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Created June 9, 2014 02:20
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TheDayAhead: A Google Apps Script to retrieve a set of news items, highlight important stories, and retrieve calendar information for the upcoming day and find events that have not been responded to
** TheDayAhead Google Apps Script
** Crawls a list of given RSS feeds and returns a set of headlines, which
** are sent via Gmail to the given email address along with information from
** the user's calendar on events for the day and events that have not been
** responded to yet.
** NOTE: This uses the Advanced Calendar service, which must be enabled in both
** your script's resources AND in the Google Developer Console.
// data feed URLs
var dataSources = [
// keyword triggers
var keyWords = [
"chrome", "chromebook", "chromeos", "google", "android", "gmail", "cloud", "app engine",
"appengine", "compute engine", "microsoft", "facebook", "apple", "windows phone", "windows 8"
// List to hold headlines that contain keywords
var topStories = [];
// Settings
var HEADLINE_LIMIT = 15; // Number of headlines per news source
var EMAIL_TITLE = "The Day Ahead"; // What to title the email
var DAYS_AHEAD = 7; // Number of days out to scan events
** deliverNews
** Generates a summary of daily news items, tasks, and calendar information
** and delivers it to the user's inbox in one complete email message
function deliverNews()
var newsMsg = ""; // will hold the completed HTML to email
var deliverAddress = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var calEventsStr = "<h2>Calendar</h2>";
// get a list of today's events
var calEvents = getEventsForToday();
if (calEvents.length > 0) {
calEventsStr += "<p>You have " + calEvents.length + " events today</p>";
calEventsStr += buildEventsHTML(calEvents);
else {
calEventsStr += "<p>No events today</p>";
// Get upcoming calendar events that have not been responded to
calEvents = getEventsMissingResponse();
if (calEvents.length > 0) {
calEventsStr += "<p>You have " + calEvents.length + " events in the next " +
DAYS_AHEAD + " days that you have not RSVP'd to:</p>";
calEventsStr += buildEventsHTML(calEvents);
// Collect the headlines from the feeds and filter the top stories
var feedStoriesStr = "";
for (var i=0; i < dataSources.length; i++) {
feedStoriesStr += retrieveFeedItems(dataSources[i]);
// Generate the Top Stories list that was created based on keywords
var topStoriesStr = "<h2>Top Stories</h2>";
if (topStories.length > 0) {
topStoriesStr += "<ul>";
for (var k=0; k<topStories.length; k++) {
topStoriesStr += "<li style='font-weight:bold'><a href='" + topStories[k].link + "'>" +
topStories[k].title + "</a></li>\n";
topStoriesStr += "</ul>";
// put all the data together
newsMsg = "<h1>" + EMAIL_TITLE + "</h1>\n" + calEventsStr + topStoriesStr + feedStoriesStr;
// Deliver the email message as HTML to the recipient
GmailApp.sendEmail(deliverAddress, EMAIL_TITLE, "", { htmlBody: newsMsg });
** retrieveFeedItems
** returns a formatted HTML list for the given URL data feed
** @param {URL} feedUrl the URL of the feed to process
** @returns {string} Formatted HTML of the feed headlines
function retrieveFeedItems(feedUrl) {
var feedSrc = UrlFetchApp.fetch(feedUrl).getContentText();
var feedDoc = null;
var str = "";
var itemCount = 0;
var root = null;
var type = "unknown";
// to avoid having one bad XML feed take down the entire script,
// wrap the parsing in a try-catch block
try {
feedDoc = XmlService.parse(feedSrc);
if (feedDoc)
root = feedDoc.getRootElement();
catch (e) {
Logger.log("Error reading feed: " + feedUrl);
// detect the kind of feed this is. Right now only handles RSS 2.0
// but adding other formats would be easy enough
if (root && root.getName() == "rss") {
var version = root.getAttribute("version").getValue();
if (version == "2.0")
type = "rss2";
if (type == "rss2") {
str += "<div>";
var channel = root.getChild("channel");
var items = channel.getChildren("item");
str += "<h2><a href='"+channel.getChildText("link")+"'>"+channel.getChildText("title")+"</a></h2>\n";
Logger.log("%s items from %s", items.length, channel.getChildText("title"));
// Limit the number of headlines
itemCount = (items.length > HEADLINE_LIMIT ? HEADLINE_LIMIT : items.length);
str += "<ul>";
for (var i=0; i < itemCount; i++) {
var keywordFound = false;
var strTitle = items[i].getChildText("title");
var strLink = items[i].getChildText("link");
// If the title triggers a keyword, add it to the topStories list
for (var j=0; j < keyWords.length; j++) {
// simple index search, could be vastly improved
if ( strTitle.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyWords[j]) != -1) {
topStories.push( {title: strTitle, link: strLink} );
// If we didn't add this item to the topStories, add it to the main news
if (!keywordFound) {
str += "<li><a href='" + strLink + "'>" + strTitle + "</a></li>\n";
str += "</ul></div>\n";
return str;
