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Last active April 6, 2016 01:22
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package com
import scala.annotation.tailrec
package object joescii {
def isPalindrome(s:String):Boolean =
if(s.length <= 1) true
else if(s.head == s.last) isPalindrome(s.drop(1).dropRight(1))
else false
package com.joescii
import org.scalacheck._
import Gen._
import Prop._
object PalindromeChecks extends Properties("palindrome") {
val randBoolean:Gen[Boolean] = for {
b <- choose(0,1)
} yield {
b == 0
val randPalindrome:Gen[String] = for {
s <- alphaStr
odd <- randBoolean
} yield {
if(s.length <= 1) s
else if(odd) s + s.reverse.drop(1)
else s + s.reverse
val randNonPalindrome:Gen[String] = for {
s <- alphaStr if s.length > 0
c <- alphaChar if s.head != c
} yield {
s + c
property("isPalindrome() should be true for all palindromes") = forAll(randPalindrome) { p =>
property("isPalindrome() should be false for all non-palindromes") = forAll(randNonPalindrome) { p =>
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Should be able to use Arbitrary.arbBool rather than defining your own randBoolean.

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