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Last active May 5, 2019 17:46
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  • Save joemaddalone/0a0ac9f6ea2cf050a80b6b594fed631c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"htmli": {
"prefix": "htmli",
"body": "<link rel=\"import\" href=\"$0\" />",
"description": ""
"wat": {
"prefix": "wat",
"body": "attachedCallback(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": ""
"wac": {
"prefix": "wac",
"body": "attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": ""
"csr": {
"prefix": "csr",
"body": "createShadowRoot()",
"description": ""
"wcre": {
"prefix": "wcre",
"body": "createdCallback(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": ""
"dco": {
"prefix": "dco",
"body": "document.currentScript.ownerDocument",
"description": ""
"wdef": {
"prefix": "wdef",
"body": "customElements.define()",
"description": ""
"wdet": {
"prefix": "wdet",
"body": "detachedCallback(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": ""
"wreg": {
"prefix": "wreg",
"body": "document.registerElement( '$1', class extends HTMLElement {\n\t$0\n});",
"description": ""
"gqb": {
"prefix": "gqb",
"body": "GraphQLBoolean",
"description": "GraphQLBoolean"
"gqe": {
"prefix": "gqe",
"body": "GraphQLEnumType",
"description": "GraphQLEnumType"
"gqf": {
"prefix": "gqf",
"body": "GraphQLFloat",
"description": "GraphQLFloat"
"gqid": {
"prefix": "gqid",
"body": "GraphQLID",
"description": "GraphQLID"
"gqinp": {
"prefix": "gqinp",
"body": "GraphQLInputObjectType",
"description": "GraphQLInputObjectType"
"gqi": {
"prefix": "gqi",
"body": "GraphQLInt",
"description": "GraphQLInt"
"gqo": {
"prefix": "gqo",
"body": "GraphQLInterfaceType",
"description": "GraphQLInterfaceType"
"gql": {
"prefix": "gql",
"body": "GraphQLList",
"description": "GraphQLList"
"gqnn": {
"prefix": "gqnn",
"body": "GraphQLNonNull",
"description": "GraphQLNonNull"
"gqo1": {
"prefix": "gqo",
"body": "GraphQLObjectType",
"description": "GraphQLObjectType"
"gqsc": {
"prefix": "gqsc",
"body": "GraphQLScalarType",
"description": "GraphQLScalarType"
"gqs": {
"prefix": "gqs",
"body": "GraphQLString",
"description": "GraphQLString"
"gqu": {
"prefix": "gqu",
"body": "GraphQLUnionType",
"description": "GraphQLUnionType"
"clo": {
"prefix": "clo",
"body": "(() => {\n\t$0\n})()",
"description": "function closure"
"jp": {
"prefix": "jp",
"body": "JSON.parse($0)",
"description": "JSON.parse"
"jstr": {
"prefix": "jstr",
"body": "JSON.stringify($0)",
"description": "JSON.stringify"
"mabs": {
"prefix": "mabs",
"body": "Math.abs($0)",
"description": "Math.abs"
"tlc": {
"prefix": "tlc",
"body": "toLowerCase()",
"description": "toLowerCase()"
"tuc": {
"prefix": "tuc",
"body": "toUpperCase()",
"description": "toUpperCase()"
"cli": {
"prefix": "cli",
"body": "clearInterval($0)",
"description": "clearInterval"
"sn": {
"prefix": "sn",
"body": "{name: '@'}",
"description": "conf name"
"cl": {
"prefix": "cl",
"body": "console.log($0)",
"description": "console.log"
"clw": {
"prefix": "clw",
"body": "console.warn($0)",
"description": "console.warn"
"cf": {
"prefix": "cf",
"body": "const $1 = ($2) => $0",
"description": "const function es6"
"dce": {
"prefix": "dce",
"body": "document.createElement('$1')$0",
"description": "document.createElement"
"dgi": {
"prefix": "dgi",
"body": "document.getElementById('$1')$0",
"description": "document.getElementById"
"dqs": {
"prefix": "dqs",
"body": "document.querySelector('$1')$0",
"description": "document.querySelector"
"aL": {
"prefix": "aL",
"body": "addEventListener('$1', $0)",
"description": "elementAddEventListener"
"exd": {
"prefix": "exd",
