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Last active August 10, 2018 21:11
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Joe's Public To-do List

As part of a commitment to personal transparency I’m making my personal to-do list publicly and permanently accessible here.

You can read about the reasons why and the benefits at the blog post I did.

I'm using the todo.txt format, you can read about it here

Priority is set based on integrity. You can read more about my prioritisation at this blog post.

As a shorthand, the levels are these:

Unmarked not known, might be very very important, must sort A “Send James the new slides they need” – actions that I have committed to and that a named person needs before they can do something, with a deadline. B “Send James the book he asked for” – actions that I have committed to and that a named person needs before they can do something, but that don’t have a specific deadline. C “Register for Saturday fun run”: actions that have a deadline and I have said I will do (to at least one person or in public), but only I care about. D “Go running” Like 3, but without a hard deadline. E “Make doctors appointment” actions I have promised myself, or I feel make me the person I like being F “See if you can make a cup holder from wood” ‘play’ things.

(C) Add a regular event to the template to get the extra tasks (C) put monitors into the loft (D) Show Kat crazy five year plan @Kat (E) @brainstorm on show don't tell for social media (E) Backup your camera memory card to external hard drive (E) Check Desktop Tracker is working (E) Check Voicemail (E) Check that everything in the 'in process' box really does have a task (E) Check the 'to put in Evernote' folder and add to database (E) Check the bike 'go bag' (E) Do full accounts algorithm (E) Do full accounts algorithm (E) Do full accounts algorithm (E) Dropoff lamps at Family choice. @outside (E) Fill out fear/passion table (E) Fill out fear/passion table (E) Floss (E) Floss (E) Floss (E) Floss (E) Floss (E) Floss (E) Floss (E) Give laptop screen a good clean, fingerprints are bad (E) Go thought phone screen shots for tasks (E) Go through notebook (and iphone reminders) for tasks (E) Go through the shared reminder list with @Kat (E) Lace up running shoes (E) Listen to Randy Pausch Talk (E) Look at list of topics and ring §e:U2FsdGVkX19WbLrOTMYO0bkqz6MOP/OQe8b1WJ4GTb0=§ (E) Open and log progress on the bid status document (E) Open list of projects to be funded (E) Pay in royalty cheque @outside (E) Phone Kings HR change address (E) Pick an article from Evernote drafts and put it online (E) Ping §e:U2FsdGVkX1+2sCINV5b6K1KSUcMaZeU8RehzZpTXQ5c=§ (E) Ping §e:U2FsdGVkX1+EsHAGTPwo87cBt8j8EPuzlDY3tRCzIt0=§ (E) Ping §e:U2FsdGVkX1+EsHAGTPwo87cBt8j8EPuzlDY3tRCzIt0=§ (E) Put everything 'lying around' at home into the big chest for later sorting (E) Redo delores to match the new way (E) Reduce the amount of space laptop is using (E) Repost this: (E) Review your highlights and notes from Kindle books (E) Rewrite personal statement to include honesty (E) Save a memory about §e:U2FsdGVkX18rcdzDASp5hOjw/Ii/67FJskMBC9ouZqU=§ in the book (E) Setup startcapture as a login item (E) Sprint moving over to todo.txt format (E) Sprint on this: (E) Swimming and climbing gear should be in the car (E) Trim nose hair (E) Trim nose hair (E) Update Symptoms and Moods file (E) Use Face strip (E) Use Face strip (E) Use Face strip (E) Video call Laurence (E) Work out which new laptop you want (E) Write a letter to Nova (E) more work on family @brainstorm @Kat (E) pick the next BJJ club to go to (E) pick the next evening to do to from the luton clubs list (F) Write (and backup) the functions for structuring the todo list x (C) Ring amazon about invoices x 2018-08-10 20 minutes @brainstorm and Full commit to 'eat what kat eats but with keto hot choc' pri:E x 2018-08-10 @Brainstorm on recording time better. pri:E x 2018-08-10 Add the Windows OVF video to OVF website pri:D x 2018-08-10 Backup Dreamhost pri:E x 2018-08-10 Cancel Laura email account pri:B x 2018-08-10 Find out about morgages pri:B x 2018-08-10 Fix gate. due:2018-08-09 @home pri:C x 2018-08-10 Floss pri:E x 2018-08-10 Make a list of prep you can do before WWW away day pri:C x 2018-08-10 Post accountability for phone to facebook pri:C x 2018-08-10 Put up the subtitle blog you were sent @live pri:D x 2018-08-10 Put up wall clock @Kat pri:D x 2018-08-10 Ring RCSLT and find out what happened @phone pri:D x 2018-08-10 Ring the Charity Commission on 0300 066 9197 registering the role @phone pri:A x 2018-08-10 Setup Good Dinosaur for 5pm. pri:C x 2018-08-10 Work out the comic structure for the day, in full. pri:A x 2018-08-10 write 5x5 requirement here: @live due:2018-08-12 pri:C

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