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Last active August 17, 2021 09:15
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TypeScript definition files for miscellaneous Protocol Labs projects
export as namespace CID
export = CID
type Buffer = any
interface SerializedCID {
codec: string
version: number
multihash: Buffer
declare class CID {
constructor(version: number, codec: string, multihash: Buffer)
static isCID(other: any): boolean
static validateCID(other: any): void
codec: string
version: number
multihash: Buffer
buffer: Buffer
prefix: Buffer
toV0(): CID
toV1(): CID
toBaseEncodedString(base?: string): string
toJSON(): SerializedCID
equals(other: CID): boolean
/// <reference path="./multiaddr.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./multihash.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./cid.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./libp2p.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./ipld.d.ts" />
export as namespace ipfs
export = IPFS
type Callback<T> = (error: Error, result?: T) => void
type VoidCallback = (error?: Error) => void
declare class IPFS {
constructor(options: IPFS.Options)
types: IPFS.Types
init(options: IPFS.InitOptions, callback: Callback<boolean>)
init(callback: Callback<boolean>)
preStart(callback: Callback<any>)
start(callback?: Callback<any>)
stop(callback?: VoidCallback)
isOnline(): boolean
version(options: any, callback: (error: Error, version: IPFS.Version) => void)
version(options: any): Promise<IPFS.Version>
version(callback: (error: Error, version: IPFS.Version) => void)
version(): Promise<IPFS.Version>
id(options: any, callback: (error: Error, version: IPFS.Id) => void)
id(options: any): Promise<IPFS.Id>
id(callback: (error: Error, version: IPFS.Id) => void)
id(): Promise<IPFS.Id>
repo: IPFS.RepoAPI
bootstrap: any
config: any
block: any
object: IPFS.ObjectAPI
dag: IPFS.DagAPI
libp2p: libp2p.Node
swarm: IPFS.SwarmAPI
files: IPFS.FilesAPI
bitswap: any
// TODO: figure out why just .libp2p doesn't actually work
_libp2pNode: libp2p.Node
_ipld: IPLD
ping(callback: (error: Error) => void)
ping(): Promise<void>
pubsub: libp2p.PubSubAPI
on(event: string, callback: (error?: string) => void): IPFS
once(event: string, callback: () => void): IPFS
declare namespace IPFS {
export interface Options {
init?: boolean
start?: boolean
repo?: string
config?: any
libp2p?: {
modules?: {
[module: string]: any
config?: {
peerDiscovery?: {
[id: string]: { enabled: boolean; [prop: string]: any }
dht?: {
[property: string]: any
relay?: {
enabled?: boolean
hop?: {
enabled?: boolean
active?: boolean
export interface InitOptions {
emptyRepo?: boolean
bits?: number
log?: Function
export interface Types {
Buffer: {
other: string | number[] | Object | Buffer | ArrayBuffer,
format?: string
): Buffer
PeerId: libp2p.PeerId
PeerInfo: libp2p.PeerInfo
multiaddr: Multiaddr
multihash: Multihash
CID: { new (version: number, codec: string, multihash: Buffer): CID }
export interface Version {
version: string
repo: string
commit: string
export interface Id {
id: string
publicKey: string
addresses: Multiaddr[]
agentVersion: string
protocolVersion: string
export interface RepoAPI {
init(bits: number, empty: boolean, callback: Callback<any>)
version(options: any, callback: Callback<any>)
version(callback: Callback<any>)
path(): string
export type FileContent = Object | Buffer | Blob | string
export interface IPFSFile {
path: string
hash: string
size: number
content?: FileContent
export interface FilesAPI {
createAddStream(options: any, callback: Callback<any>)
createAddStream(callback: Callback<any>)
createPullStream(options: any): any
add(data: FileContent, options: any, callback: Callback<IPFSFile[]>)
add(data: FileContent, options: any): Promise<IPFSFile[]>
add(data: FileContent, callback: Callback<IPFSFile[]>)
add(data: FileContent): Promise<IPFSFile[]>
cat(hash: Multihash, callback: Callback<FileContent>)
cat(hash: Multihash): Promise<FileContent>