"body": "export default $0",
"description": "export default"
"fetch": {
"prefix": "fetch",
"body": "fetch( $0 )\n\t.then( response => response.json() )\n\t.then( data => {})",
"description": "fetch"
"fce": {
"prefix": "fce",
"body": "firstElementChild",
"description": "firstElementChild"
"fore": {
"prefix": "fore",
"body": "forEach(($1) => {\n\t$0\n})",
"description": "forEach"
"func": {
"prefix": "func",
"body": "function($1){$0}",
"description": "function"
"nfunc": {
"prefix": "nfunc",
"body": "function $1($2){\n\treturn $0\n}",
"description": "named function"
"gA": {
"prefix": "gA",
"body": "getAttribute('$0')",
"description": "getAttribute"
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": "if($1){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "if"
"ih": {
"prefix": "ih",
"body": "innerHTML",
"description": "innerHTML"
"isa": {
"prefix": "isa",
"body": "insertAdjacentHTML",
"description": "insertAdjacentHTML"
"me": {
"prefix": "me",
"body": "module.exports =",
"description": "module.exports"
"names-object": {
"prefix": "nameso",
"body": "[{\"name\": \"Walter\"}, {\"name\": \"Jesse\"}, {\"name\": \"Saul\"}]",
"description": "names object trigger"
"names": {
"prefix": "names",
"body": "[\"Walter\", \"Jesse\", \"Saul\"]",
"description": "names string array trigger"
"shh": {
"prefix": "shh",
"body": "$0.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')",
"description": "setHeader HTML"
"shjs": {
"prefix": "shjs",
"body": "$0.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/javascript')",
"description": "setHeader JS"
"nh": {
"prefix": "nh",
"body": "var http = require('http')\nhttp.createServer(function(req, res) {\r\n\t$0\r\n}).listen(3000, function(err) {\r\n\tif (err) throw err\r\n\tconsole.log('Listening on 3000...')\r\n})",
"description": "node server"
"plk": {
"prefix": "plk",
"body": "$1/$0",
"description": "placekitten script"
"prom": {
"prefix": "prom",
"body": "return new Promise( (resolve, reject ) => {\r\n\t$0\r\n});",
"description": "Promise"
"sA": {
"prefix": "sA",
"body": "setAttribute( '$1', $0 )",
"description": "setAttribute"
"si": {
"prefix": "si",
"body": "setInterval($0,$1)",
"description": "setInterval"
"st": {
"prefix": "st",
"body": "setTimeout($0,$1)",
"description": "setTimeout"
"swapi": {
"prefix": "swapi",
"body": "${0}/?format=json",
"description": ""
"try": {
"prefix": "try",
"body": "try {\n\t$1\n}\ncatch(err){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "clearInterval"
"wpl": {
"prefix": "wpl",
"body": "{\n\ttest: $1,\n\texclude: /node_modules/,\n\tloader: '$0'\n}",
"description": "Webpack loader"
"wpc": {
"prefix": "wpc",
"body": "module.exports = {\n\tentry: '$1',\n\toutput: {\n\tpath: '$2',\n\tfilename: '$3',\n\t},\n\tdevServer: {\n\tinline:true,\n\tcontentBase: '$4',\n\tport: 3333\n\t},\n\tmodule: {\n\tloaders: [\n\t\t$0\n\t]\n\t}\n}",
"description": "Webpack config starter"
"wal": {
"prefix": "wal",
"body": "window.addEventListener('$1', $2)",
"description": "windowAddEventListener"
"wrl": {
"prefix": "wrl",
"body": "window.removeEventListener('$1', $2)",
"description": "window.removeEventListener"
"link": {
"prefix": "link",
"body": "<Link to=\"$1\">$2</Link>$0",
"description": "react-router Link"
"redirect": {
"prefix": "redirect",
"body": "<Redirect to='$1'></Redirect>",
"description": "react-router Redirect"
"routerh": {
"prefix": "routerh",
"body": "<Router history={ $1 }>$0</Router>",
"description": "Router.Route + history"
"iroute": {
"prefix": "iroute",
"body": "<IndexRoute component={ $1 }>$0</IndexRoute>",
"description": "Router.IndexRoute"
"navl": {
"prefix": "navl",
"body": "<NavLink to=\"$1\">$0</NavLink>",
