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Forked from hotpaw2/RecordAudio.swift
Created January 18, 2017 16:35
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This is a quick&dirty example of a Swift 3.0 class that can read buffers of microphone input samples using iOS RemoteIO with the Audio Unit v3 API
// RecordAudio.swift
// This is a Swift 3.0 class
// that uses the iOS Audio Unit v3 API and RemoteIO Audio Unit
// to record audio input samples,
// (should be instantiated as a singleton object.)
// Created by Ronald Nicholson on 10/21/16.
// Copyright © 2016 HotPaw Productions. All rights reserved.
// BSD 2-clause license
import Foundation
import AVFoundation
import AudioUnit
// call setupAudioSessionForRecording() during controlling view load
// call startRecording() to start recording in a later UI call
final class RecordAudio: NSObject {
var auAudioUnit: AUAudioUnit! = nil
var enableRecording = true
var audioSessionActive = false
var audioSetupComplete = false
var isRecording = false
var sampleRate : Double = 48000.0 // desired audio sample rate
let circBuffSize = 32768 // lock-free circular fifo/buffer size
var circBuffer = [Float](repeating: 0, count: 32768)
var circInIdx : Int = 0 // sample input index
var circOutIdx : Int = 0 // sample output index
var audioLevel : Float = 0.0
private var micPermissionRequested = false
private var micPermissionGranted = false
// for restart from audio interruption notification
private var audioInterrupted = false
private var renderBlock : AURenderBlock? = nil
func startRecording() {
if isRecording { return }
if audioSessionActive == false {
// configure and activate Audio Session, this might change the sampleRate
guard micPermissionGranted && audioSessionActive else { return }
let audioFormat = AVAudioFormat(
commonFormat: AVAudioCommonFormat.pcmFormatInt16, // pcmFormatInt16, pcmFormatFloat32,
sampleRate: Double(sampleRate), // 44100.0 48000.0
channels:AVAudioChannelCount(2), // 1 or 2
interleaved: true ) // true for interleaved stereo
if (auAudioUnit == nil) {
setupRemoteIOAudioUnitForRecord(audioFormat: audioFormat)
renderBlock = auAudioUnit.renderBlock // returns AURenderBlock()
if ( enableRecording
&& micPermissionGranted
&& audioSetupComplete
&& audioSessionActive
&& isRecording == false ) {
auAudioUnit.isInputEnabled = true
auAudioUnit.outputProvider = { // AURenderPullInputBlock()
(actionFlags, timestamp, frameCount, inputBusNumber, inputData) -> AUAudioUnitStatus in
if let block = self.renderBlock { // AURenderBlock?
let err : OSStatus = block(actionFlags,
if err == noErr {
// save samples from current input buffer to circular buffer
inputDataList: inputData,
frameCount: UInt32(frameCount) )
let err2 : AUAudioUnitStatus = noErr
return err2
do {
circInIdx = 0 // initialize circular buffer pointers
circOutIdx = 0
try auAudioUnit.allocateRenderResources()
try auAudioUnit.startHardware() // equivalent to AudioOutputUnitStart ???
isRecording = true
} catch {
// placeholder for error handling
func stopRecording() {
if (isRecording) {
isRecording = false
if (audioSessionActive) {
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
do {
try audioSession.setActive(false)
} catch /* let error as NSError */ {
audioSessionActive = false
private func recordMicrophoneInputSamples( // process RemoteIO Buffer from mic input
inputDataList : UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>,
frameCount : UInt32 )
let inputDataPtr = UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer(inputDataList)
let mBuffers : AudioBuffer = inputDataPtr[0]
let count = Int(frameCount)
let bufferPointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mBuffers.mData)
var j = self.circInIdx // current circular array input index
let n = self.circBuffSize
var audioLevelSum : Float = 0.0
if let bptr = bufferPointer?.assumingMemoryBound(to: Int16.self) {
for i in 0..<(count/2) {
// Save samples in circular buffer for latter processing
self.circBuffer[j ] = Float(bptr[i+i ]) // Stereo Left
self.circBuffer[j + 1] = Float(bptr[i+i+1]) // Stereo Right
j += 2 ; if j >= n { j = 0 } // Circular buffer looping
// Microphone Input Analysis
let x = Float(bptr[i+i ])
let y = Float(bptr[i+i+1])
audioLevelSum += x * x + y * y
OSMemoryBarrier(); // from libkern/OSAtomic.h
self.circInIdx = j // circular index will always be less than size
if audioLevelSum > 0.0 && count > 0 {
audioLevel = logf(audioLevelSum / Float(count))
// set up and activate Audio Session
func setupAudioSessionForRecording() {
do {
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
if (micPermissionGranted == false) {
if (micPermissionRequested == false) {
micPermissionRequested = true
audioSession.requestRecordPermission({(granted: Bool)-> Void in
if granted {
self.micPermissionGranted = true
} else {
self.enableRecording = false
// dispatch in main/UI thread an alert
// informing that mic permission is not switched on
if enableRecording {
try audioSession.setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord)
let preferredIOBufferDuration = 0.0053 // 5.3 milliseconds = 256 samples
try audioSession.setPreferredSampleRate(sampleRate) // at 48000.0
try audioSession.setPreferredIOBufferDuration(preferredIOBufferDuration)
forName: NSNotification.Name.AVAudioSessionInterruption,
object: nil,
queue: nil,
using: myAudioSessionInterruptionHandler )
try audioSession.setActive(true)
audioSessionActive = true
} catch /* let error as NSError */ {
// placeholder for error handling
// find and set up the sample format for the RemoteIO Audio Unit
private func setupRemoteIOAudioUnitForRecord(audioFormat : AVAudioFormat) {
do {
let audioComponentDescription = AudioComponentDescription(
componentType: kAudioUnitType_Output,
componentSubType: kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO,
componentManufacturer: kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple,
componentFlags: 0,
componentFlagsMask: 0 )
try auAudioUnit = AUAudioUnit(componentDescription: audioComponentDescription)
// bus 1 is for data that the microphone exports out to the handler block
let bus1 = auAudioUnit.outputBusses[1]
try bus1.setFormat(audioFormat) // for microphone bus
audioSetupComplete = true
} catch /* let error as NSError */ {
// placeholder for error handling
private func myAudioSessionInterruptionHandler(notification: Notification) -> Void {
let interuptionDict = notification.userInfo
if let interuptionType = interuptionDict?[AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey] {
let interuptionVal = AVAudioSessionInterruptionType(
rawValue: (interuptionType as AnyObject).uintValue )
if interuptionVal == AVAudioSessionInterruptionType.began {
// [self beginInterruption];
if isRecording {
isRecording = false
audioInterrupted = true
} else if interuptionVal == AVAudioSessionInterruptionType.ended {
// [self endInterruption];
if audioInterrupted {
do {
if audioSessionActive == false {
let audioSession = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try audioSession.setActive(true)
audioSessionActive = true
if auAudioUnit.renderResourcesAllocated == false {
try auAudioUnit.allocateRenderResources()
try auAudioUnit.startHardware()
isRecording = true
} catch {
// placeholder for error handling
} // end of RecordAudio class
// eof
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bambuh commented Apr 6, 2020

Hello, I try to use your code but I get -50 OSStatus on line 83.
I successfully get buffers if I add try auAudioUnit.inputBusses[0].setFormat(audioFormat) on line 222 but in this case I hear recorded sound through builtin speaker. Can you suggest something?

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