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Joe Rowley joer14

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djshen-ponddy / customize_wsgi.config
Created October 13, 2017 06:20
Customize AWS Elastic Beanstalk wsgi.conf without being wiped out after update of environment variables
"/opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/configdeploy/pre/": &file
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
zackdever / gist:8701478
Created January 30, 2014 02:23
arc diff off another diff
taken directly from
Advanced topic: Dependent Phabricator reviews
Say you have an upstream called master, and a feature branch F1, and a second change that depends on F1, (call it F2).
git checkout master
git checkout -b F1
# work work
git commit -a
arc diff
karanlyons / ZoomDaemon.yara
Last active July 12, 2021 14:07
Fixes for Zoom, RingCentral, Zhumu (and additional white labels) RCE vulnerabilities
private rule Macho
description = "private rule to match Mach-O binaries (copied from Apple's XProtect)"
uint32(0) == 0xfeedface or uint32(0) == 0xcefaedfe or uint32(0) == 0xfeedfacf or uint32(0) == 0xcffaedfe or uint32(0) == 0xcafebabe or uint32(0) == 0xbebafeca
rule ZoomDaemon
midwire / git-merged-branches.rb
Last active August 31, 2021 16:00
A script to list all remote branches that have been merged into a specified branch. Optionally exclude branches with recent commits. Written to help in deleting old merged branches.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Get a list of merged branches
# You need to checkout the target remote branch before running. In other words,
# if your target branch is 'master', you have to have it checked out before you
# run this script, otherwise you will get an error like: `fatal: malformed
# object name master`. Git needs to have the branch checked out in order to find
# the branches that have/have-not been merged into it.
andrewschoen / S3 bucket sync
Created February 3, 2012 21:22
Python script to sync an S3 bucket to the local file system
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import StringIO
import hashlib
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
except ImportError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured, "Could not load Boto's S3 bindings."
dlueth /
Last active April 16, 2022 03:02
Replace Yosemite's DNS discoveryd with the former mDNSResponder.
if [ ! $(whoami) = 'root' ]; then
echo "This script should be run as root." > /dev/stderr
exit 1
local pid=$!
febuiles /
Last active July 1, 2022 03:45
Fetching lyrics in Unix

Fetching lyrics in the command line

Objective: Print the lyrics for the current playing song.

How: We'll create a small bash script to do the fetching for us (using curl) and then we'll display it either in the terminal or in our $EDITOR

Get the current song

First we'll need to get the name of the current song and its artist:

jesstelford /
Last active December 5, 2022 10:46
List the Pull Requests which have been merged into one branch but not another. Execute this from within a git directory that has it's `origin` remote set to github.
if (( $# < 2 )) || (( $# > 3 ))
echo "$0 <are-in-this-branch> <are-not-in-this-branch> [<url-of-repo>]"
exit 1
if (( $# == 3 ))
URLPREFIX=$(echo "$3/pull/" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')
mariocesar /
Last active December 28, 2023 19:17
Django admin decorator to create a confirmation form action, like the default delete action works
from .models import Post, Category
from .decorators import action_form
class PostCategoryForm(forms.Form):
title = 'Update category for the selected posts'
myfile = forms.FileField()
category = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Category.objects.all())
v-yarotsky / .tmux.conf
Created March 22, 2012 11:57
Mac OS X tmux config
# 1. Install Homebrew (
# 2. brew install zsh
# 3. Install OhMyZsh (
# 4. brew install reattach-to-user-namespace --wrap-pbcopy-pbpaste && brew link reattach-to-user-namespace
# 5. Install iTerm2
# 6. In iTerm2 preferences for your profile set:
# Character Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8)
# Report Terminal Type: xterm-256color
# 7. Put itunesartist and itunestrack into PATH