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Created June 12, 2011 23:29
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Save joepestro/1022126 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Playing around with a minimap toggle for vim. When activated, gives an overview of the current window and highlights the text that was in the visible area. Still needs some tweaking.
function! ToggleMinimap()
if exists("s:isMini") && s:isMini == 0
let s:isMini = 1
let s:isMini = 0
if (s:isMini == 0)
" save current visible lines
let s:firstLine = line("w0")
let s:lastLine = line("w$")
" resize each window
" windo let w=winwidth(0)*12 | exe "set winwidth=" . w
" windo let h=winheight(0)*12 | exe "set winheight=" . h
" don't change window size
let c = &columns * 12
let l = &lines * 12
exe "set columns=" . c
exe "set lines=" . l
" make font small
set guifont=ProggyTiny:h1
" highlight lines which were visible
let s:lines = ""
for i in range(s:firstLine, s:lastLine)
let s:lines = s:lines . "\\%" . i . "l"
if i < s:lastLine
let s:lines = s:lines . "\\|"
exe 'match Visible /' . s:lines . '/'
hi Visible guibg=lightblue guifg=black term=bold
set guifont=Menlo:h12
hi clear Visible
command! ToggleMinimap call ToggleMinimap()
nnoremap m :ToggleMinimap<CR>
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Could you give us a screenshot? @joepestro

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