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Created January 25, 2018 20:14
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rust meetup 2018-01-25
extern crate rocket;
extern crate ipnetwork;
use ipnetwork::{IpNetwork, IpNetworkError};
use rocket::http::RawStr;
use rocket::request::FromParam;
use std::error::Error;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::str::FromStr;
fn get_geolocation(addr: IpAddr) -> String {
format!("{}", addr)
#[get("/<addr_range>", rank = 2)]
fn get_geolocation_from_address_range(addr_range: NetworkRange) -> String {
format!("{}", addr_range.0)
struct NetworkRange(IpNetwork);
impl FromStr for NetworkRange {
type Err = IpNetworkError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<NetworkRange, IpNetworkError> {
impl<'r> FromParam<'r> for NetworkRange {
type Error = Box<Error>;
fn from_param(param: &'r RawStr) -> Result<Self, Box<Error>> {
.map_err(|e| Box::new(e) as Box<Error>)
.and_then(|decoded_str| decoded_str.parse().map_err(|e| Box::new(e) as Box<Error>))
// match param.percent_decode() {
// Ok(decoded_str) => {
// match decoded_str.parse() {
// Ok(network_range) => Ok(network_range),
// Err(e) => Err(Box::new(e))
// }
// }
// Err(e) => Err(Box::new(e))
// }
fn main() {
.mount("/", routes![get_geolocation])
.mount("/", routes![get_geolocation_from_address_range])
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