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Created March 5, 2019 10:45
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Tidy wrappers for the rcarbon package
# tidy_rcarbon.R
# Tidy wrappers for the rcarbon package
#' Calibrate radiocarbon dates with tidy syntax
#' A thin wrapper of [rcarbon::calibrate()] that returns calibrated dates as a
#' single list rather than a `CalDates`` object. Useful, for example, if you want
#' to add a column of calibrated dates to an existing table with [dplyr::mutate()]
#' @param cra A vector of uncalibrated radiocarbon ages.
#' @param error A vector of standard errors associated with `cra`
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to [rcarbon::calibrate()]
#' @return A list of `calGrid` objects. See [rcarbon::calibrate()] for details.
#' @export
#' @note
#' This function only supports the 'grid' method of representing calibrated
#' dates (i.e. `calMatrix` is always set to `FALSE`) and the metadata usually
#' returned by [rcarbon::calibrate()] is discarded.
#' @examples
#' library("tidyverse")
#' data("emedyd")
#' emedyd %>%
#' mutate(CalDate = cal(CRA, Error, normalise = FALSE)) ->
#' emedyd
cal <- function(cra, error, ...) {
CalDates <- rcarbon::calibrate(cra, error, calMatrix = FALSE, ...)
#' Sum radiocarbon dates with tidy syntax
#' A wrapper for [rcarbon::spd()] that takes a list of calibrated dates rather
#' than a `CalDates` object. This allows you to use the output of [cal()] and
#' take advantage of tidy summary syntax ([dplyr::group_by](), etc.)
#' @param cal_dates A list of `calGrid` objects.
#' @param time_range Vector of length 2 indicating the range of calendar dates
#' over which to sum. If `NULL`, the maximum range of the
#' `cal_dates` will be used.
#' @param ... Optional arguments to be passed to [rcarbon::spd()]
#' @return A `calGrid` object containing the summed probability distribution.
#' @export
#' @note
#' Unlike [rcarbon::spd()], this function will attempt to guess the time range
#' if it isn't specified. It's probably a good idea to specify it.
#' @examples
#' library("tidyverse")
#' data("emedyd")
#' emedyd %>%
#' mutate(CalDate = cal(CRA, Error, normalise = FALSE)) ->
#' emedyd
#' emedyd %>%
#' group_by(SiteName) %>%
#' summarise(SPD = sum_radiocarbon(CalDate, spdnormalised = TRUE)) ->
#' emedyd_summed
sum_radiocarbon <- function(cal_dates, time_range = NULL, ...) {
metadata <- purrr::map_df(cal_dates, ~list(StartBP = max(.$calBP),
EndBP = min(.$calBP)))
if(is.null(time_range)) {
time_range <- c(max(metadata$StartBP), min(metadata$EndBP))
CalDates <- list(metadata = metadata,
grids = cal_dates,
calMatrix = NA)
class(CalDates) <- c("CalDates", "list")
summed <- rcarbon::spd(CalDates, timeRange = time_range, ...)
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steko commented Mar 5, 2019


Linking the tweet here: since it contains some nice examples

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