cat(hash: string, callback: Callback<FileContent>)
cat(hash: string): Promise<FileContent>
get(hash: Multihash, callback: Callback<IPFSFile[]>)
get(hash: Multihash): Promise<IPFSFile[]>
get(hash: string, callback: Callback<IPFSFile[]>)
get(hash: string): Promise<IPFSFile[]>
getPull(hash: Multihash, callback: Callback<any>)
getPull(hash: Multihash): Promise<any>
getPull(hash: string, callback: Callback<any>)
getPull(hash: string): Promise<any>
export interface PeersOptions {
v?: boolean
verbose?: boolean
export interface Peer {
addr: Multiaddr
peer: libp2p.PeerInfo
export interface SwarmAPI {
peers(options: PeersOptions, callback: Callback<Peer[]>)
peers(options: PeersOptions): Promise<Peer[]>
peers(callback: Callback<Peer[]>)
peers(): Promise<Peer[]>
addrs(callback: Callback<libp2p.PeerInfo[]>)
addrs(): Promise<libp2p.PeerInfo[]>
localAddrs(callback: Callback<Multiaddr[]>)
localAddrs(): Promise<Multiaddr[]>
connect(maddr: Multiaddr | string, callback: Callback<any>)
connect(maddr: Multiaddr | string): Promise<any>
disconnect(maddr: Multiaddr | string, callback: Callback<any>)
disconnect(maddr: Multiaddr | string): Promise<any>
filters(callback: Callback<void>): never
export type DAGNode = any
export type DAGLink = any
export type DAGLinkRef = DAGLink | any
export type Obj = BufferSource | Object
export interface ObjectStat {
Hash: Multihash
NumLinks: number
BlockSize: number
LinksSize: number
DataSize: number
CumulativeSize: number
export interface PutObjectOptions {
enc?: any
export interface GetObjectOptions {
enc?: any
export interface ObjectPatchAPI {
multihash: Multihash,
link: DAGLink,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<any>
multihash: Multihash,
link: DAGLink,
options: GetObjectOptions
): Promise<any>
addLink(multihash: Multihash, link: DAGLink, callback: Callback<any>)
addLink(multihash: Multihash, link: DAGLink): Promise<any>
multihash: Multihash,
linkRef: DAGLinkRef,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<any>
multihash: Multihash,
linkRef: DAGLinkRef,
options: GetObjectOptions
): Promise<any>
rmLink(multihash: Multihash, linkRef: DAGLinkRef, callback: Callback<any>)
rmLink(multihash: Multihash, linkRef: DAGLinkRef): Promise<any>
multihash: Multihash,
data: any,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<any>
multihash: Multihash,
data: any,
options: GetObjectOptions
): Promise<any>
appendData(multihash: Multihash, data: any, callback: Callback<any>)
appendData(multihash: Multihash, data: any): Promise<any>
multihash: Multihash,
data: any,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<any>
multihash: Multihash,
data: any,
options: GetObjectOptions
): Promise<any>
setData(multihash: Multihash, data: any, callback: Callback<any>)
setData(multihash: Multihash, data: any): Promise<any>
export interface ObjectAPI {
"new"(template: "unixfs-dir", callback: Callback<DAGNode>)
"new"(callback: Callback<DAGNode>)
"new"(): Promise<DAGNode>
put(obj: Obj, options: PutObjectOptions, callback: Callback<CID>)
put(obj: Obj, options: PutObjectOptions): Promise<CID>
put(obj: Obj, callback: Callback<CID>)
put(obj: Obj): Promise<CID>
multihash: Multihash,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<any>
get(multihash: Multihash, options: GetObjectOptions): Promise<any>
get(multihash: Multihash, callback: Callback<any>)
get(multihash: Multihash): Promise<any>
multihash: Multihash,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<any>
data(multihash: Multihash, options: GetObjectOptions): Promise<any>
data(multihash: Multihash, callback: Callback<any>)
data(multihash: Multihash): Promise<any>
multihash: Multihash,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<DAGLink[]>
links(multihash: Multihash, options: GetObjectOptions): Promise<DAGLink[]>
links(multihash: Multihash, callback: Callback<DAGLink[]>)
links(multihash: Multihash): Promise<DAGLink[]>
multihash: Multihash,
options: GetObjectOptions,
callback: Callback<ObjectStat>
stat(multihash: Multihash, options: GetObjectOptions): Promise<ObjectStat>
