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Created April 10, 2015 08:37
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use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Path::Class;
use Array::Utils qw(unique);
=head1 SYNOPSIS --gtf <gtffile>
use Pod::Usage 'pod2usage';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat);
my $gtf;
GetOptions ('gtf=s' => \$gtf) or pod2usage;
pod2usage unless $gtf;
my $file = file($gtf);
my $hash = {};
my $fh = $file->open('r') or die $!;
my @cols = split("\t",$_);
if($cols[8] =~ m/gene_id\s+\"(.+)\"/){
push @{$hash->{$1}},\@cols;
while (my ($geneid,$entry) = each(%$hash)){
my (@chr,@strand);
push @chr, $_->[0];
push @strand,$_->[6];
next unless(scalar(unique(@chr)) == 1 and scalar(unique(@strand)) == 1);
print (join( "\t",@$_));
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To discard genes those have transcripts which came from different locus for RSEM if used rsem-prepare-reference.
Thanks that you wrote a short perl script for that purpose.


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