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Last active December 14, 2021 07:40
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Simple Opensource GIS examples with Grass and R
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"# Importing Arc/Info raster and MS Access DB into Grass-GIS\n",
"The [ISRIC-WISE global soil database]( consists of\n",
"- Raster basemap of unique IDs\n",
"- Database of various soil properties\n",
"Here: soil depth \n",
"## Prerequisites\n",
"1. [Grass-GIS](\n",
"2. [mdbtools](\n",
"3. [sqlite3](\n",
"## Setting up the Grass environment \n",
"- EPSG code 4326: geographic lat/lon projection (ellipsoid WGS84)\n",
"- global terrestrial extent at 0.5° resolution (without Antarctica)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"\u001b[H\u001b[2Jprojection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude)\n",
"zone: 0\n",
"datum: wgs84\n",
"ellipsoid: wgs84\n",
"north: 83N\n",
"south: 56S\n",
"west: 180W\n",
"east: 180E\n",
"nsres: 0:30\n",
"ewres: 0:30\n",
"rows: 278\n",
"cols: 720\n",
"cells: 200160\n",
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"access: No such file or directory\n",
"ERROR: LOCATION </Users/jsteinkamp/Grass/wise> not available\n",
"Creating new GRASS GIS location/mapset...\n",
" __________ ___ __________ _______________\n",
" / ____/ __ \\/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/\n",
" / / __/ /_/ / /| | \\__ \\\\_ \\ / / __ / / \\__ \\\n",
" / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ /\n",
" \\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \\____/___//____/\n",
"Welcome to GRASS GIS 7.2.1\n",
"GRASS GIS homepage:\n",
"This version running through: Bash Shell (/bin/bash)\n",
"Help is available with the command: g.manual -i\n",
"See the licence terms with: g.version -c\n",
"See citation options with: g.version -x\n",
"Start the GUI with: g.gui wxpython\n",
"When ready to quit enter: exit\n",
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Goodbye from GRASS GIS\n",
"source": [
"## Create a new location with geographic lat/lon grid\n",
"grass72 -c EPSG:4326 ~/Grass/wise\n",
"## set the spatial extent and resulotion; save as default\n",
"g.region -sp s=-56 n=83 w=-180 e=180 res=0.5"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"source": [
"## Data processing\n",
"- Importing Arc/Info raster using GDAL (\n",
"- conversion raster to vector polygon"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"\u001b[H\u001b[2J +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
" | Map: wise_basemap Date: Tue Sep 5 09:35:16 2017 |\n",
" | Mapset: work Login of Creator: jsteinkamp |\n",
" | Location: wise |\n",
" | DataBase: /Users/jsteinkamp/Grass |\n",
" | Title: |\n",
" | Timestamp: none |\n",
" |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n",
" | |\n",
" | Type of Map: raster Number of Categories: 0 |\n",
" | Data Type: CELL |\n",
" | Rows: 360 |\n",
" | Columns: 720 |\n",
" | Total Cells: 259200 |\n",
" | Projection: Latitude-Longitude |\n",
" | N: 90N S: 90S Res: 0:30 |\n",
" | E: 180E W: 180W Res: 0:30 |\n",
" | Range of data: min = 1 max = 45948 |\n",
" | |\n",
" | Data Description: |\n",
" | generated by |\n",
" | |\n",
" | Comments: |\n",
" | --overwrite --quiet -o input=\"/Volumes/FAT/GIS/WISE_v3/Wis\\ |\n",
" | esnum/hdr.adf\" output=\"wise_basemap\" memory=300 offset=0 num_digits=0 |\n",
" | |\n",
" +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
" +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
" | Name: wise |\n",
" | Mapset: work |\n",
" | Location: wise |\n",
" | Database: /Users/jsteinkamp/Grass |\n",
" | Title: |\n",
" | Map scale: 1:1 |\n",
" | Name of creator: jsteinkamp |\n",
" | Organization: |\n",
" | Source date: Tue Sep 5 09:35:16 2017 |\n",
" | Timestamp (first layer): none |\n",
" |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n",
" | Map format: native |\n",
" |----------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n",
" | Type of map: vector (level: 2) |\n",
" | |\n",
" | Number of points: 0 Number of centroids: 55690 |\n",
" | Number of lines: 0 Number of boundaries: 116792 |\n",
" | Number of areas: 55690 Number of islands: 132 |\n",
