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Created January 14, 2022 06:12
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Save joesan/59d36606f0529af148000d54202eb370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
/* The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or
* her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.
* You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
* In no way are the patent or trademark rights of any person affected by CC0, nor are the rights that other persons may
* have in the work or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
* Unless expressly stated otherwise, the person who associated a work with this deed makes no warranties about the work,
* and disclaims liability for all uses of the work, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
* When using or citing the work, you should not imply endorsement by the author or the affirmer.
* The full legal text is here: */
import Settings._
cancelable := true
// Adadpt this to your needs
developers := List(
// define the statements initially evaluated when entering 'console', 'console-quick', but not 'console-project'
initialCommands in console := """
javacOptions ++= Seq(
"-source", "1.8",
"-target", "1.8",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.1.0" % Test withSources(),
"junit" % "junit" % "4.12" % Test
Global / onChangedBuildSource := ReloadOnSourceChanges
licenses += ("CC0", url(""))
logBuffered in Test := false
logLevel := Level.Warn
// Only show warnings and errors on the screen for compilations.
// This applies to both test:compile and compile and is Info by default
logLevel in compile := Level.Warn
// Level.INFO is needed to see detailed output when running tests
logLevel in test := Level.Info
name := "sbt-template" // TODO provide a short yet descriptive name
organization := "" // TODO provide your organization's information
resolvers ++= Seq(
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
"-deprecation", // Emit warning and location for usages of deprecated APIs.
"-encoding", "utf-8", // Specify character encoding used by source files.
"-explaintypes", // Explain type errors in more detail.
"-feature", // Emit warning and location for usages of features that should be imported explicitly.
"-language:existentials", // Existential types (besides wildcard types) can be written and inferred
"-language:experimental.macros", // Allow macro definition (besides implementation and application)
"-language:higherKinds", // Allow higher-kinded types
"-language:implicitConversions", // Allow definition of implicit functions called views
"-unchecked", // Enable additional warnings where generated code depends on assumptions.
"-Xcheckinit", // Wrap field accessors to throw an exception on uninitialized access.
"-Xlint:adapted-args", // Warn if an argument list is modified to match the receiver.
"-Xlint:constant", // Evaluation of a constant arithmetic expression results in an error.
"-Xlint:delayedinit-select", // Selecting member of DelayedInit.
"-Xlint:doc-detached", // A Scaladoc comment appears to be detached from its element.
"-Xlint:inaccessible", // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
"-Xlint:infer-any", // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
"-Xlint:missing-interpolator", // A string literal appears to be missing an interpolator id.
"-Xlint:nullary-override", // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
"-Xlint:nullary-unit", // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
"-Xlint:option-implicit", // Option.apply used implicit view.
"-Xlint:package-object-classes", // Class or object defined in package object.
"-Xlint:poly-implicit-overload", // Parameterized overloaded implicit methods are not visible as view bounds.
"-Xlint:private-shadow", // A private field (or class parameter) shadows a superclass field.
"-Xlint:stars-align", // Pattern sequence wildcard must align with sequence component.
"-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow", // A local type parameter shadows a type already in scope.
scalacOptions ++=
scalaVersion {
case sv if sv.startsWith("2.13") => List(
case sv if sv.startsWith("2.12") => List(
"-Yno-adapted-args", // Do not adapt an argument list (either by inserting () or creating a tuple) to match the receiver.
"-Ypartial-unification", // Enable partial unification in type constructor inference
"-Ywarn-extra-implicit", // Warn when more than one implicit parameter section is defined.
"-Ywarn-inaccessible", // Warn about inaccessible types in method signatures.
"-Ywarn-infer-any", // Warn when a type argument is inferred to be `Any`.
"-Ywarn-nullary-override", // Warn when non-nullary `def f()' overrides nullary `def f'.
"-Ywarn-nullary-unit", // Warn when nullary methods return Unit.
"-Ywarn-numeric-widen" // Warn when numerics are widened.
case _ => Nil
// The REPL can’t cope with -Ywarn-unused:imports or -Xfatal-warnings so turn them off for the console
scalacOptions in (Compile, console) --= Seq("-Ywarn-unused:imports", "-Xfatal-warnings")
scalacOptions in (Compile, doc) ++= {
bd: File => Seq[String](
"-sourcepath", bd.getAbsolutePath, // todo replace my-new-project with the github project name
"-doc-source-url", s"$gitHubId/my-new-project/tree/master€{FILE_PATH}.scala"
//scalaVersion := "2.12.11" // comment this line to use Scala 2.13
scalaVersion := "2.13.3" // comment this line to use Scala 2.12
scmInfo := Some(
version := "0.1.0"
watchTriggeredMessage in ThisBuild := Watch.clearScreenOnTrigger
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