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Last active February 9, 2018 18:00
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Create a new client context with logic to handle service throttling.
function New-ClientContextWithRetry
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "CredentialComponents")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "SharePointOnlineCredential")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "CredentialComponents")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "CredentialComponents")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName = "SharePointOnlineCredential")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "CredentialComponents")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "SharePointOnlineCredential")]
[int]$Delay = 10,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "CredentialComponents")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName = "SharePointOnlineCredential")]
[int]$RetryAttempts = 5
$executions = 1
$clientContext = $null
$clientContext = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($ContextUrl)
if( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "CredentialComponents" )
$clientContext.Credentials = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($UserName, $SecurePassword)
$clientContext.Credentials = $SharePointOnlineCredential
return $clientContext
catch [System.Net.WebException]
$response = $_.Exception.Response -as [System.Net.HttpWebResponse]
$statusCode = [int]$response.StatusCode
Write-Verbose "Full Exception Details: $($_.Exception)"
Write-Verbose "Status Code: $statusCode"
# 429 and 503 are throttling exceptions.
if( $response -and ($statusCode -eq 429 -or $statusCode -eq 503) )
Write-Warning -Message "Execution attempt $executions was throttled, trying again in $Delay seconds."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Delay
# seeing erroneous 403 exceptions that require a retry
elseif( $response -and $statusCode -eq 403 )
Write-Warning -Message "Execution attempt $executions was forbidden, trying again in $Delay seconds."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Delay
elseif( $response -and $statusCode -eq 404 )
Write-Warning -Message "A site with the URL $($ContextUrl) was not found in the tenant."
return $null
Write-Error -Message "An error occurred connecting to $($ContextUrl). Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
return $null
Write-Verbose "Full Exception Details: $($_.Exception)"
if( $_.Exception.Message -match "Access to this Web site has been blocked")
Write-Warning -Message "Cannot contact site at the specified URL $ContextUrl. Access to this Web site has been blocked."
return $null
Write-Error -Message "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) - Unexpected execution exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
return $null
while( $executions -le $RetryAttempts )
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