"description": "Router.NavLink"
"prompt": {
"prefix": "prompt",
"body": "<Prompt\n\twhen={$1}\n\tmessage=\"$0\"\n/>",
"description": "Router.Prompt"
"route-ch": {
"prefix": "route-ch",
"body": "<Route $1path=\"$2\" children={({match}) => ($0)}></Route>",
"description": "Route w/ children"
"route-r": {
"prefix": "route-r",
"body": "<Route $1path=\"$2\" render={({match}) => ($0)}></Route>",
"description": "Route w/ render"
"route": {
"prefix": "route",
"body": "<Route $1path=\"$2\" component={$3}>$0</Route>",
"description": "Router.Route"
"router": {
"prefix": "router",
"body": "<Router>$0</Router>",
"description": "Router.Route"
"imrr": {
"prefix": "imrr",
"body": "import { $0 } from 'react-router-dom';",
"description": "import react-router"
"imx": {
"prefix": "imx",
"body": "import { $0 } from 'mobx';",
"description": "import mobx"
"imxr": {
"prefix": "imxr",
"body": "import { $0 } from 'mobx-react';",
"description": "import mobx-react"
"mobs": {
"prefix": "mobs",
"body": "@observable $0",
"description": "mobx observable"
"mac": {
"prefix": "mac",
"body": "@action $1($2){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "mobx action"
"mco": {
"prefix": "mco",
"body": "@computed get $1(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "mobx action"
"jcl": {
"prefix": "jcl",
"body": "class $1 {\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "mobx action"
"ctor": {
"prefix": "ctor",
"body": "constructor($1){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "mobx action"
"pt": {
"prefix": "pt",
"body": "propTypes = {\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "propTypes"
"rp": {
"prefix": "rp",
"body": "PropTypes.$0",
"description": "PropTypes"
"rpa": {
"prefix": "rpa",
"body": "PropTypes.array$0",
"description": "PropTypes.array"
"rpao": {
"prefix": "rpao",
"body": "PropTypes.arrayOf($0)",
"description": "PropTypes.arrayOf"
"rpb": {
"prefix": "rpb",
"body": "PropTypes.bool$0",
"description": "PropTypes.bool"
"rpe": {
"prefix": "rpe",
"body": "PropTypes.element$0",
"description": "PropTypes.element"
"rpf": {
"prefix": "rpf",
"body": "PropTypes.func$0",
"description": "PropTypes.func"
"rpi": {
"prefix": "rpi",
"body": "PropTypes.instanceOf($0)",
"description": "PropTypes.instanceOf"
"rpn": {
"prefix": "rpn",
"body": "PropTypes.number$0",
"description": "PropTypes.number"
"rpobj": {
"prefix": "rpobj",
"body": "PropTypes.object$0",
"description": "PropTypes.object"
"rpo": {
"prefix": "rpo",
"body": "PropTypes.oneOf(['$0'])",
"description": "PropTypes.oneOf"
"rpot": {
"prefix": "rpot",
"body": "PropTypes.oneOfType[]",
"description": "PropTypes.oneOfType"
"rpsh": {
"prefix": "rpsh",
"body": "PropTypes.shape({\n\t$0\n})",
"description": "PropTypes.shape"
"rps": {
"prefix": "rps",
"body": "PropTypes.string$0",
"description": "PropTypes.string"
"rec": {
"prefix": "rec",
"body": "class $1 extends React.Component {\n\trender(){\n\t\treturn;$0\n\t}\n}",
"description": "ES6 React.Component class"
"recc": {
"prefix": "recc",
"body": "var $1 = React.createClass({\n\trender:function(){\n\t\treturn $0\n\t}\n});",
"description": "React createClass template"
"mix": {
"prefix": "mix",
"body": "mixins:[$0],",
"description": "React mixins"
"cd": {
"prefix": "cd",
"body": "componentDidMount(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "ES6 React componentDidMount"
"cw": {
"prefix": "cw",
"body": "componentWillMount(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "ES6 React componentWillMount"
"cwu": {
"prefix": "cwu",
"body": "componentWillUnmount(){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "React componentWillUnmount"
"cdu": {
"prefix": "cdu",
