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Created March 22, 2018 01:11
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import nmap
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import psutil
from datetime import datetime
import time
import smtplib
from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import argparse
# Get the current time to mark the scan
# output files:
day = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_")
clock = time.strftime("%I%M%S")
timestamp = day+clock
# Different nmap scans:
def scannerDiscovery(ip, home_folder, timestamp):
print 'Starting nmap discovery scan....'
scanner_file = ip + '-'+ timestamp + '-discovery_scan.txt'
nm = nmap.PortScanner()
os.popen('mkdir -p ' + home_folder + '/' + ip)
dest_folder = home_folder + '/' + ip
scan_results = nm.scan(str(ip), arguments = '-sSVC -p- --script=discovery -oN ' + dest_folder + '/' + scanner_file )
return scan_results
def scannerVulnerability(ip, home_folder, timestamp):
print 'Starting nmap vulnerability scan....'
scanner_file = ip + '-'+ timestamp + '-vulnerability_scan.txt'
nm = nmap.PortScanner()
os.popen('mkdir -p ' + home_folder + '/' + ip)
dest_folder = home_folder + '/' + ip
scan_results = nm.scan(str(ip), arguments = '-sSVC -p- --script=vuln -oN ' + dest_folder + '/' + scanner_file )
return scan_results
def scannerVulnerabilityPort(ip,port):
print 'Starting nmap vulnerability scan on port ' + str(port) + '....'
nm = nmap.PortScanner()
os.popen('mkdir -p ' + home_folder + '/' + ip)
dest_folder = home_folder + '/' + ip
scan_results = nm.scan(str(ip), arguments = '-sSVC -p ' + str(port) + ' --script=discovery -oN ' + dest_folder + '/' + ip + '-vulnerability_scan.txt' )
return scan_results
# Function to get a list of open ports:
def getports(scan_results, ip):
open_ports = scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'].keys()
return open_ports
# Enumeration scans:
def web_enumeration(ip, port, timestamp):
str_port = str(port)
str_ip = str(ip)
nikto_file = str_ip + '-' + str_port + '-' + timestamp + '-nikto.csv'
dirb_file = str_ip + '-' + str_port + '-' + timestamp + '-dirb.txt'
print 'Starting nikto scan on port ' + str_port + '...'
os.popen('/usr/bin/nikto -nointeractive -ask no -Display P -h http://' + str_ip + ':' + str_port + ' -Format csv -o ' + dest_folder + '/' + nikto_file + ' &>/dev/null &' )
process_name= "nikto"
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
while process_name in tmp[:]:
print 'nikto still going...'
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
if process_name not in tmp[:]:
print 'Nikto results written to ' + dest_folder + '/' + nikto_file
print 'Starting dirb scan on port ' + str_port + '...'
os.popen('/usr/bin/dirb http://' + str_ip + ':' + str(port) + ' -o ' + dest_folder + '/' + dirb_file + ' &>/dev/null &' )
process_name= "dirb"
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
while process_name in tmp[:]:
print 'dirb still going...'
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
if process_name not in tmp[:]:
print 'dirb results written to ' + dest_folder + '/' + dirb_file
def sslweb_enumeration(ip, port, timestamp):
str_port = str(port)
str_ip = str(ip)
nikto_file = str_ip + '-' + str_port + '-' + timestamp + '-nikto.csv'
dirb_file = str_ip + '-' + str_port + '-' + timestamp + '-dirb.txt'
print 'Starting nikto scan on port ' + str_port + '...'
os.popen('/usr/bin/nikto -nointeractive -ask no -Display P -h https://' + str_ip + ':' + str(port) + ' -Format csv -o ' + dest_folder + '/' + nikto_file + ' &>/dev/null &' )
process_name= "nikto"
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
while process_name in tmp[:]:
print 'nikto still going...'
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
if process_name not in tmp[:]:
print 'Nikto results written to ' + dest_folder + '/' + nikto_file
print 'Starting dirb scan on port ' + str_port + '...'
os.popen('/usr/bin/dirb https://' + str_ip + ':' + str(port) + ' -o ' + dest_folder + '/' + dirb_file + ' &>/dev/null &' )
process_name= "dirb"
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
while process_name in tmp[:]:
print 'dirb still going...'
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
if process_name not in tmp[:]:
print 'dirb results written to ' + dest_folder + '/' + dirb_file
def smb_enumeration(ip, port):
str_port = str(port)
str_ip = str(ip)
enum4linux_file = str_ip + '-' + str_port + '-' + timestamp + '-enum4linux.txt'
print 'Starting enum4linux scan...'
os.popen('/usr/bin/enum4linux ' + str_ip + ' > ' + dest_folder + '/' + enum4linux_file + ' &>/dev/null &' )
process_name= 'enum4linux'
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
while process_name in tmp[:]:
print 'enum4linux still going...'
tmp = os.popen("ps -Af").read()
if process_name not in tmp[:]:
print 'enum4linux complete. Results written to ' + dest_folder + '/' + enum4linux_file
# Function for getting timestamp:
def getTime():
day = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_")
clock = time.strftime("%I%M%S")
execute_time = day+clock
return execute_time
# Functions below are for taking scan
# results from an nmap **disocvery** scan
# and determining what services are unning
# on each port.
# Function for determining all open HTTP
# ports on nmap discovery scans and enumerating:
def DiscoveryHTTPenum(scan_results, open_ports):
print "Beginning HTTP enumeration with Nikto and Dirb..."
