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Last active November 13, 2019 14:49
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rdflib.js Typescript Work in Progress notes

Builds upon the approved #363 PR for typescript migration:

Changes included in PR #363

  • Converted some of the most fundamental classes to typescript, including Node, Literal, BlankNode, NamedNode, Collection, Statement.
  • Introduced a .types file for shared types.
  • Included a temporary types-temp.ts file in project root as a reference file for documentation and keeping track of the ts migration process.
  • The .isVar method is set to boolean values, instead of 0 or 1. This seemed reasonable, as it's only used for boolean type checks, and the existing types already define it as a boolean value. Timbl confirmed that isVar is only used for boolean operations.
  • JSDoc is replaced with Typedoc. Combined with types and comments from @types/rdflib, this makes the documentation far more complete.
  • I used many of the types and comments from @types/rdflib by Cénotélie. Added credits in package.json, discussed this with Cénotélie.

New changes

  • Migrated formula, variable, store, update-manager, data-factory, default-graph, namespace, parse,serialize, parse, uri and utils tot ts.
  • Added fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin, which enables errors in the log when ts errors occur.
  • Added and implemented RDF/JS Taskforce (TF) types, included these in the types.ts file. I tried implementing the TF types in the major classes, but some of the incompatibilities make it difficult. Many available methods on rdfjs instances (e.g. .toNt() in NamedNode), are missing in TF classes. To improve TF comatibility, we should minimize using rdflib specific functions. This would for example enable using Forumla methods on RDFExt nodes. We should use the Taskforce types (TFTerm, TFQuad) as much as possible, instead of rdflib types (Node, Statement).
  • Variables (from rdfjs taskforce) make typings a lot more complex (many methods would require explicit type checks, e.g. you can't serialize a variable to N-Triples), so I disabled them.
  • Switched internal calls from sameTerm to equals in order to comply to TF spec, so that these functions also work with external datafactories.
  • Added typeguards, e.g. isTFNamedNode and isTFPredicate in Utils, and used these at various locations.
  • Use enums for termType and contentType, without breaking compatibility with regular strings.
  • Formula Constructor arguments are optional - since some functions initialize empty Formulas.
  • In Formula.fromNT() return this.literal(str, lang || dt) seemed wrong, converted it to
  • The various fromValue methods conflict with the base Node class, type wise. Since they don't use this, I feel like they should be converted to functions.

Minor fixes

  • Removed the last conditional of Formula.holds(), since it did not make sense
  • Removed some unreachable code, unused variables and functions that didn't do anything such as Node.substitute().
  • Removed the justOne argument from formula.statementsMatching, since it was unused.
  • The uri.document function called .uri on a string, I removed that.
  • Transformed inline comments to JSDoc, moved them to type declarations instead of constructor.
  • Some types are set to any, because I didn't fully understand them. I've added TODO comments for these.
  • Removed the fourth argument from the parser.parse function in fetcher.parse, since the function only takes three.
  • Removed the response argument from fetcher.parse, XHTMLHandler.parse, RDFXMLHander.parse, XMLHandler, since it was not used.
  • Fetcher.failfetch added strings as objects to the store. Changed that to literals.
  • Internal calls to NamedNode.uri are changed to .value to comply with TF spec. This enables these functions to work with external datafactories.
  • Removed unused second argument from Fetcher.cleanupFetchRequest
  • Created one huge Options type for Fetcher. Not sure if this is the way to go.
  • In Node.toJS, the boolean only returned true if the xsd:boolean value is '1', now it it should also work for 'true'.
  • Converted kb.add(someString) to kb.add(new Namednode(somestring)) to enhance compatibility with other datafactories. This happens in Fetcher and
  • Fetcher.refreshIfExpired passed an array of headers, but it needs only one string.
  • Fethcer uses Headers a lot. I've changed empty objects to empty new Headers instances, which enhances compatibility with default Fetch behavior.