" | |\n",
" | Map is 3D: No |\n",
" | Number of dblinks: 1 |\n",
" | |\n",
" | Projection: Latitude-Longitude |\n",
" | |\n",
" | N: 83N S: 56S |\n",
" | E: 180E W: 180W |\n",
" | |\n",
" | Digitization threshold: 0 |\n",
" | Comment: |\n",
" | |\n",
" +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Creating new GRASS GIS location/mapset...\n",
"Missing WIND file fixed\n",
" __________ ___ __________ _______________\n",
" / ____/ __ \\/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/\n",
" / / __/ /_/ / /| | \\__ \\\\_ \\ / / __ / / \\__ \\\n",
" / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ /\n",
" \\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \\____/___//____/\n",
"Welcome to GRASS GIS 7.2.1\n",
"GRASS GIS homepage:\n",
"This version running through: Bash Shell (/bin/bash)\n",
"Help is available with the command: g.manual -i\n",
"See the licence terms with: g.version -c\n",
"See citation options with: g.version -x\n",
"Start the GUI with: g.gui wxpython\n",
"When ready to quit enter: exit\n",
"WARNING: Over-riding projection check\n",
"WARNING: File <map.png> already exists and will be overwritten\n",
"Output file: /Users/jsteinkamp/Grass/map.png\n",
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Goodbye from GRASS GIS\n",
"source": [
"grass72 -c ~/Grass/wise/work\n",
"## set the path variable to the data files\n",
"## import the Raster basemap from an ARC/Info binary grid \n",
" -o --overwrite --quiet input=${INPUTDIR}/WISE_v3/Wisesnum/hdr.adf output=wise_basemap\n",
" wise_basemap\n",
"## convert the raster data to a polygon (vector)\n",
" --overwrite --quiet input=wise_basemap output=wise type=area\n",
" wise\n",
"## export to PNG\n",
"d.mon --overwrite start=png\n",
"d.rast --quiet wise_basemap\n",
"d.mon stop=png"
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"metadata": {
"slideshow": {
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"source": [
"## Importing the database\n",
"Using commands from mdbtools to\n",
"- initialize the sqlite database table\n",
"- export to csv and import to sqlite"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Starting GRASS GIS...\n",
" __________ ___ __________ _______________\n",
" / ____/ __ \\/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/\n",
" / / __/ /_/ / /| | \\__ \\\\_ \\ / / __ / / \\__ \\\n",
" / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ /\n",
" \\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \\____/___//____/\n",
"Welcome to GRASS GIS 7.2.1\n",
"GRASS GIS homepage:\n",
"This version running through: Bash Shell (/bin/bash)\n",
"Help is available with the command: g.manual -i\n",
"See the licence terms with: g.version -c\n",
"See citation options with: g.version -x\n",
"Start the GUI with: g.gui wxpython\n",
"When ready to quit enter: exit\n",
"No MSysRelationships\n",
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Goodbye from GRASS GIS\n",
"source": [
"grass72 ~/Grass/wise/work\n",
"## set some variables to save typing\n",
"GrassDB=$(g.gisenv GISDBASE)/$(g.gisenv LOCATION_NAME)/$(g.gisenv MAPSET)/sqlite/sqlite.db\n",
"## table layout export/import\n",
"mdb-schema ${INPUTDIR}/WISE_v3/WISE30by30min.mdb -T yDEPT sqlite | sqlite3 $GrassDB\n",
"## table data export to CSV\n",
"mdb-export -d \"|\" ${INPUTDIR}/WISE_v3/WISE30by30min.mdb yDEPT > ${TMPDIR}/yDEPT.csv\n",
"## table import\n",
"echo \".import ${TMPDIR}/yDEPT.csv yDEPT\" | sqlite3 $GrassDB\n",
"rm ${TMPDIR}/yDEPT.csv\n",
"echo -e \".header on\\n select * from yDEPT where SNUM==1;\" | sqlite3 $GrassDB"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"source": [
"## SQL joins and raster calculations\n",
"The table layout, e.g. column names must be known in advance.\n",
"- Adding new columns to the georeferenced table\n",
"- filling it with the "
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Starting GRASS GIS...\n",
" __________ ___ __________ _______________\n",
" / ____/ __ \\/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/\n",
" / / __/ /_/ / /| | \\__ \\\\_ \\ / / __ / / \\__ \\\n",
" / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ /\n",
" \\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \\____/___//____/\n",