stat(multihash: Multihash, callback: Callback<ObjectStat>)
stat(multihash: Multihash): Promise<ObjectStat>
patch: ObjectPatchAPI
type DagGetResult = {
value: any
remainderPath: string
interface DagGetOptions {
localResolve?: boolean
type DagTreeResult = string[]
interface DagTreeOptions {
recursive?: boolean
export interface DagAPI {
put(dagNode: any, options: Object, callback: Callback<CID>)
put(dagNode: any, options: Object): Promise<CID>
cid: string | CID,
path: string,
options: DagGetOptions,
callback: Callback<DagGetResult>
cid: string | CID,
path: string,
options: DagGetOptions
): Promise<DagGetResult>
get(cid: string | CID, path: string, callback: Callback<DagGetResult>)
get(cid: string | CID, path: string): Promise<DagGetResult>
get(cid: string | CID, callback: Callback<DagGetResult>)
get(cid: string | CID): Promise<DagGetResult>
cid: string | CID,
path: string,
options: DagTreeOptions,
callback: Callback<DagTreeResult>
cid: string | CID,
path: string,
options: DagTreeOptions
): Promise<DagTreeResult>
tree(cid: string | CID, path: string, callback: Callback<DagTreeResult>)
tree(cid: string | CID, path: string): Promise<DagTreeResult>
cid: string | CID,
options: DagTreeOptions,
callback: Callback<DagTreeResult>
tree(cid: string | CID, options: DagTreeOptions): Promise<DagTreeResult>
tree(cid: string | CID, callback: Callback<DagTreeResult>)
tree(cid: string | CID): Promise<DagTreeResult>
export function createNode(options: Options): IPFS
/// <reference path="./multiaddr.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./cid.d.ts" />
export as namespace IPLD
export = IPLD
type Callback<T> = (error: Error, result?: T) => void
type Result = { remainderPath: string; value: {} }
interface BlockService {}
interface Resolver {
multicodec: string
defaultHashAlg: string
resolve(binaryBlob: Buffer, path: string, callback: Callback<Result>)
tree(binaryBlob: Buffer, callback: Callback<string[]>)
interface Util {
serialize(dagNode: {}, callback: Callback<Buffer>)
deserialize(binaryBlob: Buffer, callback: Callback<{}>)
binaryBlob: Buffer,
options: { version?: string; hashAlg?: string },
callback: Callback<CID>
cid(binaryBlob: Buffer, callback: Callback<CID>)
interface Format {
util: Util
resolver: Resolver
type GetOptions = { localResolve?: boolean }
type PutOptions = { cid: CID } | { hashAlg: string; format: string }
declare interface IPLD {
bs: BlockService
resolvers: { [name: string]: Format }
put(node: {}, options: PutOptions, callback: Callback<CID>)
get(cid: CID, path: string, options: GetOptions, callback: Callback<Result>)
get(cid: CID, path: string, callback: Callback<Result>)
get(cid: CID, options: GetOptions, callback: Callback<Result>)
get(cid: CID, callback: Callback<Result>)
remove(cid: CID, callback: Callback<void>)
support: {
add(multicodec: string, resolver: Resolver, util: Util)
rm(multicodec: string)
/// <reference path="./multiaddr.d.ts" />
import { create } from "domain"
export as namespace libp2p
export = libp2p
type Callback<T> = (error: Error, result?: T) => void
type VoidCallback = (error?: Error) => void
declare namespace libp2p {
type Peer = PeerInfo | PeerId | Multiaddr | string
export class Node {
constructor(peerInfo: PeerInfo, peerBook: PeerBook, options: Object)
stop(callback?: VoidCallback)
stop(callback?: VoidCallback)
dial(peer: Peer, callback: Callback<Connection>)
dialProtocol(peer: Peer, protocol: string, callback: Callback<Connection>)
hangUp(peer: Peer, callback: VoidCallback)
peerBook: PeerBook
peerRouting: PeerRoutingAPI
contentRouting: ContentRoutingAPI
pubsub: PubSubAPI
protocol: string,
handlerFunc: (protocol: string, conn: Connection) => void,
matchFunc?: (
protocol: string,
requestedProtocol: string,
callback: (error: Error, match: boolean) => void
) => void
unhandle(protocol: string)
on(event: string, handler: (peer: PeerInfo) => void)
isStarted(): boolean
ping(peer: Peer, options: Object, callback: Callback<void>)
ping(peer: Peer, callback: Callback<void>)
