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Last active December 11, 2019 01:31
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  • Save joesepi/74099e6b1e2aec22bae83dafe8ba1097 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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IBM Quicklabs @ Node + JS Interactive 2019 SETUP

Laptop needs admin access and needs a password. If there is admin access and no password, create a new user with a password and admin privileges. It's also best to add the password to the screensaver.

  1. Install Homebrew - /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Create .profile: touch ~/.profile
  3. Install nvm - curl -o- | bash
  4. Source new .profile - source .profile
  5. Install Node.js nvm install node
  6. Install Loopback - npm install -g @loopback/cli
  7. Install Docker for Mac -
  8. Start Docker and once it is started, open preferences from menu and Enable Kubernetes
  9. Install Appsody - brew install appsody/appsody/appsody
  10. Add wipe command to .profile - echo 'alias wipe="cd ~ && rm -rf workspace && mkdir workspace && cd workspace && clear"' >> ~/.profile
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