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Created April 7, 2015 16:53
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Environments with fabric
$ fab -l
Available commands:
from task import task, environment
from fabric.api import env
from fabric.operations import run
def production():
env.host_string = ''
def staging():
env.host_string = ''
def deploy():
@task(name='cleannn', environments=['production'])
def clean():
run('echo \o/')
import types
from fabric import tasks
from fabric import state
from fabric.task_utils import _Dict
from functools import wraps
from fabric.api import env
environments = {}
state.env.new_style_tasks = True
def environment(config):
Specify a new environment
def inner():
env.environment = config.__name__
return config()
environments[config.__name__] = inner
return inner
def task(*args, **kwargs):
Specify a new task
invoked = bool(not args or kwargs)
task_class = kwargs.pop("task_class", tasks.WrappedCallableTask)
if not invoked:
func, args = args[0], ()
def wrapper(func):
task_name = kwargs.pop("name", func.__name__)
env_list = kwargs.pop("environments", [])
for name, env in environments.iteritems():
if env_list and name not in env_list:
env_task_name = '%s.%s' % (name, task_name)
function = wrapenv(env, func, env_task_name)
insert_command(env_task_name, task_class(function, *args, **kwargs), state.commands)
return func
return wrapper if invoked else wrapper(func)
def wrapenv(envconfig, function, task_name):
Wrapper for the task to call environment config in first place then the command
def envfunc(*args, **kwargs):
env.current_task_name = task_name
function(*args, **kwargs)
return envfunc
def insert_command(name, command, mapping):
Insert a command into fabric
key, _, rest = name.partition('.')
if not rest:
mapping[key] = command
if key not in mapping:
mapping[key] = _Dict()
return insert_command(rest, command, mapping[key])
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