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Last active October 28, 2021 23:29
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Filecoin vanilla block inspector
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Chain Height</title>
<link href="^2/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
Make sure your Docker daemon is running
then do: `docker run -e TEXLOTUSDEVNET_SPEED=10000 -p 7777:7777 textile/lotus-devnet` to start the Textile devnet
open this file in Chrome or the like and walllla! click around etc... Or hack away to make something more interesting
<h1>Chain Height: <span id="chainHeight">Loading...</span></h1>
<h3>latency: <span id="latency">Loading...</span></h3>
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4 mt-8">
<div class="overflow-y-scroll">
<pre id="block">select a block to inspect</pre>
<div class="overflow-y-scroll">
<pre id="blocks">Loading...</pre>
<script type="module">
// Import ES modules from the npm packages via the CDN
import { mainnet } from ''
import { BrowserProvider } from ''
import { LotusRPC } from ''
// Public endpoint for demos
const endpointUrl = 'ws://'
// To connect to your local Lotus node, try using:
// const endpointUrl = 'ws://localhost:1234/rpc/v0'
// Instantiate a provider for the endpoint -- wraps the http and
// websockets transports for use in a web browser
const provider = new BrowserProvider(endpointUrl)
// Create a client object with callable methods using a schema and
// our provider. Calling methods on this object will send JSON-RPC
// requests over the websocket.
const client = new LotusRPC(provider, { schema: mainnet.fullNode })
const parents = [];
// Using the client and the "ChainHead" method, every second,
// retrieve the chain height and update the web page
async function run () {
const chainHeightEl = document.getElementById('chainHeight')
const latencyEl = document.getElementById('latency')
try {
while (true) {
const start =;
const { Height: height, Blocks: blocks } = await client.chainHead();
const end =;
chainHeightEl.textContent = height
latencyEl.textContent = end - start;
parent = blocks[0].Parents[0]['/'];
await new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000) })
} catch (err) {
chainHeightEl.textContent = err.message
const setBlock = function (block, cid) {
const blockEl = document.getElementById('block');
let content = '';
if (cid) {
content += ('cid: ' + cid + '\n');
content += JSON.stringify(block, null, 4);
blockEl.textContent = content;
window.showBlock = async function (cid) {
try {
const block = await client.chainGetBlock({'/': cid});
setBlock(block, cid);
} catch (err) {
setBlock({error: err.message});
const addParent = function (parent) {
if (parents.length > 10) parents.shift();
if (parents.includes(parent)) return;
const parentEl = document.getElementById('blocks');
let html = '<ul>';
for (let i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) {
html += '<li class="cursor-pointer shadow" onclick="showBlock(\'' + parents[i] + '\')">' + parents[i] + '</li>';
html += '</ul>';
parentEl.innerHTML = html;
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