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Last active February 5, 2024 14:35
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Convert XQuery maps to CSV (or TSV)
xquery version "3.1";
(: Convert a sequence of XQuery maps into CSV or TSV.
: Each map becomes one row.
: The entries' keys become column headers.
declare variable $local:default-options :=
map {
(: Character to separate cells with :)
"cell-separator": ",",
(: Character to separate rows with :)
"row-separator": "
(: Character to wrap cells whose values contain the cell separator :)
"escape-wrapper": '"',
(: Sort keys alphabetically by header, or leave in implementation-defined order :)
"sort-keys": false()
declare function local:maps-to-csv($maps as map(xs:string, xs:string)*) as xs:string {
local:maps-to-csv($maps, $local:default-options)
declare function local:maps-to-tsv($maps as map(xs:string, xs:string)*) as xs:string {
local:maps-to-csv($maps, map { "cell-separator": "	" })
declare function local:maps-to-csv($maps as map(xs:string, xs:string)*, $custom-options as map(*)) as xs:string {
let $options := map:merge(($custom-options, $local:default-options), map { "duplicates": "use-first" })
let $headers := $maps => for-each(map:keys#1) => distinct-values() => (function($values) { if ($custom-options?sort-keys) then sort($values) else $values })()
let $header-row := $headers => string-join($options?cell-separator)
let $body-rows :=
for $map in $maps
let $cells :=
for $header in $headers
let $cell := map:get($map, $header)
if (empty($cell)) then
else if (contains($cell, $options?cell-separator)) then
$options?escape-wrapper || $cell || $options?escape-wrapper
$cells => string-join($options?cell-separator)
($header-row, $body-rows) => string-join($options?row-separator)
(: The function is forgiving if maps have varying sets of keys or if the cells contain the cell separator character :)
map{ "Title": "The Future of Ideas", "Author": "Lessig, L." },
map{ "Author": "Walls, J.", "Title": "The Glass Castle" },
map{ "City": "Milwaukee", "State": "Wisconsin" }
=> local:maps-to-csv()
Title Author City State
The Future of Ideas Lessig, L.
The Glass Castle Walls, J.
Milwaukee Wisconsin
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