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Created May 15, 2012 03:59
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Index: lib/sbt-launch.jar
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Index: project/plugins/Plugins.scala
--- project/plugins/Plugins.scala (revision 1338516)
+++ project/plugins/Plugins.scala (working copy)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import sbt._
-class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
- val repo = "GH-pages repo" at ""
- val idea = "com.github.mpeltonen" % "sbt-idea-plugin" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
Index: project/Build.scala
--- project/Build.scala (revision 0)
+++ project/Build.scala (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import sbt._
+import Keys._
+import xml.NodeSeq
+object BuildSettings {
+ val exclusions = Seq("javax", "jmxri", "jmxtools", "mail", "jms")
+ val ivyExclude = <dependencies>{ ( e => <exclude module={e}/>)}</dependencies>
+ val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq (
+ organization := "kafka",
+ version := "0.7",
+ crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.8.1", "2.9.1"),
+ ivyXML := ivyExclude
+ )
+ def buildPomExtra(pom: NodeSeq, name: String, desc: String) = {
+ pom ++ Seq(
+ <name>
+ {name}
+ </name>,
+ <description>
+ {desc}
+ </description>,
+ <url></url>,
+ <licenses>
+ <license>
+ <name>Apache</name>
+ <url></url>
+ <distribution>repo</distribution>
+ </license>
+ </licenses>,
+ <scm>
+ <url></url>
+ <connection>scm:svn:</connection>
+ <developerConnection>scm:svn:</developerConnection>
+ <connection>scm:git:git://</connection>
+ </scm>,
+ <developers>
+ <developer>
+ <id>jkreps</id>
+ <name>Jay Kreps</name>
+ <url></url>
+ </developer>
+ <developer>
+ <id>junrao</id>
+ <name>Jun Rao</name>
+ <url></url>
+ </developer>
+ <developer>
+ <id>nehanarkhede</id>
+ <name>Joshua Hartman</name>
+ <url></url>
+ </developer>
+ </developers>
+ )
+ }
+object Resolvers {
+ val oracleRepo = "Oracle Maven 2 Repository" at ""
+ val jBossRepo = "JBoss Maven 2 Repository" at ""
+ val kafkaResolvers = Seq(oracleRepo, jBossRepo)
+object CoreDependencies {
+// TODO jhartman: When sbt 0.11.1 is ready, we can use the following code instead of ivy xml
+// val exclusions = Seq("javax", "jmxri", "jmxtools", "mail", "jms") map (n => ExclusionRule(name = n))
+// val log4j = ("log4j" % "log4j" % "1.2.15") excludeAll (exclusions :_*)
+ val zkClient = ("com.github.sgroschupf" % "zkclient" % "0.1")
+ val log4j = ("log4j" % "log4j" % "1.2.15")
+ val jopt = "net.sf.jopt-simple" % "jopt-simple" % "3.2"
+ val deps = Seq(log4j, jopt, zkClient)
+object HadoopProducerDependencies {
+ val avro = "org.apache.avro" % "avro" % "1.4.1"
+ val jacksonCore = "org.codehaus.jackson" % "jackson-core-asl" % "1.5.5"
+ val jacksonMapper = "org.codehaus.jackson" % "jackson-mapper-asl" % "1.5.5"
+ val deps = Seq(avro, jacksonCore, jacksonMapper)
+object HadoopConsumerDependencies {
+ val jodaTime = "joda-time" % "joda-time" % "1.6"
+ val httpclient = "commons-httpclient" % "commons-httpclient" % "3.1"
+ val deps = Seq(jodaTime, httpclient)
+object TestDependencies {
+ val easymock = "org.easymock" % "easymock" % "3.0" % "test"
+ val junit = "junit" % "junit" % "4.1" % "test"
+ val scalaTest = "org.scalatest" % "scalatest" % "1.2" % "test"
+ val deps = Seq(easymock, junit, scalaTest)
+object CompressionDependencies {
+ val snappy = ("org.xerial.snappy" % "snappy-java" % "" )
+ val deps = Seq(snappy)
+object KafkaBuild extends Build {
+ import BuildSettings._
+ lazy val core = Project("core", file("core"),
+ settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
+ libraryDependencies ++= CoreDependencies.deps ++ TestDependencies.deps ++ CompressionDependencies.deps,
+ resolvers := Resolvers.kafkaResolvers
+ )
+ )
+ lazy val examples = Project("examples", file("examples"),
+ settings = buildSettings
+ ) dependsOn (core)
+ lazy val perf = Project("perf", file("perf"),
+ settings = buildSettings
+ ) dependsOn (core)
+ lazy val hadoopProducer = Project("hadoop-producer", file("hadoop-producer"),
+ settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
+ libraryDependencies ++= HadoopProducerDependencies.deps
+ )
+ ) dependsOn (core)
+ lazy val hadoopConsumer = Project("hadoop-consumer", file("hadoop-consumer"),
+ settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
+ libraryDependencies ++= HadoopConsumerDependencies.deps
+ )
+ ) dependsOn (core)
+ lazy val contrib = Project("contrib", file("contrib"), settings = buildSettings) aggregate(hadoopConsumer, hadoopProducer)
+ lazy val root = Project("root", file("."),
+ settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
+ pomExtra <<= (pomExtra, name, description) { buildPomExtra }
+ )) aggregate(core, examples, perf, contrib)
+ lazy val full = Project(
+ id = "kafka",
+ base = file("full"),
+ settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(
+ description := "Includes all of kafka project in one",
+ libraryDependencies ++= CoreDependencies.deps ++ TestDependencies.deps ++ CompressionDependencies.deps ++ HadoopProducerDependencies.deps ++ HadoopConsumerDependencies.deps,
+ (unmanagedJars in Compile) <<= ( in Compile in _).join).map(_.flatten),
+ (unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile) <<= in Compile in _).join.apply(_.flatten),
+ (managedSourceDirectories in Compile) <<= in Compile in _).join.apply(_.flatten),
+ pomExtra <<= (pomExtra, name, description) { buildPomExtra }
+ )
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
Index: project/
--- project/ (revision 1338516)
+++ project/ (working copy)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#Project properties
#Mon Feb 28 11:55:49 PST 2011
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