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Last active September 19, 2020 12:00
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let timestamps = {
created_at: [ timestamp(), defaultTo(now()) ],
updated_at: [ timestamp(), optional() ]
createTable("permissions", {
role: linkTo(""),
permission: string() // defined in the application code
createTable("roles", {
name: string(),
color: string()
createTable("users", {
username: string(),
password_hash: string(),
email_address: string(),
last_activity: [ timestamp(), defaultTo(now()), index() ],
activation_key: [ uuid(), optional(), index() ],
activation_expiry: [ timestamp(), optional() ],
password_reset_key: [ uuid(), optional(), index() ],
password_reset_expiry: [ timestamp(), optional() ]
createTable("categories", {
name: string(),
created_by: linkTo(""),
visible_on_frontpage: [ boolean(), defaultTo(true) ]
createTable("threads", {
title: string(),
category: linkTo(""),
user: linkTo(""), // FIXME: Figure out how to auto-detect the column type for relations
visible: [ boolean(), defaultTo(true) ],
... timestamps
createTable("posts", {
thread: linkTo(""),
user: linkTo(""),
body: string(),
visible: [ boolean(), defaultTo(true) ],
... timestamps
// List active users and include their role information for highlighting moderators etc.
function timeAgo(time) {
return subtract(now(), duration(time));
select("users", [
where({ last_activity: lessThan(timeAgo("1h")) }),
withRelations({ role: belongsTo("role") })
// Count the active users by role
// NOTE: This returns an object { role, count } where `role` is the actual data from the `roles` table
select("users", [
where({ last_activity: moreThan(timeAgo("1h")) }),
withRelations({ role: belongsTo("role") }),
collapseBy("role", [
compute({ count: count() })
// Update a user's last activity
update("users", [
where({ id: userID }),
set({ last_activity: now() })
// Show latest threads in all categories except hidden threads and frontpage-hidden categories
function mostRecent(field) {
return [
select("threads", [
define("category", belongsTo("category")),
define("last_post", has("posts.thread", [
visible: true,
category: { visible_on_frontpage: true }
// Get a thread with all its posts
select("threads", [
where({ id: threadID }),
posts: has("posts.thread", [
where({ visible: true }),
// Create a new thread
create("threads", [
withRelations({ posts: has("posts.thread") }),
title: title,
user: userID,
posts: [{
user: userID,
body: body
// Update the thread title
update("threads", [
where({ id: threadID }),
title: newTitle,
updated_at: now()
// Create a new post
create("posts", {
thread: threadID,
user: userID,
body: body
// Edit a post body
update("posts", [
where({ id: postID }),
body: newBody,
updated_at: now()
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