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Last active June 8, 2020 23:36
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Flask SqlAlchemy Debugger
Flask SqlAlchemy Debugger (Python 3)
Shows the actual "sql query equivalent" of Flask-SQLAlchemy for debugging purposes
and gives you a rough estimation of where in your application query was issued.
Only runs when you enable "FLASK_ENV=development", since this will automatically set the
"FLASK_DEBUG=1" or explicitly set "FLASK_DEBUG=1". If you are in "FLASK_ENV=testing" (testing mode)
or "FLASK_ENV=production" and you want to make it work without enabling the debugging mode,
set "SQLALCHEMY_RECORD_QUERIES=True" in your flask configuration.
How to use it?
You can add this function to your "" file, using the decorator "@app.after_request"
or using this variant "app.after_request(sql_debug)".
I got the inspiration from dhrrgn, but decided to create my own.
from flask_sqlalchemy import get_debug_queries
def sql_debug(response):
queries = list(get_debug_queries())
if len(queries):
print('=' * 80)
print('=' * 80)
total_duration = 0.0
for i, q in enumerate(queries):
total_duration += q.duration
print(" Query({}): {}".format(i+1, q.statement))
if q.parameters:
l = len(str(i+1))+11
print('{}{}'.format(' '*l, q.parameters))
print(" Context: {}".format(q.context))
print(" Duration: {}".format(round(q.duration*1000,2)))
print('=' * 80)
print(' Total SQL Queries:', len(queries))
print(" Total Query Duration: {} ms".format(
print('=' * 80)
return response
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