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Last active January 5, 2017 15:16
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Akka Flow Serial Actor Example
import{Actor, ActorRef, Props, Terminated}
import akka.util.ByteString
import ch.jodersky.flow.Serial
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import my.samples.deviceManager.DeviceWatcherActor.InitializeSerialPort
class DeviceExplorerActor(serialActorRef: ActorRef)
extends Actor with LazyLogging {
def receive: Receive = {
case InitializeSerialPort(serialPort, serialSettings) =>
serialActorRef ! Serial.Open(serialPort, serialSettings)
case Serial.CommandFailed(cmd, reason) =>
logger.error(s"Connection failed, stopping terminal. Reason: $reason")
//context stop self
case Serial.Opened(port) =>"Port $port is now open.")
context become opened(sender)
//context watch sender // get notified in the event the operator crashes
def opened(operator: ActorRef): Receive = {
case Serial.Received(data) =>"Received data: " + data)
case Serial.Closed =>"Operator closed normally, exiting terminal.")
context stop self
case Terminated(`operator`) =>
logger.error("Operator crashed unexpectedly, exiting terminal.")
context stop self
case ":q" =>
operator ! Serial.Close
case str: String =>
operator ! Serial.Write(ByteString(str))
object DeviceExplorerActor {
def props(serialActorRef: ActorRef) =
Props(new DeviceExplorerActor(serialActorRef))
import{Actor, ActorRef, Kill, Props}
import ch.jodersky.flow.{Serial, SerialSettings}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import my.samples.deviceManager.DeviceWatcherActor.{InitializeSerialPort, Terminate}
class DeviceWatcherActor(portSettings: Map[String, SerialSettings], serialActorRef: ActorRef)
extends Actor with LazyLogging {
val ports = portSettings.keys.toSeq
val portActorRef = => port -> context.actorOf(DeviceExplorerActor.props(serialActorRef))).toMap
override def preStart() = {
val cmd = Serial.Watch()
serialActorRef ! Serial.Watch()"Watching ${} for new devices.")
override def receive: Receive = {
case Terminate =>
portActorRef.values.toSeq.foreach(actorRef => actorRef ! ":q")
context stop self
case Serial.CommandFailed(w: Serial.Watch, err) =>
logger.error(s"Could not get a watch on ${}.", err)
self ! Kill // TODO: catch the ActorKilledException in the parent
case Serial.Connected(path) =>"New device: $path")
val found: Option[(String, SerialSettings)] = portSettings.find(_._1.matches(path))
found match {
case Some((port, serialSettings)) =>"Device is a serial device.")
portActorRef(port) ! InitializeSerialPort(port, serialSettings)
case None =>
logger.warn(s"Device is NOT serial device.")
object DeviceWatcherActor {
def props(portSettings: Map[String, SerialSettings], serialActorRef: ActorRef) =
Props(new DeviceWatcherActor(portSettings, serialActorRef))
case object Terminate
case class InitializeSerialPort(port: String, serialSettings: SerialSettings)
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jodersky commented Jan 5, 2017

I don't think that the serialActorRef parameter is required here (from a quick, superficial overview). You can simply use IO(Serial) instead. This uses the Akka extension mechanism to provide you with the same single actor instance, regardless of the number of invocations.

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