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Created August 27, 2023 02:53
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Simulated numbers station using OS X's "say" command
=head1 NAME
NATE::Synth - Synthesize a "numbers station" on OS X
perl NATO/
C<NATO::Synth> uses OS X's "say" command to create a stream of numbers and letters in the NATO phonetic alphabet.
It generates these in a format similar to that used by numbers stations: a series of letters followed by a series
of numbers. I've arbitrarily chosen limits to prevent "too many" letters and numbers in a row. The code caches the
generated strings and occasionally chooses to reuse a previously-generated string instead of creating a new one.
The voices are limited to the ones that sound best to me; you can of course change the list to use whatever ones
you have installed on your machine. I haven't found an easy way to download the non-English voices on a machine set
up for English, but the English ones give enough good options that it's satisfactory.
use strict;
use warnings;
package NATO::Synth;
# The top set of letters is the 1941 Army-Navy phonetic alphabet; I am used to using the first six of it for
# reading hexadecimal numbers; this seems to have been tradition carried over from the early days of NASA, where
# I learned it. The second set is the current NATO phonetic alphabet, with some dashes added to ensure that the
# synthetic voices properly pronounce the words; they had trouble in particular with "foxtrot", "juliett", and "lima".
my %letters = (
1941 => [qw(able baker charlie dog easy fox george how item jig king love mike nan oboe peter Queen roger sail tare uncle victor william x-ray yoke zebra)],
NATO => [qw(alfa bravo charlie delta echo fox-trot golf hotel india juliet kilo lee-ma mike november oscar papa quebec romeo sierra tango uniform victor whiskey x-ray yankee zulu)],
# The voices which I found optimum.
my @voices = qw(Fiona Karen Kathy Moira Samantha Tessa Vicki);
# My choices of the maximum letters and numbers to have in a row; this is actually 2 to N+1.
use constant MAX_LETTERS => 4;
use constant MAX_NUMBERS => 6;
use List::Util qw/shuffle/;
# Choose a random voice for this run.
@voices = shuffle @voices;
# Cached generated strings.
my %said = ();
sub run {
my $count = shift;
# shuffle the numbers. We'll take the first few for our string.
my @numbers = shuffle qw(one two three four five six seven eight niner zero);
# Pick the number of letters and numbers. You might want to tweak this for
# more randomness.
my $letters = int(rand() * MAX_LETTERS or 1) + 1;
my $numbers = int(rand() * MAX_NUMBERS or 1) + 1;
# Arbitrarily picking the NATO alphabet; this could be randomized too.
my @letters = shuffle @{$letters{NATO}};
my $s;
if (rand() < 0.25 and keys %said) {
# Use a random already-generated string. keys() presents the
# keys in a random order after each insert; I could have shuffled
# the keys, but this generated interesting patterns.
my @saids = keys %said;
$s = shift @saids;
} else {
# We're going to generate a string. Start out by emphasizing the first word.
$s = "[[emph +]]";
my $louder = 1;
for my $i (0..$letters) {
# Add a word and an appropriate inter-word pause.
$s .= " [[slnc 250]] ". (shift @letters);
# Turn off emphasis (and leave it off) for the rest of the string.
$s .= "[[emph \-]]" if $louder;
$louder = 0;
# Add the requisite number of numbers and end with a period to get
# the proper end-of-sentence inflection.
for my $i (0..$numbers) {
$s .= " [[slnc 250]] ". (shift @numbers);
$s .=".";
# Show which voice was chosen and how many strings we have left.
# Pronounce the string and show the words being said.
print "$voices[0] ($count):\n";
system qq(say -i -v $voices[0] "$s");
# Add this string to the cache.
# When we run the module as a script. caller() will be false.
# Generate 50 strings, pausing between them.
unless (caller) {
my $count = 50;
while ($count > 0) {
sleep 4;
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