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Last active January 6, 2024 01:05
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GKE node-pool pod IP CIDR range usage calc script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Show GKE per-node-pool pod IP CIDR range utilization.
# Usage:
# gcloud container clusters describe <cluster-name> --location <loc> --format=json | ./gke-np-ip-utilization.rb
require 'json'
require 'ipaddr'
data = JSON.parse(
def total_ips_in_range(cidr)
header_fmt = "%-30s %-16s %-11s %-15s %-6s %-14s\n"
row_fmt = "%-30s %-16s /%-10d %-15s %-6.0f %-14d\n"
printf(header_fmt, 'nodePool', 'podCidrBlock', 'podCidrSize', 'maxPods/Node', '%-util', 'remainingNodes')
puts '-' * 97
data['nodePools'].each do |node_pool|
name = node_pool['name']
utilization = node_pool['networkConfig']['podIpv4RangeUtilization'] * 100
cidr_block = node_pool['networkConfig']['podIpv4CidrBlock']
cidr_size = node_pool['podIpv4CidrSize'].to_i
total_ips = total_ips_in_range(cidr_block)
ips_per_node = total_ips_in_range("{cidr_size}")
max_pods_per_node = node_pool['maxPodsConstraint']['maxPodsPerNode']
available_ips = total_ips - (total_ips * node_pool['networkConfig']['podIpv4RangeUtilization'])
num_nodes = (available_ips / ips_per_node).floor
printf(row_fmt, name, cidr_block, cidr_size, max_pods_per_node, utilization, num_nodes)
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