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Created July 9, 2015 23:18
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Streaming JSON array downsampler written in (probably bad) Haskell
import Data.JsonStream.Parser
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AT
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode as AE
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import System.IO (isEOF, stdin)
import System.Random
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
jsonArrayGrouper :: Pipe B.ByteString B.ByteString IO ()
jsonArrayGrouper = do_parse parse_output
where parse_output :: (ParseOutput AT.Value)
parse_output = runParser (arrayOf value)
do_parse :: ParseOutput AT.Value -> Pipe B.ByteString B.ByteString IO ()
do_parse output = case output of
ParseYield value new_output -> do
-- lift $ putStrLn "emitting new json value"
yield $ BL.toStrict $ AE.encode value
do_parse new_output
ParseNeedData cont -> do
-- lift $ putStrLn "in need of new data"
input <- await
-- lift $ putStrLn $ "injecting " ++ (B.unpack input) ++ " into the parser"
do_parse $ cont input
ParseDone remaining -> do
lift $ putStrLn "parsing done"
return ()
ParseFailed err -> lift $ putStrLn $ "PARSING ERROR: " ++ err
stdinProducer :: Producer B.ByteString IO ()
stdinProducer = do
eof <- lift isEOF
unless eof $ do
str <- lift (B.hGet stdin 100)
yield str
randomSampler :: Pipe a a IO ()
randomSampler = do
val <- lift (randomIO :: IO Float)
tmp <- await
when (val < 0.01) $ yield tmp
bsWriter :: Consumer B.ByteString IO ()
bsWriter = do
val <- await
lift $ B.putStrLn val
main =do
runEffect $ stdinProducer >-> jsonArrayGrouper >-> randomSampler >-> bsWriter
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