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xquery version "3.1";
let $uri := ""
let $json := fetch:text($uri)
return $json
xquery version "3.1";
let $uri := ""
let $json := fetch:text($uri)
let $xml := fn:json-to-xml($json)
return $xml
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace xf = "";
let $uri := ""
let $json := fetch:text($uri)
let $xml := fn:json-to-xml($json)
let $isbns :=
for $isbn in $xml//xf:array[@key="isbn"]/xf:string/text()
return element isbn {$isbn}
return $isbns
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace xf = "";
declare function local:get-isbn-by-title($book-title as xs:string) as element()* {
let $url := "" || fn:translate($book-title, " ", "+")
let $json := fetch:text($url)
let $isbn-data := fn:json-to-xml($json)
for $isbn in $isbn-data//xf:array[@key="isbn"]/xf:string/text()
return element isbn {$isbn}
let $book := "Digital Humanities"
let $isbns := local:get-isbn-by-title($book)
return $isbns
xquery version "3.1";
declare function local:get-volume-by-isbn($isbn as xs:string) as element()* {
let $url := "" || $isbn || ".json"
let $json := fetch:text($url)
let $volume-data := fn:json-to-xml($json)
for $volume in $volume-data
return element volume {$volume}
let $isbn := "0262018470"
let $volume := local:get-volume-by-isbn($isbn)
return $volume
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace xf = "";
declare function local:get-isbn-by-title($book-title as xs:string) as element()* {
let $url := "" || fn:translate($book-title, " ", "+")
let $json := fetch:text($url)
let $isbn-data := fn:json-to-xml($json)
for $isbn in $isbn-data//xf:array[@key="isbn"]/xf:string/text()
return element isbn {$isbn}
declare function local:get-volume-by-isbn($isbn as xs:string) as element()* {
let $url := "" || $isbn || ".json"
let $json := fetch:text($url)
let $volume-data := fn:json-to-xml($json)
for $volume in $volume-data
return element volume {$volume}
let $book := "Digital Humanities"
let $records := local:get-isbn-by-title($book)
let $volumes :=
for $record in $records
return local:get-volume-by-isbn($record)
return $volumes
xquery version "3.1";
declare namespace xf = "";
declare function local:get-isbn-by-title($book-title as xs:string) as element()* {
let $url := "" || fn:translate($book-title, " ", "+")
let $json := fetch:text($url)
let $isbn-data := fn:json-to-xml($json)
for $isbn in $isbn-data//xf:array[@key="isbn"]/xf:string/text()
return element isbn {$isbn}
declare function local:get-recorduri-by-isbn($isbn as xs:string) as element()* {
let $url := "" || $isbn || ".json"
let $json := fetch:text($url)
let $volume-data := fn:json-to-xml($json)
for $record-uri in $volume-data//xf:string[@key="recordURL"]/text()
return element record_uri {$record-uri}
let $book := "Digital Humanities"
let $records := local:get-isbn-by-title($book)
let $uris :=
for $record in $records
return local:get-recorduri-by-isbn($record)
return $uris
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