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Created April 6, 2011 09:47
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First try with NancyFx and SisoDb - form insert and list product names
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Linq;
using SisoDb;
/// <summary>
/// Requires the NuGet packages Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet and SisoDb
/// and a local Database in .\Sqlexpress called sisodemo
/// </summary>
public class NancyStart : Nancy.NancyModule
public class Product
public Guid SisoId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Product(string name)
this.Name = name;
public static SisoDb.ISisoDatabase db;
public static string InsertProduct(string name)
var retval = "";
using (var uow = db.CreateUnitOfWork())
var p = new Product(name);
retval = "<p>Insert success, new product <strong>" + p.Name + "</strong>, new id : " + p.SisoId.ToString() + "</p>";
return retval;
string htmlListProductNames()
IEnumerable<Product> products;
var retval = "";
using (var uow = db.CreateUnitOfWork())
products = uow.GetAll<Product>();
retval = "<ul>";
foreach (var p in products)
retval += "<li>" + p.Name + "</li>\n";
retval += "</ul>";
return retval;
string htmlForm = @"
<form method=""Post"">
<input type=""text"" name=""name"" id=""name""/>
<input type=""submit""/>
public NancyStart()
if (db == null)
var cnInfo = new SisoConnectionInfo(
@"sisodb:provider=Sql2008||plain:Data source=.\sqlexpress;
Initial catalog=sisodemo;Integrated security=SSPI;");
db = new SisoDbFactory().CreateDatabase(cnInfo);
Get["/"] = x =>
return htmlForm + htmlListProductNames();
Post["/"] = x =>
var htmlResult = InsertProduct(Context.Request.Form["name"]);
return htmlResult + htmlForm + htmlListProductNames();
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
<add verb="*" type="Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyHttpRequestHandler" path="*"/>
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"/>
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<add name="Nancy" verb="*" type="Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet.NancyHttpRequestHandler" path="*"/>
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joeriks commented Apr 6, 2011

Besides adding the database to your .\Sqlexpress, here's a beginners video to show how to get the solution up and running in Visual Studio + getting the Nugets: Video

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