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Principals & Chiefs whose positions ended after a certain date; using XQuery
xquery version "3.0";
(: Displays a list of Principals & Chiefs whose positions ended after a certain date. :)
declare namespace output="";
declare option output:method "html5";
declare option output:media-type "text/html";
let $all-people := collection('/db/cms/apps/principals-chiefs/data/')/person
let $cut-off := '2008-06-01'
let $departures := $all-people//event[@type = ('missionterminated', 'appointmentterminated')][@when ge $cut-off]/ancestor::person
<h1>Principal Officers and Chiefs of Mission whose Appointment or Mission was Terminated After {format-date(xs:date($cut-off), '[MNn] [D], [Y]')}</h1>
<h2>{format-date(current-date(), '[MNn] [D], [Y]')}</h2>
<p>The appointments or missions of {count($departures)} principal officers and chiefs of mission were terminated on or after {format-date(xs:date($cut-off), '[MNn] [D], [Y]')}.</p>
for $person in $departures
let $id := $person/@id
let $name := string-join(($person/persName/surname, $person/persName/forename, $person/persName/genName[. ne '']), ', ')
let $birth := if ($person/birth ne '') then $person/birth/string() else '?'
let $roles :=
for $role in $person/role[event[@type = ('missionterminated', 'appointmentterminated') and @when ge $cut-off]]
let $role-label := collection('/db/cms/apps/principals-chiefs/code-tables/roles/data/')/role[id = $role/@type]/names/singular
let $location := if ($role/@location) then collection('/db/cms/apps/countries/data')/country[iso2 = $role/@location]/label/string() else ()
let $start := $role/event[@type = 'appointed']/@when
let $end := $role/event[@type = ('appointmentterminated', 'missionterminated')][1]/@when
order by $start
', ',
if ($location) then
concat($location, ', ')
(: handle dates like yyyy-mm-dd :)
if (matches($start, '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')) then
format-date(xs:date($start), '[MNn] [D], [Y]')
(: handle dates like yyyy-mm :)
else if (matches($start, '\d{4}-\d{2}')) then
format-date(xs:date(concat($start, '-01')), '[MNn], [Y]')
(: show asterisks for all other dates - unexpected input :)
concat('***', $start, '***'),
(: sometimes empty date entries are intentional :)
if ($start = '' or empty($start)) then
if ($role/note or $end/parent::event/text() ne '') then
' (see note)'
(: handle end dates as above :)
if ($end = '' or empty($end)) then
else if (matches($end, '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')) then
format-date(xs:date($end), '[MNn] [D], [Y]')
else if (matches($end, '\d{4}-\d{2}')) then
format-date(xs:date(concat($end, '-01')), '[MNn], [Y]')
concat('***', $end, '***'),
if ($end = '' or empty($end)) then
if ($role/note or $end/parent::event/text() ne '') then
' (see note)'
'; ')
let $career-type := $person/career/string()
order by $id
<li><a href="{$id}">{$name}</a> ({$career-type}, b. {$birth}): {$roles}.</li>
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