"Welcome to GRASS GIS 7.2.1\n",
"GRASS GIS homepage:\n",
"This version running through: Bash Shell (/bin/bash)\n",
"Help is available with the command: g.manual -i\n",
"See the licence terms with: g.version -c\n",
"See citation options with: g.version -x\n",
"Start the GUI with: g.gui wxpython\n",
"When ready to quit enter: exit\n",
"Removing vector <wise>\n",
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Goodbye from GRASS GIS\n",
"source": [
"grass72 ~/Grass/wise/work\n",
"## Set the path variable\n",
"GrassDB=$(g.gisenv GISDBASE)/$(g.gisenv LOCATION_NAME)/$(g.gisenv MAPSET)/sqlite/sqlite.db\n",
"## for the sake of speed take only the three first ones, instead of all 10\n",
"## Ideally filter for real soils (values -95/-98/-99; rock/glacier/water)\n",
"for n in 1 2 3; do\n",
" sqlite3 ${GrassDB} \"ALTER TABLE wise ADD d${n} REAL\"\n",
" sqlite3 ${GrassDB} \"ALTER TABLE wise ADD a${n} REAL\"\n",
" sqlite3 ${GrassDB} \"UPDATE wise SET d${n}=(SELECT DEPT_${n} FROM yDEPT WHERE yDEPT.SNUM=wise.value)\"\n",
" sqlite3 ${GrassDB} \"UPDATE wise SET a${n}=(SELECT AREA${n} FROM yDEPT WHERE yDEPT.SNUM=wise.value)\"\n",
" --overwrite --quiet input=wise output=d${n} use=attr type=area attribute_column=d${n}\n",
" --overwrite --quiet input=wise output=a${n} use=attr type=area attribute_column=a${n}\n",
" r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"d${n} = if(isnull(d${n}), 0, d${n})\" \n",
" r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"a${n} = if(isnull(a${n}), 0, a${n})\"\n",
" r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"d${n} = if(d${n} < 0, 0, d${n})\"\n",
" r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"a${n} = if(a${n} < 0, 0, a${n})\"\n",
"## weighted mean; min/max\n",
"r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"wise_coverage = a1 + a2 + a3\"\n",
"r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"wise_depth = (d1*a1 + d2*a2 + d3*a3) / (a1 + a2 + a3)\"\n",
"r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"wise_coverage = if(wise_coverage == 0, null(), wise_coverage)\"\n",
"r.mapcalc --overwrite --quiet \"wise_depth = if(wise_depth == 0, null(), wise_depth)\"\n",
"## deleting old files\n",
"g.remove -f type=vect name=wise,yDEPT\n"
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"## Exporting"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 18,
"metadata": {
"collapsed": false,
"slideshow": {
"slide_type": "slide"
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Starting GRASS GIS...\n",
" __________ ___ __________ _______________\n",
" / ____/ __ \\/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/\n",
" / / __/ /_/ / /| | \\__ \\\\_ \\ / / __ / / \\__ \\\n",
" / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ /\n",
" \\____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \\____/___//____/\n",
"Welcome to GRASS GIS 7.2.1\n",
"GRASS GIS homepage:\n",
"This version running through: Bash Shell (/bin/bash)\n",
"Help is available with the command: g.manual -i\n",
"See the licence terms with: g.version -c\n",
"See citation options with: g.version -x\n",
"Start the GUI with: g.gui wxpython\n",
"When ready to quit enter: exit\n",
"Adding raster map <wise_coverage@work> to group\n",
"Adding raster map <wise_depth@work> to group\n",
"ERROR 6: SetColorTable() only supported for Byte or UInt16 bands in TIFF format.\n",
"ERROR 6: SetColorTable() can only be called on band 1.\n",
"Warning 1: Metadata exceeding 32000 bytes cannot be written into GeoTIFF. Transferred to PAM instead.\n",
"Removing imagery group <soildepth>\n",
"Cleaning up temporary files...\n",
"Goodbye from GRASS GIS\n",
"source": [
"grass72 ~/Grass/wise/work\n",
"OUTPUTDIR=$(g.gisenv GISDBASE)\n",
" group=soildepth input=wise_coverage,wise_depth\n",
"r.out.gdal --overwrite --quiet input=soildepth output=${OUTPUTDIR}/wise_soildepth.tif\n",
"g.remove -f type=group name=soildepth"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
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"outputs": [],
"source": []
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Display the rendered blob
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