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Created February 6, 2023 16:58
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a script for cleaning up the bloat included in the @pulumi/azure-native package (see
// workaround script to keep TypeScript from crashing in VSCode
// since Pulumi has too big of a package
// run this script after installing NPM packages for infrastructure
// originally created by Ankvi:
import { readdir, rm, writeFile, readFile } from "fs/promises";
import { join } from 'path';
const rootFolder = join(__dirname,'../node_modules/@pulumi/azure-native');
const enumsFolder = join(rootFolder,'types/enums');
const modulesToKeep = [
// foundational modules - do not remove
// Azure feature modules - include only what you need
// see this list for all available options:
"resources", // for Resource Groups
"keyvault", // for Azure Key Vault secret management
"web" // for Azure Static Web App
const toolName = '@pulumi/azure-native cleanup tool';
const stubContent = 'Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });';
async function isStub(path: string) {
const contents = await readdir(path);
if (contents.length !== 1 || contents[0] !== 'index.js') {
return false;
const indexContents = await readFile(join(path, 'index.js'));
return indexContents.toString() === stubContent;
async function getPreviousVersionFolders(path: string) {
const moduleFolders = await getFolderNames(path);
return moduleFolders
.filter(x => {
const match = x.match(/v\d{8}(?:preview)?$/);
return match && match.length === 1;
.map(x => join(path, x));
async function getFolderNames(path: string) {
const dirents = await readdir(path, {
withFileTypes: true
return dirents
.filter(x => x.isDirectory())
.map(x =>;
async function getFolders(rootPath: string) {
const modules = await getFolderNames(rootPath);
const foldersPromises = (module) => {
let folders: string[];
const moduleFolderPath = join(rootPath, module);
if (modulesToKeep.includes(module)) {
folders = await getPreviousVersionFolders(moduleFolderPath);
} else {
folders = [moduleFolderPath];
// remove stub folders (already cleaned up)
const nonStubFolders: string[] = [];
for(let folder of folders) {
const isStubFolder = await isStub(folder);
if (!isStubFolder) {
return nonStubFolders;
const moduleFolders = await Promise.all(foldersPromises);
return moduleFolders.flat();
async function getFoldersToClean() {
const getFoldersPromises = [rootFolder, enumsFolder].map(getFolders);
const folders = await Promise.all(getFoldersPromises);
return folders.flat();
export async function cleanFoldersAsync() {
const folders = await getFoldersToClean();
if (!folders.length) {`${toolName}: No folders to clean up. :)`);
const removeTasks = await Promise.all( folder => {
const files = await readdir(folder, {
withFileTypes: true
return => {
const path = join(folder,;`${toolName}: cleaning up ${path}...`);
return rm(path, {
recursive: true,
force: true
const removeTasksFlattened = removeTasks.flat();
await Promise.all(removeTasksFlattened);
await Promise.all( folder => {
const newIndexFile = join(folder, "index.js");
await writeFile(newIndexFile, stubContent);
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