"body": "componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "ES6 React componentDidUpdate"
"cwr": {
"prefix": "cwr",
"body": "componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps){\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "ES6 React componentWillReceiveProps"
"cwup": {
"prefix": "cwup",
"body": "componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n\t$0\n}",
"description": "ES6 React componentWillUpdate"
"scu": {
"prefix": "scu",
"body": "shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {\n\treturn ;\n}",
"description": "ES6 React shouldComponentUpdate"
"ctt": {
"prefix": "ctt",
"body": "childContextTypes: {\n\t$0\n},\n",
"description": "React ChildContextTypes"
"cty": {
"prefix": "cty",
"body": "contextTypes: {\n\t$0\n},\n",
"description": "React contextTypes"
"gc": {
"prefix": "gc",
"body": "getChildContext:function(){\n\treturn {\n\t$1\n\t}\n},\n",
"description": "React getChildContext"
"rwc": {
"prefix": "rwc",
"body": "React.withContext({$1}, function(){\n\tReact.render(<${2:Component} />, document.$0);\n})",
"description": "React withContext"
"rc": {
"prefix": "rc",
"body": "React.createElement('$1', $2, $3)$0",
"description": "React.createElement()"
"rcf": {
"prefix": "rcf",
"body": "React.createFactory($1)$0",
"description": "React.createFactory()"
"imr": {
"prefix": "imr",
"body": "import React from 'react';",
"description": "import react"
"impt": {
"prefix": "impt",
"body": "import PropTypes from 'prop-types';",
"description": "import prop-types"
"sp": {
"prefix": "sp",
"body": "this.setProps({$0})",
"description": "React this.setProps"
"ss": {
"prefix": "ss",
"body": "this.setState({$0})",
"description": "React this.setState"
"thisc": {
"prefix": "thisc",
"body": "this.context.$0",
"description": "React this.context"
"thisp": {
"prefix": "thisp",
"body": "this.props.$0",
"description": "React this.props"
"thisr": {
"prefix": "thisr",
"body": "this.refs.$0",
"description": "React this.refs"
"thiss": {
"prefix": "thiss",
"body": "this.state.$0",
"description": "React this.state"
"fdn": {
"prefix": "fdn",
"body": "ReactDOM.findDOMNode($0)",
"description": "React.findDOMNode"
"unm": {
"prefix": "unm",
"body": "ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode($0)",
"description": "ReactDOM unmountComponent at node"
"imrd": {
"prefix": "imrd",
"body": "import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';",
"description": "import react-dom"
"rdr": {
"prefix": "rdr",
"body": "ReactDOM.render($0)",
"description": "react-dom render"
"rtsm": {
"prefix": "rtsm",
"body": "ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup($0)",
"description": "ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup"
"rts": {
"prefix": "rts",
"body": "ReactDOMServer.renderToString($0)",
"description": "ReactDOMServer.renderToString"
"imrcst": {
"prefix": "imrcst",
"body": "import ReactCSSTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-css-transition-group';$0",
"description": "import ReactCSSTransitionGroup"
"imrtg": {
"prefix": "imrtg",
"body": "import ReactTransitionGroup from 'react-addons-transition-group';$0",
"description": "import ReactTransitionGroup"
"map": {
"prefix": "map",
"body": "${1:store}.map((${2:item}, i) => ())",
"description": "map"
"red": {
"prefix": "red",
"body": "import { $1 } from \"redux\";",
"description": "import redux"
"rred": {
"prefix": "rred",
"body": "import { $1 } from \"react-redux\";",
"description": "import react-redux"
"redac": {
"prefix": "redac",
"body": "export const $1 = (${2:payload}) => ({ type: $3, payload: ${4:payload} });",
"description": "redux action creator"
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