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Created November 29, 2021 23:04
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Ender 5 Plus with BLTouch, SKR2 mainboard TMC 2209 drivers Working Klipper v0.10.0 Printer Config file
# This file is an example config file for cartesian style printers.
# One may copy and edit this file to configure a new cartesian
# printer.
# FIRST. Incorrectly configured parameters may cause damage.
# See docs/ for a description of parameters.
# TMC2209 configuration
[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PE0
run_current: 0.800
hold_current: 0.800
step_pin: PE2
dir_pin: !PE1
enable_pin: !PE3
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^!PC1
position_endstop: 350
position_max: 350
homing_speed: 100
[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PD3
run_current: 0.800
hold_current: 0.800
step_pin: PD5
dir_pin: !PD4
enable_pin: !PD6
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PC3
position_endstop: 350
position_max: 350
homing_speed: 100
[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: PD0
run_current: 0.800
hold_current: 0.800
step_pin: PA15
dir_pin: !PA8
enable_pin: !PD1
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 4
#step_distance: .0025
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_max: 400
position_min: -5 #set position_min to a negative value such as -5 when probing to set z offset, then revert to 0
homing_speed: 10.0
[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: PC6
run_current: 0.600
step_pin: PD15
dir_pin: !PD14
enable_pin: !PC7
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 33.500
nozzle_diameter: 0.600
filament_diameter: 1.75
pressure_advance: 0.05 # high value for stock long bowden tube, uncomment to enable pressure advance
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.010 # uncomment to enable pressure advance
heater_pin: PB3
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PA2
control: pid
pid_Kp: 24.062
pid_Ki: 1.077
pid_Kd: 134.445
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 300
#[tmc2209 extruder1]
#uart_pin: PD12
#run_current: 0.600
#microsteps: 16
home_xy_position: 180, 180
speed: 100
z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm, so the probe doesnt hit anything
z_hop_speed: 5
sensor_pin: ^PE4
control_pin: PE5
x_offset: -22
y_offset: -15
z_offset: 2.420
speed: 3.0
samples: 1
pin_up_reports_not_triggered: True
pin_up_touch_mode_reports_triggered: False
screw1: 48,54
screw1_name: front left screw
screw2: 332,54
screw2_name: front right screw
screw3: 332,315
screw3_name: rear right screw
screw4: 48,315
screw4_name: rear left screw
horizontal_move_z: 10.
speed: 50.
screw_thread: CCW-M4
screw1: 26,39
screw2: 310,39
screw3: 310,300
screw4: 26,300
speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 8
mesh_min: 50, 50
mesh_max: 300,300
probe_count: 5,5 # 3,3 or 5,5
mesh_pps: 2,2
algorithm: bicubic
bicubic_tension: 0.2
move_check_distance: 5
split_delta_z: .025
fade_start: 1
fade_end: 10
fade_target: 0
[gcode_macro G29]
G1 X0 Y0 Z5 F4000
heater_pin: PD7
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PA1
control: pid
pid_Kp: 690.34
pid_Ki: 111.47
pid_Kd: 1068.83
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 130
#[heater_fan ]
# See the "fan" section for a description of the above parameters.
#heater: extruder
# Name of the config section defining the heater that this fan is
# associated with. If a comma separated list of heater names is
# provided here, then the fan will be enabled when any of the given
# heaters are enabled. The default is "extruder".
#heater_temp: 50.0
# A temperature (in Celsius) that the heater must drop below before
# the fan is disabled. The default is 50 Celsius.
#fan_speed: 1.0
# The fan speed (expressed as a value from 0.0 to 1.0) that the fan
# will be set to when its associated heater is enabled. The default
# is 1.0
[output_pin motor_power]
pin: PC13
value: 1
serial:#on raspberry pi, run command: ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 600
max_accel: 5000
max_z_velocity: 25
max_z_accel: 100
shaper_type: mzv
[gcode_macro load_mesh]
BED_MESH_PROFILE load=default
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