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Created November 21, 2017 18:38
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Enrich dates in mixed content, with XQuery
xquery version "3.1";
(: Turning "December 7, 1941" into <date>December 7, 1941</date> isn't too hard, with XPath 3.0's
fn:analyze-string() function, but if the date string occurs in mixed text, such as:
<p>Pearl Harbor was attacked on <em>December</em> 7, 1941.</p>
and you want to preserve the existing element structure to return:
<p>Pearl Harbor was attacked on <date><em>December</em> 7, 1941</date>.</p>
it's quite a bit more challenging.
This query uses string processing to align the results of fn:string-analyze() with the input's
original node structure.
Caveats: The local:hack() function may result in non-well-formed XML. This isn't guaranteed to
work with all source XML. I think it should work in cases where the date components are wrapped in
"inline" elements, but haven't tested this extensively.
The regex and many functions used here are drawn from @WaxCylinderRevival's date-matching query:
declare boundary-space preserve;
declare function local:month-to-mm($m) {
switch (analyze-string(lower-case($m),'(january|janvier|enero|february|février|fevrier|febrero|march|mart|marzo|april|avril|abril|may|mai|mayo|june|juin|junio|july|juillet|julio|august|août|aout|agosto|september|septembre|septiembre|setiembre|october|octobre|octubre|november|novembre|noviembre|december|décembre|decembre|diciembre)',"i")/fn:match)
case "January"
case "january"
case "janvier"
case "enero" return "01"
case "February"
case "february"
case "février"
case "fevrier"
case "febrero" return "02"
case "March"
case "march"
case "mart"
case "marzo" return "03"
case "April"
case "april"
case "avril"
case "abril" return "04"
case "May"
case "may"
case "mai"
case "mayo" return "05"
case "June"
case "june"
case "juin"
case "junio" return "06"
case "July"
case "july"
case "juillet"
case "julio" return "07"
case "August"
case "august"
case "août"
case "aout"
case "agosto" return "08"
case "September"
case "september"
case "septembre"
case "septiembre"
case "setiembre" return "09"
case "October"
case "october"
case "octobre"
case "octubre" return "10"
case "November"
case "november"
case "novembre"
case "noviembre" return "11"
case "December"
case "december"
case "décembre"
case "decembre"
case "diciembre" return "12"
default return "error"
declare function local:enrich-matches($nodes, $enrich as function(*)) {
for $node in $nodes
typeswitch ( $node )
case element(fn:non-match) return $node/string()
case element(fn:match) return $enrich($node)
case element() return local:enrich-matches($node/node(), $enrich)
default return
declare function local:analyze-text($text, $patterns) {
if (exists($patterns)) then
let $pattern := head($patterns)
let $analysis := analyze-string($text, $pattern?regex)
if ($analysis/fn:match) then
local:enrich-matches($analysis, $pattern?enrich-match)
local:analyze-text($text, tail($patterns))
declare function local:analyze($nodes, $text-patterns) {
for $node in $nodes
typeswitch ( $node )
case text() return
local:analyze-text($node, $text-patterns)
case element() return
element { node-name($node) } { $node/@*, local:analyze($node/node(), $text-patterns) }
default return
declare variable $local:regex-primitives :=
(: regex primitives :)
map {
"months-en": "(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)",
"day": "(\d{1,2})",
"year": "(\d{4})",
"space": " ",
"comma-space": ", "
declare function local:compile-pattern($components) {
$components?* ! $local:regex-primitives(.)
=> string-join()
declare function local:get-text-node-at-offset($text-nodes, $offset) {
if (count($text-nodes) gt 1) then
let $node := $text-nodes => head()
let $preceding := $node/preceding::text()
let $start-pos := string-length($preceding => string-join())
let $end-pos := $start-pos + string-length($node)
if ($start-pos le $offset and $end-pos ge $offset) then
map { "node": $node, "position": $offset - $start-pos }
local:get-text-node-at-offset($text-nodes => tail(), $offset)
declare function local:insert-milestones($nodes, $milestones) {
for $node in $nodes
typeswitch ($node)
case element() return
let $milestone := $milestones[?node is ($node//text())[1] and ?position eq 1]
if (exists($milestone) and $node/preceding-sibling::node()) then
element { $milestone?name } { () }
element {node-name($node)} {$node/@*, local:insert-milestones($node/node(), $milestones) }
case text() return
let $milestone := $milestones[?node is $node]
if (exists($milestone) and exists($node/preceding-sibling::node())) then
if ($milestone?position gt 1) then
substring($node, 1, $milestone?position - 1)
element { $milestone?name } { () }
if ($milestone?position lt string-length($node)) then
substring($node, $milestone?position)
default return $node
declare function local:process-dates($node, $dates, $pos) {
if (exists($dates)) then
let $date := $dates => head()
let $start := string-length($date/preceding::text() => string-join()) + 1
let $length := string-length($date)
let $end := $start + $length
let $start-node := local:get-text-node-at-offset($node//text(), $start)
let $end-node := local:get-text-node-at-offset($node//text(), $end)
let $milestones := (map:put($start-node, "name", "date-start-" || $pos), map:put($end-node, "name", "date-end-" || $pos))
let $insert-milestones := local:insert-milestones($node, $milestones)
local:process-dates($insert-milestones, $dates => tail(), $pos + 1)
declare function local:hack($serialized, $dates, $pos) {
if (exists($dates)) then
let $date := $dates => head()
let $processed :=
=> replace("<date-start-" || $pos || "/>", '<date when="' || $date/@when || '">')
=> replace("<date-end-" || $pos || "/>", "</date>")
local:hack($processed, $dates => tail(), $pos + 1)
let $patterns :=
map {
"name": "month-day-year",
"regex": ["months-en", "space", "day", "comma-space", "year"] => local:compile-pattern(),
"enrich-match": function($match) {
let $groups := $match/fn:group
let $when :=
$groups[@nr='1'] => local:month-to-mm(),
$groups[@nr='2'] => format-number('00')
=> string-join("-")
<date when="{$when}">{$match/string()}</date>
let $node :=
<em>Pearl Harbor</em> was attacked on <strong><em>December</em></strong> <strong>7</strong>, 1941. My birthday is <birthday>September 29, <year>1976</year></birthday>.
let $simple := local:analyze(element {node-name($node)} {$node/string()}, $patterns)
let $dates := $simple//date
let $processed := local:process-dates($node, $dates, 1)
let $serialized := serialize($processed)
let $hack := local:hack($serialized, $dates, 1)
let $final := $hack => parse-xml()
<em>Pearl Harbor</em> was attacked on <date when="1941-12-07">
</strong> <strong>7</strong>, 1941</date>. My birthday is <date when="1976-09-29">
<birthday>September 29, <year>1976</year>
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