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Last active April 7, 2023 15:13
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Buildkite OIDC JWT example with Vault auth

Get JWT from inside of a running BK job:

curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: Token ${BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN}" \
  "${BUILDKITE_AGENT_ENDPOINT:-}/jobs/${BUILDKITE_JOB_ID}/oidc/tokens" \
  --data '{"audience":"vault"}'

In a future, currently (2022/11/17) unreleased version of buildkite-agent you can run this instead:

buildkite-agent oidc request-token --audience vault

Example JWT payload:

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "organization:planetscale:pipeline:vault-secrets-buildkite-plugin:ref:refs/heads/buildkite-oidc-token-test:commit:750339bffa630404607f73dd8ed2f2c4de3670c7:step:",
  "aud": "vault",
  "iat": 1668694871,
  "nbf": 1668694871,
  "exp": 1668695171,
  "organization_slug": "planetscale",
  "pipeline_slug": "vault-secrets-buildkite-plugin",
  "build_number": 175,
  "build_branch": "buildkite-oidc-token-test",
  "build_commit": "750339bffa630404607f73dd8ed2f2c4de3670c7",
  "step_key": null,
  "job_id": "018485f6-1f53-4f18-9b53-72428db4d239",
  "agent_id": "018485f6-eec2-4b61-a7be-0e35ef563df0"

Configuring Vault JWT backend:

# mount jwt backend to /buildkite and configure it:
vault auth enable -path=buildkite jwt
vault write auth/buildkite/config jwks_url=

# create an auth role:
write auth/buildkite/role/demo -<<EOF
  "bound_audiences": "vault",
  "policies": ["default"],
  "user_claim": "pipeline_slug",
  "role_type": "jwt",
  "token_type": "batch",
  "token_period": 0,
  "token_explicit_max_ttl": "2h",
  "bound_claims": {"organization_slug":"owner", "pipeline_slug":["repo1","repo2"]}

# use a JWT to auth to vault and get a vault token
vault write auth/buildkite/login role=demo jwt="eyJh.."
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