** getMissingResponseEvents
** Get a list of Calendar events that have not been responded to.
** @returns {CalendarEvent []} array of CalendarEvent objects
function getEventsMissingResponse() {
var d = new Date();
var now = d.toISOString();
var then = new Date(d.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * DAYS_AHEAD)).toISOString();
var events = [];
var returnEvents = [];
// Find future events that have not been responded to yet
events = Calendar.Events.list("primary", {singleEvents: true, timeMin: now, timeMax: then});
for (var i=0; i < events.items.length; i++) {
var attendees = events.items[i].attendees;
if (attendees) {
for (var j=0; j<attendees.length; j++) {
if (attendees[j].email && attendees[j].email == Session.getActiveUser().getEmail()) {
if (attendees[j].responseStatus == "needsAction") {
Logger.log("%s Calendar events with no RSVP",events.length);
return returnEvents;
** getEventsForToday
** retrieves the Calendar events for today.
** @returns {Event []} list of Calendar Events
function getEventsForToday() {
var returnEvents = null;
// set the lower bound at midnight
var today1 = new Date();
// set the upper bound at 23:59:59
var today2 = new Date();
today2.setHours(23, 59, 59);
// Create ISO strings to pass to Calendar API
var ds1 = today1.toISOString();
var ds2 = today2.toISOString();
var result = Calendar.Events.list("primary", {singleEvents: true, timeMin: ds1, timeMax: ds2});
// Get the events
returnEvents = result.items;
return returnEvents;
** buildEventsHTML
** given a set of calendar events, build an HTML list.
** @returns {string} string of HTML representing the events
function buildEventsHTML(calEvents) {
var str="";
str += "<ul>";
for (var i=0; i < calEvents.length; i++) {
// Gotcha! All-day events don't have a dateTime, just a date, so need to check
var dateStr = convertDate(calEvents[i].start.dateTime ?
calEvents[i].start.dateTime :
str += "<li><a href='" + calEvents[i].htmlLink + "'>" +
calEvents[i].summary + "</a> " + dateStr + "</li>";
str += "</ul>";
return str;
** convertDate
** Converts an ISO Date string into a JavaScript Date Object.
** @param {string} t The date string to parse. Can be either a full datetime or just a date
** @returns {Date} newly constructed Date object
function convertDate(tStr) {
var dateTimeRE = /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)([+\-]\d+):(\d+)/;
var dateRE = /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/;
var match = tStr.match(dateTimeRE);
if (!match)
match = tStr.match(dateRE);
var nums = [];
if (match) {
for (var i = 1; i < match.length; i++) {
nums.push(parseInt(match[i], 10));
if (match.length > 4) {
return(new Date(nums[0], nums[1] - 1, nums[2], nums[3], nums[4], nums[5]));
else {
return(new Date(nums[0], nums[1] - 1, nums[2]));
else return null;
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Great code, how do you add "Atom"? Very beginner coder and RSS handling most articles but a key one is Atom

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