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Last active December 16, 2019 19:26
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  • Save joevandyk/031cf5812bd656887623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joevandyk/031cf5812bd656887623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- Coupons can be associated with one or more products.
-- Doing a join can be very slow on large datasets, especially
-- if the data distribution is sorta weird.
-- (Lots of data is fetched from both tables, and the join filters out the majority
-- of those rows)
-- In this example, we only care about coupons where the user_id is null.
-- shows a trigger that can automatically denormalize the join table.
create table coupons (coupon_id serial primary key, user_id integer);
create table coupons_products(coupon_id integer references coupons, product_id integer, primary key (coupon_id, product_id));
-- insert data
insert into coupons (user_id) select * from generate_series(1, 1000000);
insert into coupons (user_id) select null from generate_series(1, 1000000);
insert into coupons_products select i, 1000 from generate_series(1, 500000)i;
insert into coupons_products select 1500000, 1000; -- the matching row in the test queries.
-- Create the indexes...
create index on coupons(coupon_id) where user_id is null;
create index on coupons_products(product_id, coupon_id);
-- Let's add an array of product_ids to the coupons
alter table coupons add column product_ids integer[];
-- and let's populate it.
with info as (select coupon_id, array_agg(product_id) product_ids from coupons_products group by coupon_id)
update coupons
set product_ids = info.product_ids
from info where info.coupon_id = coupons.coupon_id;
-- Create the index on coupons.product_ids[]
create index on coupons using gin(product_ids) where user_id is null;
analyze coupons;
analyze coupons_products;
-- Grabbing coupons with a product_id of 1000 with no user_id set.
-- Very slow, gets slower as data grows.
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons join coupons_products using (coupon_id) where coupons.user_id is null and product_id = 1000 group by coupon_id;
explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons join coupons_products using (coupon_id) where coupons.user_id is null and product_id = 1000 group by coupon_id;
-- Again grabbing coupons with a product_id of 1000 with no user_id set.
-- Using the array columns this time.
-- 0.025ms! Doesn't increase in time as test result grows
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons where coupons.user_id is null and product_ids @> array[1000];
explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons where coupons.user_id is null and product_ids @> array[1000];
Bitmap Heap Scan on coupons (cost=2473.31..18588.79 rows=247878 width=4) (actual time=0.005..0.006 rows=1 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: ((product_ids @> '{1000}'::integer[]) AND (user_id IS NULL))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on coupons_product_ids_idx (cost=0.00..2411.34 rows=247878 width=0) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (product_ids @> '{1000}'::integer[])
Total runtime: 0.021 ms
Group (cost=91112.70..92365.12 rows=250484 width=4) (actual time=1641.954..1641.954 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=91112.70..91738.91 rows=250484 width=4) (actual time=1641.950..1641.950 rows=1 loops=1)
Sort Key: coupons.coupon_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB
-> Hash Join (cost=22387.19..65224.85 rows=250484 width=4) (actual time=1479.589..1641.938 rows=1 loops=1)
Hash Cond: (coupons.coupon_id = coupons_products.coupon_id)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on coupons (cost=5720.16..28756.49 rows=1001933 width=4) (actual time=540.234..763.079 rows=1000000 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: (user_id IS NULL)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on coupons_product_ids_idx (cost=0.00..5469.68 rows=1001933 width=0) (actual time=539.499..539.499 rows=1000000 loops=1)
-> Hash (cost=8463.01..8463.01 rows=500001 width=4) (actual time=244.732..244.732 rows=500001 loops=1)
Buckets: 4096 Batches: 32 Memory Usage: 561kB
-> Seq Scan on coupons_products (cost=0.00..8463.01 rows=500001 width=4) (actual time=0.016..124.053 rows=500001 loops=1)
Filter: (product_id = 1000)
Total runtime: 1642.055 ms
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MichaelBuen commented Jul 5, 2016

Joining is slow on junction table:

explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons join coupons_products using (coupon_id) where coupons.user_id is null and product_id = 1000 group by coupon_id;

Planning time: 0.931 ms
Execution time: 676.687 ms

Try to query against another query:

explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons 
where coupons.user_id is null 
    and coupons.coupon_id in (select cp.coupon_id from coupons_products cp where cp.product_id = 100);

Planning time: 0.769 ms
Execution time: 0.075 ms

The above has same performance with array approach:

explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons where coupons.user_id is null and product_ids @> array[1000];

Planning time: 0.211 ms
Execution time: 0.075 ms

Array query and junction table query(no-join) has same performance, 0.075 ms. The advantage of array query is its planning takes less time. 0.211 ms vs 0.769 ms.

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select coupons.coupon_id from coupons join coupons_products using (coupon_id) where coupons.user_id is null and product_id = 1000 group by coupon_id;

 Planning time: 0.831 ms
 Execution time: 203.895 ms
(11 records)
explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons 
where coupons.user_id is null 
    and coupons.coupon_id in (select cp.coupon_id from coupons_products cp where cp.product_id = 1000);

 Planning time: 1.157 ms
 Execution time: 166.481 ms
(9 records)
explain analyze
select coupons.coupon_id from coupons where coupons.user_id is null and product_ids @> array[1000];

 Planning time: 0.530 ms
 Execution time: 0.288 ms
(7 records)

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