HEAD)%(refname:strip=3)%(then)%(else)%1B[0;34;1mbranch%09%1B[m%(refname:short)%(end)%(end)" \
| sed '/^$/d') || return
git --no-pager tag | awk '{print "\x1b[35;1mtag\x1b[m\t" $1}') || return
(echo "$branches"; echo "$tags") |
fzf --no-hscroll --no-multi -n 2 \
--ansi --preview="git --no-pager log -150 --pretty=format:%s '..{2}'") || return
git checkout $(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$target" )
# delete a branch, works like fgco!
fgdb() {
local tags branches target
git --no-pager branch --all \
--format="%(if)%(HEAD)%(then)%(else)%(if:equals=HEAD)%(refname:strip=3)%(then)%(else)%1B[0;34;1mbranch%09%1B[m%(refname:short)%(end)%(end)" \
| sed '/^$/d') || return
git --no-pager tag | awk '{print "\x1b[35;1mtag\x1b[m\t" $1}') || return
(echo "$branches"; echo "$tags") |
fzf --no-hscroll --no-multi -n 2 \
--ansi --preview="git --no-pager log -150 --pretty=format:%s '..{2}'") || return
git branch -D $(awk '{print $2}' <<<"$target" )
# from the rga ripgrep-all README - integrating with FZF for PDF etc greppin'
rgaf() {
RG_PREFIX="rga --files-with-matches"
local file
fzf --sort --preview="[[ ! -z {} ]] && rga --pretty --context 5 {q} {}" \
--phony -q "$1" \
--bind "change:reload:$RG_PREFIX {q}" \
)" &&
# might want to convert to text and open the text file instead or as an option
echo "opening $file" &&
open "$file"
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