for port in open_ports:
if 'http-headers' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
if 'ssl-cert' not in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
print str(port) + ' is an HTTP server!'
print 'Beginning HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
web_enumeration(ip, port, timestamp)
print 'Skipping HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTP enumeration port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
# Function for determining all open HTTPs
# ports on nmap discovery scans and enumerating:
def DiscoveryHTTPsenum(scan_results, open_ports):
print "Beginning HTTPs enumeration with Nikto and Dirb..."
for port in open_ports:
if 'ssl-cert' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
if 'http-headers' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
print str(port) + ' is an HTTPs server!'
print 'Beginning HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
sslweb_enumeration(ip, port, timestamp)
print 'Skipping HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTPs enumeration port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
# Functions below are for taking scan
# results from an nmap **vuln** scan and
# determining what services are unning on
# each port.
# Function for determining all open HTTP
# ports on nmap vuln scans and enumerating:
def VulnerabilityHTTPenum(scan_results, open_ports):
print "Beginning HTTP enumeration with Nikto and Dirb..."
for port in open_ports:
if 'http-server-header' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
if 'sslv2-drown' not in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
print str(port) + ' is an HTTP server!'
print 'Beginning HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
web_enumeration(ip, port)
print 'Skipping HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTP enumeration on port ' + str(port)
# Function for determining all open HTTPs
# ports on nmap vuln scans and enumerating:
def VulnerabilityHTTPsenum(scan_results, open_ports):
print "Beginning HTTPs enumeration with Nikto and Dirb..."
for port in open_ports:
if 'sslv2-drown' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
if 'http-server-header' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['script']:
print str(port) + ' is an HTTPs server!'
print 'Beginning HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
sslweb_enumeration(ip, port, timestamp)
print 'Skipping HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
print 'Skipping HTTPs enumeration on port ' + str(port)
# Function for determining all open
# CIFS/Samba ports on nmap discovery AND
# vuln scans and enumerating:
def DiscoverySambaenum(scan_results, open_ports):
print "Beginning samba enumeration with enum4linux..."
for port in open_ports:
if 'samba' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['cpe']:
print str(port) + ' is an samba/cifs server!'
print 'Beginning enum4linux against Samba service on port ' + str(port)
smb_enumeration(ip, port, timestamp)
if 'microsoft-ds' in scan_results['scan'][ip]['tcp'][port]['name']:
print str(port) + ' is an samba/cifs server!'
print 'Beginning enum4linux against Windows SMB service on port ' + str(port)
smb_enumeration(ip, port)
print 'Skipping enum4linux port ' + str(port)
# Function for command line arguments:
def buildArgParser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog='', description='Python script for use with Kali Linux. Scan all tcp ports then enumerate web and smb services based on nmap results')
'--ip', help='The IP address to scan',
'--scantype', help='NMAP scan type. Options are \'vuln\' , \'discovery\' or \'all\'',
'--folder', help='Destination for scan results. If not defined, results will go to /scan/$ip',
return parser.parse_args()
# Results placed in /scans unless cli arg is used:
home_folder = '/scans'
# Argument handling logic:
args = buildArgParser()
if args.ip:
ip = args.ip
if args.folder:
home_folder = args.folder
dest_folder = home_folder + '/' + ip
print "The target is " + str(ip)
dest_folder = home_folder + '/' + ip
print "The target is " + str(ip)
print "Cant do anything wihtout an IP to scan"
if args.scantype == 'vuln':
scan_results = scannerVulnerability(ip, home_folder, timestamp)
if scan_results['nmap']['scanstats']['uphosts'] == '1':
open_ports = getports(scan_results, ip)
VulnerabilityHTTPenum(scan_results, open_ports)
VulnerabilityHTTPsenum(scan_results, open_ports)
DiscoverySambaenum(scan_results, open_ports)
print "Host did not reply to scan attempts. Please pick a new IP to scan"
if args.scantype == 'discovery':
scan_results = scannerDiscovery(ip, home_folder, timestamp)
if scan_results['nmap']['scanstats']['uphosts'] == '1':
open_ports = getports(scan_results, ip)
DiscoveryHTTPenum(scan_results, open_ports)
DiscoveryHTTPsenum(scan_results, open_ports)
DiscoverySambaenum(scan_results, open_ports)
print "Host did not reply to scan attempts. Please pick a new IP to scan"
if args.scantype == 'all':
scan_results = scannerDiscovery(ip, home_folder, timestamp)
if scan_results['nmap']['scanstats']['uphosts'] == '1':
open_ports = getports(scan_results, ip)
DiscoveryHTTPenum(scan_results, open_ports)
DiscoveryHTTPsenum(scan_results, open_ports)
DiscoverySambaenum(scan_results, open_ports)
print "Host did not reply to scan attempts. Please pick a new IP to scan"
scan_results = scannerVulnerability(ip, home_folder, timestamp)
if scan_results['nmap']['scanstats']['uphosts'] == '1':
print 'Vulnerability scan complete. All enumeration is done!'
print 'The scan options are vuln, discovery or all (run both discovery and vuln scans). Your selecion didnt match any of those'
# Zip the resulting scan files:
date_time = getTime()
file_name = home_folder + '/' + str(ip) + '-scan-' + timestamp + '.zip'
os.popen('zip -r ' + file_name + ' ' + dest_folder)
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