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Created May 27, 2019 03:36
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module CustomAether
type Lens<'a, 'b> =
('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a -> 'a)
type Prism<'a, 'b> =
('a -> 'b option) * ('b -> 'a -> 'a)
/// --- Morphisms ---
type Isomorphism<'a, 'b> =
('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a)
type Epimorphism<'a, 'b> =
('a -> 'b option) * ('b -> 'a)
module Compose =
/// Static overloads of the composition function for lenses (>->).
/// These functions do not geneally need to be called directly,
/// but will be used when calling Compose.optic
type Lens =
| Lens with
static member (>->) (Lens, (g2, s2): Lens<'b, 'c>) =
fun ((g1, s1): Lens<'a, 'b>) ->
g1 >> g2,
(fun c a -> s1 (s2 c (g1 a)) a) : Lens<'a, 'c>
static member (>->) (Lens, (g2, s2): Prism<'b, 'c>) =
fun ((g1, s1): Lens<'a, 'b>) ->
g1 >> g2,
(fun c a -> s1 (s2 c (g1 a)) a): Prism<'b, 'c>
static member (>->) (Lens, (f, t): Isomorphism<'b,'c>) =
fun ((g, s): Lens<'a,'b>) ->
g >> f,
(fun c a -> s (t c) a) : Lens<'a,'c>
static member (>->) (Lens, (f, t): Epimorphism<'b,'c>) =
fun ((g, s): Lens<'a,'b>) ->
g >> f,
(fun c a -> s (t c) a) : Prism<'a,'c>
let inline lens l o =
(Lens >-> o) l
type Prism =
| Prism with
static member (>?>) (Prism, (g2, s2): Lens<'b, 'c>) =
fun ((g1, s1): Prism<'a, 'b>) ->
(fun a -> g2 (g1 a)),
(fun c a -> (s2 c) (g1 a) |> function | Some b -> s1 b a | _ -> a) : Prism<'a, 'c>
static member (>?>) (Prism, (g2, s2): Prism<'b,'c>) =
fun ((g1, s1): Prism<'a,'b>) ->
(fun a -> Option.bind g2 (g1 a)),
(fun c a -> (s2 c) (g1 a) |> function | Some b -> s1 b a
| _ -> a) : Prism<'a,'c>
static member (>?>) (Prism, (f, t): Isomorphism<'b,'c>) =
fun ((g, s): Prism<'a,'b>) ->
(fun a -> f (g a)),
(fun c a -> s (t c) a) : Prism<'a,'c>
static member (>?>) (Prism, (f, t): Epimorphism<'b,'c>) =
fun ((g, s): Prism<'a,'b>) ->
(fun a -> Option.bind f (g a)),
(fun c a -> s (t c) a) : Prism<'a,'c>
let inline prism p o =
(Prism >?> o) p
/// Functions for using optics to operate on data structures, using the batic optic
/// operation of get, set and map. The functions are overloaded to take either lenses
/// or prisms, with the return type being inferred.
module Optic =
/// Static overloads of the optic get function (^.). These functions do not generally
/// need to be called directly, but will be used when calling Optic.get.
type Get =
| Get with
static member (^.) (Get, (g, _): Lens<'a, 'b>) =
fun (a: 'a) -> g a : 'b
static member (^.) (Get, (g, _): Prism<'a, 'b>) =
fun (a: 'a) -> g a : 'b option
let inline get optic target =
(Get ^. optic) target
type Set =
| Set with
static member (^=) (Set, (_, s): Lens<'a, 'b>) =
fun (b: 'b) -> s b : 'a -> 'a
static member (^=) (Set, (_, s): Prism<'a,'b>) =
fun (b: 'b) ->
s b : 'a -> 'a
/// Set a value using an optic.
let inline set optic value =
(Set ^= optic) value
/// Static overloads of the optic map function (%=). These functions do not generally
/// need to be called directly, but will be used when calling
type Map =
| Map with
static member (^%) (Map, (g, s) : Lens<'a, 'b>) =
fun (f: 'b -> 'b) ->
(fun a -> s (f(g a)) a): 'a -> 'a
static member (^%) (Map, (g, s): Prism<'a,'b>) =
fun (f: 'b -> 'b) ->
(fun a -> f (g a) |> function | Some b -> s b a
| _ -> a) : 'a -> 'a
/// Modify a value using an optic.
