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Last active May 31, 2016 09:35
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Find solutions for the n-box problem
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Find solutions for the n-box problem. Solutions are represented as
a list of box indices for each integer. Partial sums are cached and
passed around. """
from copy import copy
from sys import argv,stderr
import random
n_boxes = int(argv[1])
def box_numbers(solution, box):
""" compute the numbers in an a box for a particular solution """
for n,b in enumerate(solution):
if b == box:
yield n+1
def print_sol(solution, sums):
""" pretty printer """
for b in range(n_boxes):
# print("\t%d: %s (sums: %s)" % (b, list(box_numbers(solution, b)), sums[b]))
print("\t%d: %s" % (b, list(box_numbers(solution, b))))
print("Max attainable length: %d" % max_attainable_length(sums))
def max_attainable_length(sums):
""" return a bound on the length obtainable by deepening a particular solution """
return min(set.intersection(*[set(s) for s in sums]))-1
except ValueError:
return 1e10 # when the intersection is empty, for pypy compatibility
def deepen(solution, sums):
""" Find deeper solutions from a starting solution """
new_number = len(solution) + 1 # starts at 1
for box in range(n_boxes):
if new_number not in sums[box]:
new_solution = solution + [box]
new_sums = copy(sums)
new_sums[box] = new_sums[box] + [new_number+n for n in box_numbers(solution, box)]
yield (new_solution, new_sums)
if __name__ == '__main__':
max_length = 0
tries = 0
to_search = [([], [[] for _ in range(n_boxes)])]
while to_search:
if tries % 1e4 == 0:
to_search = [(s,ss) for s,ss in to_search if max_attainable_length(ss) > max_length] # prune
best_sol_length = max(len(s) for s,ss in to_search)
print("\r Max length: %d. Already tried %.2g solutions. %d solutions in the pipeline. Currently exploring solutions of length %d " %
(max_length, tries, len(to_search), best_sol_length), file=stderr, end="")
# solution, sums = to_search.pop(0) # BFS
solution, sums = to_search.pop() # DFS
# solution, sums = to_search.pop(random.randrange(0,len(to_search))) # RFS
if max_attainable_length(sums) > max_length:
for new_solution, new_sums in deepen(solution, sums):
if len(new_solution) > max_length:
print_sol(new_solution, new_sums)
max_length = len(new_solution)
if max_attainable_length(new_sums) > max_length:
to_search.append((new_solution, new_sums))
tries += 1
print("Done. Explored a total of %d solutions" % tries)
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