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Created April 5, 2020 21:27
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// Assume that the below numbers were generated by some external code somehow, and we don't know upfront which one is going to be lowest
let a = 523;
let b = 62;
let query = select("projects", [
active: true,
score: not(lessThan(anyOf([ a, b, sql("44 + 33"), parameter("foo") ])))
{ type: 'select',
table: { type: 'tableName', name: 'projects' },
[ { type: 'where',
{ type: 'expression',
left: { type: 'columnName', name: 'active' },
{ type: 'condition',
conditionType: 'equals',
expression: { type: 'literalValue', value: true } } } },
{ type: 'where',
{ type: 'expression',
left: { type: 'columnName', name: 'score' },
{ type: 'notCondition',
{ type: 'condition',
conditionType: 'lessThan',
{ type: 'anyOf',
[ { type: 'literalValue', value: 523 },
{ type: 'literalValue', value: 62 },
{ type: 'sqlExpression', sql: '44 + 33', parameters: [] },
{ type: 'placeholder', name: 'foo' } ] } } } } } ] }
{ query:
'SELECT * FROM projects WHERE active = ? AND NOT (score < ANY (ARRAY[?, ?, (44 + 33), ?]));',
params: [ true, 523, 62, { type: 'placeholder', name: 'foo' } ],
placeholders: [ 'foo' ] }
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