Possible bugs not fixed by this PR

  • The Parse.executeErrorCallback conditional logic is always true.
  • Formula.substitute uses this.add(Statments[]), which will crash. I think it should be removed, since IndexedFormula.substitute is used all the time anyway.
  • The Formula.serialize function calls serialize.ts with only one argument, so without a store. I think this will crash every time. AlsoFormula.serialize uses this.namespaces, but this is only defined in IndexedFormula. Is it rotten code and should it be removed?
  • store.add() accepts many types of inputs, but this will lead to invalid statements (e.g. a Literal as a Subject). I suggest we make this more strict and throw more errors on wrong inputs. Relates to #362. We could still make the allowed inputs bigger by allowing other types with some explicit behavior, e.g. in subject arguments, create NamedNodes from URL objects and strings that look like URLs . In any case, I thinkg the Node.fromValue behavior is too unpredictable for store.add. For now, I've updated the docs to match its behavior.
  • The types for Node.fromValue and Literal.fromValue show how unpredictable these methods are. I suggest we make them more strict (also relates to #362), so they either return a TFTerm (node) or throw an error - they should not return undefined or null. Also, I think they should be converted to functions in Utils: this would fix the circular dependency issue (why we need node_internal) and it would fix the type issues in Literal.fromValue (which tends to give issues since it's signature does not correctly extend from Node.fromValue)
  • In Fetcher.addtype, the final logic will allways return true, since redirection is a NamedNode. Should it call .value?
  • The defaultGraph iri is set to chrome:theSession, but this errors in Firefox. I suggest we change it to something else. See #370.

Unused code

  • IndexedFormula.predicateCallback is checked, but never used in this codebase.
  • The optional argument in formula.js does not seem to be documented, used or tested - should it be removed?

Other things I noticed:

  • Literals can apparently be null or undefined, when nodes are created using the .fromValue method. This causes faulty behavior. This happens in the new Statement() constructor as well. See #362.
  • The IndexedFormula.add() method has logic for Statement array inputs and store inputs, but this behavior is not documented. It also refers to this.fetcher and this.defaultGraph, which both should not be available.
  • The filenames of major classes differ from their default exports, e.g. store.ts is called IndexedFormula.
  • Aliases (e.g. IndexedFormula.match for IndexefFormula.statementsMatching) introduce complexity, documentation and type duplication. I suggest adding deprecation warnings.
  • The various calling methods of Fetcher.nowOrWhenFetched are quite dynamic. A simpler, stricter input type might be preferable.
  • The Variable type (or TFVariable) really messes with some assumptions. I feel like they should not be valid in regular quads, since it's impossible to serialize them decently. If I'd add it to the accepted types, we'd require a lot of typeguards in functions.
  • Fetcher StatusValues can be many types in RDFlib: string, number, true, undefined... This breaks compatibility with extending Response types, since these only use numbers. I feel we should only use the 499 browser error and add the text message to the requestbody. I've created a type for the internal InternalResponse; it shows how it differs from a regular Response.
  • The IndexedFormula and Formula methods have incompatible types, such as in compareTerm, variable and add. I've added //@ts-ignore lines with comments.
  • Serializer's fourth options argument is undocumented, and I couldn't find out how it worked.
  • Fetcher saveResponseMetadata creates literals

Some thoughts on simplifying language

Getting started with Linked Data or RDF can be difficult, since it introduces quite a few new concepts. Since this library is powerful and generic, it might be one of the first and most important RDF tools that a developer will use. Therefore, we should try to use consistent langauge and keep synonyms to a minimum.

  • The name Node and Term seem to refer to the same concept. Both are used in this repo. I think Term is slightly more suited, partially because it complies to the TF spec, but also because it seems more sementically correct. A Literal, for example, is not really a node in the mathematical sense, it's more of an edge, since it cannot connect to other nodes.
  • Statement, Triple and Quad refer to the same concept, at least technically. Maybe we could pick one. I suggest Statement, because it covers both triples and quads.
  • The concept graph is referred to as why, doc and graph in the code and API. I think this might be confusing - should we just call it graph everywhere?
  • the IndexedFormula default export name is different from the store filename. It might be easier to just call it store everywhere, including where it's called kb.

Probably OK, but I don't get it:

  • I'm a bit embarassed about this, but even after rewriting so much of the code I still don't understand all methods. E.g. Forumla.transitiveClosure()
  • Some functions in Fetcher assume that specific Opts are defined. I've included all these in a single Options type (and an AutoInitOptions type which sets auto-initialized opts), and extended this type in each function where specific opts seemed to be required. I'm not entirely confident about the types I've set.
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