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Created May 18, 2013 23:49
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# aggregator/sources/1
# BBC Feeds 82 articles, 20 per page shown.
$ bbranches 5198078e48bc9 1896060-twig-aggregator
=== 8.x..8.x compared (5198078e48bc9..519807e737082):
ct : 37,804|37,806|2|0.0%
wt : 284,085|277,540|-6,545|-2.3%
cpu : 253,007|248,977|-4,030|-1.6%
mu : 11,494,656|11,494,656|0|0.0%
pmu : 11,669,976|11,669,976|0|0.0%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
=== 8.x..1896060-twig-aggregator compared (5198078e48bc9..5198081096293):
ct : 37,804|38,964|1,160|3.1%
wt : 284,085|281,424|-2,661|-0.9%
cpu : 253,007|252,565|-442|-0.2%
mu : 11,494,656|11,929,680|435,024|3.8%
pmu : 11,669,976|12,096,408|426,432|3.7%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
ct = function calls, wt = wall time, cpu = cpu time used, mu = memory usage, pmu = peak memory usage
The registry has been rebuilt. [success]
'all' cache was cleared in self [success]
[ joel@Joels-MacBook-Pro(2.01) 4:01:03pm ] ~/Sites/d8prof/html
[ 8.x ] $ bbranches 5198078e48bc9 1896060-twig-aggregator
=== 8.x..8.x compared (5198078e48bc9..5198099e34dab):
ct : 37,804|37,805|1|0.0%
wt : 284,085|286,477|2,392|0.8%
cpu : 253,007|251,869|-1,138|-0.4%
mu : 11,494,656|11,494,648|-8|-0.0%
pmu : 11,669,976|11,669,968|-8|-0.0%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
=== 8.x..1896060-twig-aggregator compared (5198078e48bc9..519809d130bda):
ct : 37,804|38,944|1,140|3.0%
wt : 284,085|287,370|3,285|1.2%
cpu : 253,007|259,836|6,829|2.7%
mu : 11,494,656|11,929,648|434,992|3.8%
pmu : 11,669,976|12,097,112|427,136|3.7%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
# aggregator/categories
# 1 category showing 4 articles tagged, showing 3 most recent.
[ 8.x ] $ bbranches 51981144ebd60 1896060-twig-aggregator
=== 8.x..8.x compared (51981144ebd60..519811c384f48):
ct : 27,644|27,644|0|0.0%
wt : 231,458|227,598|-3,860|-1.7%
cpu : 200,463|200,706|243|0.1%
mu : 11,305,880|11,305,880|0|0.0%
pmu : 11,458,760|11,458,760|0|0.0%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
=== 8.x..1896060-twig-aggregator compared (51981144ebd60..519811e91a029):
ct : 27,644|27,721|77|0.3%
wt : 231,458|223,913|-7,545|-3.3%
cpu : 200,463|198,177|-2,286|-1.1%
mu : 11,305,880|11,365,344|59,464|0.5%
pmu : 11,458,760|11,517,992|59,232|0.5%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
ct = function calls, wt = wall time, cpu = cpu time used, mu = memory usage, pmu = peak memory usage
[ 8.x ] $ bbranches 51981144ebd60 1896060-twig-aggregator
ct : 27,644|27,644|0|0.0%
wt : 231,458|225,290|-6,168|-2.7%
cpu : 200,463|196,781|-3,682|-1.8%
mu : 11,305,880|11,305,856|-24|-0.0%
pmu : 11,458,760|11,458,448|-312|-0.0%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
ct : 27,644|27,721|77|0.3%
wt : 231,458|224,391|-7,067|-3.1%
cpu : 200,463|200,041|-422|-0.2%
mu : 11,305,880|11,365,368|59,488|0.5%
pmu : 11,458,760|11,517,544|58,784|0.5%
<a href="">Profiler output</a>
ct = function calls, wt = wall time, cpu = cpu time used, mu = memory usage, pmu = peak memory usage
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