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Created April 16, 2012 18:32
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Mouse pointer anchored tooltip for Autohotkey
; update mouse tooltip position this often, in ms
; 10 ms looks the smoothest, but you may prefer a higher value
; if the CPU load is too high with 10 ms
MouseTipUpdateInterval := 10
; a usage example
Tip("This is an example mousetip.")
;; Summon a mouse pointer anchored tooltip.
;; tip: message to show in tooltip
;; duration: how long the tooltip should persist; omit to let Tip() decide based on length of message
Tip(tip, duration = 0)
global Tooltip
; Show our tip immediately
Tooltip := tip
; Set the duration of the tip automatically unless specified
if (duration == 0)
duration := 100 * StrLen(Tooltip)
; Hide tip after duration
SetTimer, HideMouseTip, %duration%
global MouseTipUpdateInterval
; turn mouse tip on
SetTimer, ShowMouseTip, %MouseTipUpdateInterval%
; let the timer tick, so the tip gets updated
; right after being turned on; a successive
; Send could block the timer otherwise
Sleep % MouseTipUpdateInterval * 2
SetTimer, ShowMouseTip, Off
SetTimer, HideMouseTip, Off
SetTimer, ShowMouseTip, 1 ; "undelayed"
global LastMouseTipX, LastMouseTipY
; this forces the mouse tip to get updated next timer tick
LastMouseTipX := LastMouseTipY := 0
SetTimer, ShowMouseTip, %MouseTipUpdateInterval%
CoordMode Mouse, Relative
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
if (LastMouseTipMsg != Tooltip || LastMouseTipX != xpos || LastMouseTipY != ypos)
LastMouseTipMsg := Tooltip
LastMouseTipX := xpos
LastMouseTipY := ypos
tip := Tooltip
ToolTip, %tip%, xpos + 25, ypos + 10
Tooltip := ""
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