let inline map optic f =
(Map ^% optic) f
module Lens =
let ofIsomorphism ((f, t) : Isomorphism<'a, 'b>) : Lens<'a, 'b> =
f, (fun b _ -> t b)
module Prism =
let ofEpimorphism ((f, t) : Epimorphism<'a, 'b>) : Prism<'a, 'b> =
f, (fun b _ -> t b)
/// Various optics implemented for common types such as tuples,
/// lists, and maps, along with an identity lens.
module Optics =
let id_ : Lens<'a, 'a> =
id, (fun x _ -> x)
/// Isomorphism between a boxed and unboxed type.
let box_<'a> : Isomorphism<obj, 'a> =
unbox<'a>, box
/// Lens to first item of the tuple
let fst_ : Lens<('a * 'b), 'a> =
(fun a t -> a, snd t)
let snd_ : Lens<('a * 'b), 'b> =
(fun b t -> fst t, b)
module Array =
/// Isomorphism to an list.
let list_ : Isomorphism<'v[], 'v list> =
module Choice =
let choice1Of2_ : Prism<Choice<_,_>, _> =
(fun x ->
match x with
| Choice1Of2 v -> Some v
| _ -> None),
(fun v x ->
match x with
| Choice1Of2 _ -> Choice1Of2 v
| _ -> x)
/// Prism to Choice2Of2.
let choice2Of2_ : Prism<Choice<_,_>, _> =
(fun x ->
match x with
| Choice2Of2 v -> Some v
| _ -> None),
(fun v x ->
match x with
| Choice2Of2 _ -> Choice2Of2 v
| _ -> x)
module Result =
let ok_ : Prism<Result<_,_>, _> =
(fun x ->
match x with
| Ok v -> Some v
| _ -> None),
(fun v x ->
match x with
| Ok _ -> Ok v
| _ -> x)
/// Prism to Error.
let error_ : Prism<Result<_,_>, _> =
(fun x ->
match x with
| Error v -> Some v
| _ -> None),
(fun v x ->
match x with
| Error _ -> Error v
| _ -> x)
module List =
let head_ : Prism<'v list, 'v> =
(function | h :: _ -> Some h | _ -> None),
(fun v -> function | _ :: t -> v :: t | l -> l)
/// Prism to an indexed position in a list.
let pos_ (i: int) : Prism<'v list, 'v> =
(function | l when List.length l > i -> Some (List.item i l) | _ -> None),
(fun v l -> List.mapi (fun i' x -> if i = i' then v else x) l)
/// Prism to the tail of a list.
let tail_ : Prism<'v list, 'v list> =
(function | _ :: t -> Some t
| _ -> None),
(fun t ->
function | h :: _ -> h :: t
| [] -> [])
/// Isomorphism to an array.
let array_ : Isomorphism<'v list, 'v[]> =
module Map =
let key_ (k: 'k) : Prism<Map<'k, 'v>, 'v> =
Map.tryFind k,
(fun v x -> if Map.containsKey k x then Map.add k v x else x)
let value_ (k: 'k): Lens<Map<'k, 'v>, 'v option> =
Map.tryFind k,
(fun v x -> match v with | Some v -> Map.add k v x | _ -> Map.remove k x)
let array_ : Isomorphism<Map<'k, 'v>, ('k * 'v)[]> =
let list_ : Isomorphism<Map<'k, 'v>, ('k * 'v) list> =
module Option =
/// Prism to the value in an Option.
let value_ : Prism<'v option, 'v> =
(fun v ->
function | Some _ -> Some v
| None -> None)
module Operators =
/// Compose a lens with an optic or morphism
let inline (>->) l o =
Compose.lens l o
/// Compose a prism with an optic or morphism.
let inline (>?>) p o =
Compose.prism p o
/// Get a value using an optic.
let inline (^.) target optic =
Optic.get optic target
/// Set a value using an optic.
let inline (^=) value optic =
Optic.set optic value
/// Modify a value using an optic.
let inline (^%) f optic = optic f
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