interface PeerRoutingAPI {
findPeer(id: PeerId, callback: Callback<PeerInfo>)
interface ContentRoutingAPI {
findProviders(key: Buffer, timeout: number, callback: Callback<void>)
provide(key: Buffer, callback: Callback<void>)
export interface Message {
from: string
seqno: Buffer
data: Buffer
topicIDs: string[]
export interface PubSubAPI {
topic: string,
handler: (msg: Message) => void,
options: Object,
callback: VoidCallback
topic: string,
handler: (msg: Message) => void,
options: Object
): Promise<void>
unsubscribe(topic: string, handler: (msg: Message) => void)
publish(topic: string, data: Buffer, callback: VoidCallback)
publish(topic: string, data: Buffer): Promise<void>
ls(callback: Callback<string[]>)
ls(): Promise<string[]>
peers(topic: string, callback: Callback<string[]>)
peers(topic: string): Promise<string[]>
export interface Connection {
getObservedAddrs(callback: Callback<Multiaddr[]>)
getPeerInfo(callback: Callback<PeerInfo>)
setPeerInfo(peerInfo: PeerInfo)
interface PeerJSON {
id: string
pubKey: string
privKey: string
export class PeerInfo {
constructor(id?: PeerId)
create(callback: Callback<PeerInfo>)
create(id: PeerId | PeerJSON, callback: Callback<PeerInfo>)
id: PeerId
multiaddrs: Multiaddr[]
export class PeerId {
constructor(id: Buffer)
constructor(id: Buffer, privKey: any, pubKey: any)
create(options: Object, callback: Callback<PeerId>)
createFromHexString(str: string): PeerId
createFromBytes(buf: Buffer): PeerId
createFromB58String(str: string): PeerId
createFromPubKey(pubKey: Buffer): PeerId
createFromPrivKey(privKey: Buffer): PeerId
createFromJSON(options: PeerJSON): PeerId
toHexString(): string
toBytes(): Buffer
toB58String(): string
toJSON(): PeerJSON
toPrint(): PeerJSON
isEqual(id: PeerId | Buffer): boolean
export interface PeerBook {
put(peerInfo: PeerInfo, replace: boolean): PeerInfo
get(peer: Peer): PeerInfo
has(peer: Peer): boolean
getAll(): { [id: string]: PeerInfo }
getAllArray(): PeerInfo[]
getMultiaddrs(peer: Peer): Multiaddr[]
remove(peer: Peer)
export as namespace Multiaddr
export = Multiaddr
type Buffer = any
declare class Multiaddr {
constructor(addr: String | Buffer | Multiaddr)
// Static
static fromNodeAddress(addr: String, transport: String): Multiaddr
static protocols: Multiaddr.Protocol[]
static isMultiaddr: (addr: Multiaddr) => boolean
static isName: (addr: Multiaddr) => boolean
static resolve: (
addr: Multiaddr,
callback: (addrs: Multiaddr[]) => void
) => boolean
// Instance
buffer: Buffer
toString: () => string
toOptions: () => {
family: string
host: string
transport: string
port: string
inspect: () => string
protos: () => Multiaddr.Protocol[]
protoCodes: () => number[]
protoNames: () => string[]
tuples: () => [number, Buffer][]
stringTuples: () => [number, string | number][]
encapsulate: (addr: Multiaddr) => Multiaddr
decapsulate: (addr: Multiaddr) => Multiaddr
getPeerId: () => string | null
equals: (addr: Multiaddr) => boolean
nodeAddress: () => { family: string; address: string; port: string }
isThinWaistAddress: (addr?: Multiaddr) => boolean
fromStupidString: (str?: string) => void
declare namespace Multiaddr {
export interface Protocol {
code: number
size: number
name: string
export as namespace Multihash
export = Multihash
type Buffer = any
interface Multihash {
toHexString: (hash: Buffer) => string
fromHexString: (hash: string) => Buffer
toB58String: (hash: Buffer) => string
fromB58String: (hash: string) => Buffer
decode: (
buf: Buffer
) => {
code: number
name: string
length: number
digest: Buffer
encode: (digest: Buffer, code: string | number, length?: number) => Buffer
coerceCode: (name: string | number) => number
isAppCode: (code: number) => boolean
isValidCode: (code: number) => boolean
prefix: (multihash: Buffer) => void
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netpoe commented Mar 26, 2021

These are very helpful. Thanks!

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sonygod commented Aug 17, 2021


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