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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save joelworsham/e3db9ae12aae4af57982 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joelworsham/e3db9ae12aae4af57982 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A basic Gruntfile for a WordPress plugin
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// load all grunt tasks
// Define the package
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// Watch for changes
watch: {
options: {
livereload: true
sass: {
files: ['src/assets/scss/**/*.scss', '!src/assets/scss/admin/**/*.scss'],
tasks: ['sass:src', 'autoprefixer', 'notify:sass']
sass_admin: {
files: ['src/assets/scss/admin/**/*.scss'],
tasks: ['sass:admin', 'autoprefixer', 'notify:sass_admin']
js: {
files: ['src/assets/js/source/*.js'],
tasks: ['uglify:src', 'notify:js']
js_admin: {
files: ['src/assets/js/source/admin/*.js', '!src/assets/js/source/admin/tinymce.js'],
tasks: ['uglify:admin', 'notify:js_admin']
livereload: {
files: [
// Minify and concatenate scripts
uglify: {
options: {
sourceMap: true
src: {
files: {
'src/assets/js/ultimate-shortcodes-library.min.js': ['src/assets/js/source/*.js']
admin: {
files: {
'src/assets/js/ultimate-shortcodes-library-admin.min.js': ['src/assets/js/source/admin/*.js', '!src/assets/js/source/admin/tinymce.js']
// Transpile SASS to CSS
sass: {
options: {
style: 'compressed'
src: {
files: {
'src/assets/css/ultimate-shortcodes-library.min.css': 'src/assets/scss/main.scss'
admin: {
files: {
'src/assets/css/ultimate-shortcodes-library-admin.min.css': 'src/assets/scss/admin/admin.scss'
// Prefix the minified CSS
autoprefixer: {
options: {
browsers: ['Android >= 2.1', 'Chrome >= 21', 'Explorer >= 7', 'Firefox >= 17', 'Opera >= 12.1', 'Safari >= 6.0']
src: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'src/',
dest: 'src/',
src: [
// Copy files from the src working directory to the build directory, with some file processing
copy: {
src: {
options: {
process: function( content, src ) {
// Remove all TODO items
content = content.replace(/(\n|\s)?(.*\/\/.*)(TODO|MAYBETODO|FIXME|NEXTUPDATE|MAYBEFIX|FIXED|FUTUREBUILD|REMOVE)(.*)(\n|\s)?/g, '' );
return content;
files: [
dot: true,
expand: true,
cwd: 'src/',
src: [
'!**/.{svn,git}/**', // Ignore VCS settings
'!**/.{idea}/**', // Ignore .idea project settings
'!**/*.map' // No maps
dest: 'build/'
notify: {
sass: {
options: {
title: '<%= %>',
message: 'SASS Completed'
sass_admin: {
options: {
title: '<%= %>',
message: 'SASS Admin Completed'
js: {
options: {
title: '<%= %>',
message: 'JS Completed'
js_admin: {
options: {
title: '<%= %>',
message: 'JS Admin Completed'
// Register tasks
grunt.registerTask('Watch', ['watch']);
grunt.registerTask('Build', ['copy']);
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