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Created November 10, 2019 07:56
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Derivative Admin search using PowerView with Dijkstra's algorithm
# From
# Requires PowerView
$Graph = @()
$Infinity = [int]::MaxValue
$Nodes = Get-NetUser | ForEach-Object { $_.samaccountname }
$Nodes += Get-NetComputer
ForEach($Node in $Nodes){
$Vertex = New-Object PSObject
$Vertex | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Name' $Node
$Vertex | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Edges' @()
$Vertex | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Distance' $Infinity
$Vertex | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Visited' $False
$Vertex | Add-Member Noteproperty 'Predecessor' $Null
$Graph += $Vertex
function Invoke-Dijkstra ($Graph, $StartNode, $TargetNode){
# Based on work by James Truher:
$InitialNode = $Graph | Where-Object {$_.Name -Contains $StartNode}
$InitialNode.Distance = 0
$TargetNode = $Graph | Where-Object {$_.Name -Contains $TargetNode}
For ($i = 0; $i -LT $Graph.Length; $i++){
$CurrentNode = $Graph | Where-Object {!$_.Visited} | Sort-Object Distance | Select-Object -First 1
For ($j = 0; $j -LT $CurrentNode.Edges.Count; $j++){
$CurrentNodeEdge = $Graph | Where-Object {$CurrentNode.Edges[$j] -Contains $_.Name}
If ($CurrentNodeEdge.Distance -GT $CurrentNode.Distance + 1){
$CurrentNodeEdge.Distance = $CurrentNode.Distance + 1
$CurrentNodeEdge.Predecessor = $CurrentNode.Name
$CurrentNode.Visited = $True
If ($TargetNode.Distance -LT $Infinity){
"$($InitialNode.Name) can reach $($ in $($TargetNode.Distance) steps:"
$Path = @()
$R = $Graph | Where-Object {$TargetNode.Name -Contains $_.Name}
$Path += $R.Predecessor
For ($i = 0; $i -LT $TargetNode.Distance; $i++){
$U = $Graph | Where-Object {$Path[$i] -Contains $_.Name}
$Path += $U.Predecessor
$Path += $TargetNode.Name
For ($j = 0; $j -LT $Path.Count; $j++){
Get-NetComputers | ForEach-Object {
Get-NetSession $_ | ForEach-Object {
$Hostname = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($_.sesi10_cname.trim('\'))).hostname)).hostname
$LoggedOnUser = $_.sesi10_username
$CurrentNode = $Graph | Where-Object {$_.Name -Contains $Hostname}
If($CurrentNode.Edges -NotContains $LoggedOnUser){
$CurrentNode.Edges += $LoggedOnUser
$Admins = Get-NetLocalGroup -Recurse $Hostname | Where-Object {$_.IsDomain -And !$_.IsGroup} | %{$_.AccountName}
ForEach($Admin in $Admins){
$CurrentNode = $Graph | Where-Object {$_.Name -Contains $Admin.split('/')[1]}
If($CurrentNode.Edges -NotContains $Hostname){
$CurrentNode.Edges += $Hostname
Invoke-Dijkstra $Graph Source Target
# Example: Invoke-Dijkstra $Graph Bob-User Steve-Admin
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