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Created April 16, 2012 18:34
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Save joelpt/2400562 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Type <sitename> in Google Chrome for Autohotkey
;; Chrome has been seen with any of these class names
GroupAdd, GoogleChrome, ahk_class Chrome_WindowImpl_0
GroupAdd, GoogleChrome, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0
GroupAdd, GoogleChrome, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
;; My email domain name
EmailDomainName := ""
;; Send
#IfWinActive ahk_group GoogleChrome
SetTitleMatchMode, Slow
WinGetText, addr, A
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "s).*\n(.+)", "$1")
addr := ExtractAddress(addr)
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "^.+\n(.+)$", "$1")
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "^.*https?://", "")
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "/.+$", "")
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "(.+)\.\w+?[/\?].+?$", "$1")
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "^(\w+)\.(\w+)\.(\w+)$", "$2")
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "^(\w+)\.(\w+)$", "$1")
addr := RegExReplace(addr, "^\s*(.+)\s*$", "$1")
addr := addr . "@" . EmailDomainName
Send %addr%
;; utility functions
; This probably needs to be broken into a path regex and a path+filename regex, so we can
; do some kind of file extension check first and drop possible crap from the end of it
output := ""
str := RegExReplace(str, "Address:", "") ; known cleanup for Win Explorer and perhaps others (wants to match s:)
str := " " str " "
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)[\s\n](([a-zA-Z]:|\\\\\w+)([\\/]([\w \d\-\.]+\$?))*)", match)) ; local/UNC path
path := match1
if (InStr(FileExist(path), "D"))
output := path "\"
path := RegExReplace(path, "(.+)[\\/].*", "$1")
if (InStr(FileExist(path), "D"))
output := path "\"
return output
return ExtractPath(WinGetTitle(pattern) "`n" WinGetText(pattern))
;; Extracts an address from anywhere in str.
;; Recognized addresses include URLs, email addresses, domain names, Windows local paths, and Windows UNC paths.
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)((http|https|ftp|mailto:)://[\S]+)", match))
return match1
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)(\w+@[\w.]+\.(com|net|org|gov|cc|edu|info))", match))
return "mailto:" . match1
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)(www\.\S+)", match))
return "http://" . match1
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)(\w+\.(com|net|org|gov|cc|edu|info))", match))
return "http://" . match1
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)([a-zA-Z]:[\\/][\\/\-_.,\d\w\s]+)", match))
return match1
if (RegExMatch(str, "S)(\\\\[\w\-]+\\.+)", match))
return match1
return ""
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