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Created December 8, 2010 07:09
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ActionView::Template::Error (incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT):
56: <ul id='other_locales' style='display: none'>
57: <% ::Refinery::I18n.locales.reject{|key, value| key.to_sym == ::I18n.locale}.sort_by{|key, value| value}.each do |locale_key, locale_title| %>
58: <li>
59: <%= link_to locale_title.html_safe,
60: params.dup.tap { |p| p[:set_locale] = locale_key },
61: :style => "background-image: url('/images/refinery/icons/flags/#{locale_key}.png');" %>
62: </li>
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